Pa114 Project Development
Pa114 Project Development
Pa114 Project Development
Management in
Today's Time
A project is a temporary unique group activity intended to meet specific
objectives with constraints and requirements in scope, budget, schedule,
resources, performance factors and value designed to meet customer needs.
A project is different from other organizational efforts being undertaken by
most organizations because of the following reasons:
1. It has an established objective
2. it has a defined life span with beginning and an end
3. it requires the involvement of several department and professionals
4. it is doing something that has never been done before
5. it has specific time, budget, resources, performance and value added
A project must come up with an output upon its completion called deliverable, a
deliverable is the measurable and tangible outcome or the result of the completion
of the project or the end of the project's life cycle. It could be in the following
2. Software Deliverable – these are items like reports, studies, handouts and
3. Interim Deliverable – these are items that could be hardware or software and
gradually advances as the project progresses.
Management always makes emphasis on
projects that address the needs and objectives
of the organization. These are five
classifications of projects in the portfolio of
most organizations-compliance, emergency,
mission critical operational and strategic
Project Type Definition Example
Compliance It is a “must” project to meet the Healthcare information protection
new requirements enforced by projects Environmental
management itself and regulating regulations projects
bodies like the government.
Penalties await non-compliance.
Mission critical It is a critical to the mission of the Construction of a data center for
firm. If not accomplished shall an application services provider A
cause immediate and new facility to test products
unacceptable negative impact to
the business.
Project Type Definition Example
Operational Operational project is considered Six sigma products (problem
necessary in order to give full solving tools)
support to the present operations
like delivery systems upgrading
for efficiency, product costs
cutbacks and performance
Strategic It is a project that is vital to New product design
support the long term mission of Development projects
increasing revenue and market
In your own idea, based on the three forms of deliverables
what is the most effective form of deliverable when making a
Specify and explain your answer.
A project life cycle is also referred to as project lifespan. A project life
cycle is a compilation of a commonly sequential project phases from
the time it is originally envisioned until the time it is either make use
of as a success or discarded as a failure. The life cycle of a project
serves as a basis for managing a project considering its limited life
span. There are expected changes in the degree of effort and focus for
each stage in the cycle of the project. There are a number of life cycle
models based on the kind of industry or type of project.
Commonly, each project sequentially undergoes four stages namely
initiating, planning, executing and delivering. The project starts as
soon as a "go ahead" signal from management is given.
1. Conceive/Initiation - In this stage the preliminary objective and technical
specifications for the project is developed; the scope of work is decided; the
necessary resources are identified; teams are formed and important organizational
stakeholders are sought for commitments.
3. Execution - In this step the actual work of the project is executed, the system
developed, or the product created or constructed. Here the bulk of project team
labor is carried out. The calculations made on time, cost and specification during
the previous stages are used for control.
There are five components of a project that might vary over the course of its life cycle that may pose as challenges:
1. Client interest – This is the intensity of eagerness or concern by the project's intended internal or external clients.
2. Project stake – It is the amount of investment by the organization in the project which may increase as the life of the
project becomes longer.
3. Resources – This is the commitment of financial, human and technical resources that might amplify over the course
of the life cycle of the project.
4. Creativity – It is the level of innovation needed by the project principally at some point in the development stages.
5. Uncertainty – This is the degree of risk related with the project. Normally, the riskiest is in the beginning of the
project when many challenges are still unknown and have not been discovered and dealt with.
Project attributes provide as the foundation for gathering and evaluating
project statistics. Usually, they are utilized in planning, monitoring,
measuring and controlling project activities. Various project attributes are
used in project. analysis in order to discover unsettled risks, verify cut-off
date status, keep an eye on milestones, allot resources, deal with changes, and
act on other activities of the project management process.
3. Life span with a fixed deadline – A project has a life cycle just like any natural
bodies. It usually starts slow, then advances into a peak, passes to a decline before
completed within a deadline. A successful project ends by being a part of the
customary, current operations of the parent organization. However, a project may
also fail.
Within the specific time decided, the project must be completed. This means
that personnel responsible must do all feasible means to end the project on
time. Presumption and ineffectiveness during planning of the scope has to be
avoided. This avoidance will give realistic time schedule with which to work.
2. Complete the project within the programmed budget.
Budgets are set in order to ensure that expenditures are well managed and the money
goes to where it is intended. Completion of the project within the programmed budget
makes obvious that personnel working on it has manage the project responsibly.