Source: http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/files/tyc/file/V5N5/Graphic%20Organizers.pdf
SG 7 - Literacy Stations
Work stations provide means to
implement quality independent
practices of what was taught
and to determine if our
objectives have been achieved.
Source: http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/files/tyc/file/V5N5/Graphic%20Organizers.pdf
SG 7 - Literacy Stations
Literacy work stations create
experiences for small group of children
to stretch their abilities to express
themselves in particular ways.
Source: http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/files/tyc/file/V5N5/Graphic%20Organizers.pdf
“Not all your goals for
children’s language development
SG 7 - Literacy Stations will be attained through
activity centers/literacy work
Remember to follow some basic guidelines:
Source: http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/files/tyc/file/V5N5/Graphic%20Organizers.pdf