International Marketing
International Marketing
International Marketing
International Marketing
Learning Objective(s): After the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of current context and competitive nature of International
marketing environment.
2. Apply the knowledge and skills to devise and implement appropriate marketing
3. Appraise themselves with various current marketing tools and practices for successful
strategies to enter, conquer & sustain in the foreign markets & eventually earn a global
presence required for an industry ready marketing professional
International Marketing
International Marketing
Books Recommended
1. Cateora, Graham, and Gilly, International Marketing
2. Keegan Warren, Global Marketing Management
3. Craig C. Samuel, Global Marketing Strategy
International Marketing
Rules of Engagement
1. You shall read the cases and come – There may be a surprise test
2. Will be marked present only if you are present in both the sessions
3. Usage of mobiles and laptops in the class is not allowed (unless specifically
instructed to) – devices shall be kept inside bag/ trouser pocket
4. It is for your benefit!
International Marketing
End-Term: 40 Marks
Mid-Term: 20 Marks
Project: 20 Marks
Course Era: 10 Marks
Surprise Quiz/ Case Study: 10 Marks
International Marketing
Innovation in Developing countries (R&D in India for MS, Adobe, SAP, GE….)
Reverse & Frugal Innovations
Born Global…
IM- The Internationalization Process
What trends did you see in Coco-Cola Internationalization?
Geographic trends
Mode of entry
IM- The Internationalization Process
IM- The Internationalization Process
IM- The Internationalization Process
Internationalization is based on knowledge of market
Knowledge comes from experience
Leading to a virtuous cycle of Experience – Knowledge – Risk Mitigation – Increased
Knowledge & Experience is not transferable
There is increasing international Market Commitment & Geographic/ Psychographic
commitment over a period of time – Increasing internationalization.
Internationalization is a unilateral & intra-organizational process
IM- The Internationalization Process
Information and knowledge is more open & transferable (through business networks)
Value-chain is giving rise to value-networks
JV & Alliances are becoming more prominent – replacing the need for first-hand experience
So organizations ‘network of relationships’ become more prominent in internationalization
It is a multi-lateral process of developing relationships
Links & position in global value network decides internationalization (network theory)
Organizations need only to follow/ mimic best practices to learn (vicarious/ social learning)
IM- The Internationalization Process
IM- The Internationalization Process
So what matters is
Knowledge Opportunities & not market knowledge
Network Position & not Market Commitment
Relationship Commitment Decision & not commitment decision
Learning, creating & trust building & not current activities
IM- The Internationalization Process
IM- The Internationalization Process
What were the triggers and motives for Cokes
IM- The Internationalization Process
Unique product
Perceptive management (Robert Woodruff)
Physical & psychological closeness
Profit and growth motives
Perceptive management
Market demand
Existing customers…
IM- The Internationalization Process
Proactive motives
Profit & Growth motives
Managerial Urge
Unique products / Technical competence
Foreign market opportunities / information
Economies of Scale / Learning curve
Tax benefits…
IM- The Internationalization Process
Reactive motives
Competitive pressure
Saturation / small domestic market
Over production / excess capacity
Unsolicited overseas orders
Physical / psychological closeness
Seasonal reasons
IM- The Internationalization Process
Internal Trigger
Perceptive management – Jack Welch
Specific internal event – RIL
Inward – Outward Internationalization
IM- The Internationalization Process
External Trigger
Market demand – pharmaceuticals
Competing firms – Samsung / LG
Existing customers – automotive industry
Trade associations
IM- The Internationalization Process
IM- The Internationalization Process