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Graha Karakatwas

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The Zodiac House Lords

Motion of Planets in the Zodiac
 Sun moves in a sign for about one month at an average speed of one
degree per day.

 Moon moves in a sign for nearly two and half days at an average speed of
12 degrees per day.

 Mercury moves in a sign for about 25 days at an average speed of 1.5 degrees per
day. Sometimes it moves backward in retrograde motion and later assume
direct motion.
Due to speed variation or retrograde motion the planet may be in a sign for
longer or shorter duration .

 Venus moves in a sign for 29 days at average speed of 1.24 degrees per day. But the speed
varies depending on its retrograde or direct motions.

 The average speed of Mars is 0 65 degrees per day and stays in a sign for nearly 45 days. But
the duration of its stay in one sign and the speed may vary due to
retrograde and direct motions.
Motion of Planets in the Zodiac
 Jupiter remains in one sign for one year.

 Saturn stays in a sign for nearly two and half years.

 Moon’s North and South Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) will always move backwards and
takes about 18 months to move from one sign to another.

 Sun and Moon always move forward, while Nodes always move backward.

 All the other planets are sometimes retrograde.

 Uranus (Herschel) remains in one sign for about 7 years.

 Neptune stays in a sign for 14 years.

 Pluto remains in a sign for 15 to 20 years.

Motion of Planets in the Zodiac
Sun and Saturn – Orbits:
Exaltation/Debilitation Signs
Moon’s – Orbit:
Exaltation/Debilitation Signs
Jupiter and Mars – Orbits:
Exaltation/Debilitation Signs
Mercury and Venus – Orbits:
Exaltation/Debilitation Signs
Planets’ Exaltation/ Debilitation – Spl. Points
Special points regarding exaltation/ debilitation of planets:

1. Sun, Mercury and Venus move in the Zodiac ALWAYS with in maximum difference of 3 Signs
only. Therefore, all the three can never be in exaltation in a horoscope.

2. Both Sun and Venus can be at exaltation in a horoscope. But, Mercury must be in
debilitation or near to it in that horoscope.

3. When Mercury is in exaltation in a horoscope, both Sun and Venus will be either in
respective debilitation points or very near to it.

4. All the remaining planets, i.e. Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn CAN be either in exaltation
or in debilitation in a horoscope.
Planets’ Exaltation/ Debilitation – Spl. Points
Special points regarding exaltation/ debilitation of planets:

5. No planet has “plain” path in a Sign in their motion. It will be either in ascending motion or
descending motion from its respective Exaltation or Debilitation points.

6. Ownership of the house has no bearing with Planet’s being in Exaltation or Debilitation in
a sign.
The Lordship of Zodiac Signs
Navagrahas & Gems
Moon does not have enemies – Jupiter is not enemy to any one

Rahu & Ketu have enmity with Sun & Moon and vice versa.
Seasons,gem stones,metal,grains
Sight & Aspect (Drushti) for Planets
(from the place it is)
Relations, Profession, Feelings
Nakshatras & Padas in Rasis
The Zodiac - Star Lords
The lordship of 27 stars (first layer of fixed celestial objects) is
assigned to the 9 Planets which move in the Zodiac and so
can deliver their results… Thus, each of the 9 planets have
lord ship of 3 stars in a specific order:

The Zodiac - Star Lords

Ketu 1 Ashwini 10 Makha 19 Mula

Venus 2 Bharani 11 Purva Phalguni 20 Purva Ashadha
Sun 3 Krittika 12 Uttara Phalguni 21 Uttara Ashadha
Moon 4 Rohini 13 Hasta 22 Shravana
Mars 5 Mrigashira 14 Chitra 23 Dhanishta
Rahu 6 Ardra 15 Swathi 24 Shatabhishak
Jupiter 7 Punarvasu 16 Vishakha 25 Purva Bhadrapada
Saturn 8 Pushya 17 Anuradha 26 Uttara Bhadrapada
Mercury 9 Aslesha 18 Jyeshta 27 Revathi
The Zodiac – Spread of Star Lords (paadas)
 Possibility of exchange of Exaltation and Debilitation positions (Uchcha
Neecha Parivartana):

 Jupiter/ Mars (one time in a year possible once in 12 years)

(When Jupiter is in Capricorn for a year, Mars can be in Cancer and vice versa)

 Sun/Saturn (2 times possible once in 30 years)

(When Saturn is in Aries for 2 1/2 years, Sun can cross Libra twice with yearly gap)

 Venus/Mercury – Never
Moon also can not have “Uchcha Neecha Parivartana” with any other planet
because Moon’s exaltation/ debilitation signs are not debilitation/exaltation
signs of
any other planet.
Moolatrikonas for planets

Own house of the planet except for moon

Summary of Exaltation, Debilitation,
Moolatrikona and Sign Lordship
Natural ‘House Significators’/ Bhava Karaka (Karaka
planet wise)
Natural ‘House Significators’/ Bhava
Karaka (Bhava wise)
Yogakaraka, Maraka & Badhaka Planets

Saturn and Mars are not considered as Yogakaraka planets in Nakshatra Siddhanta
Sight & Aspect (Drushti) for Planets
(from the place it is)
Colour, Gender, Age, Guna, Body parts
Vehicle, Direction, & Ruling Places
Class, Ruling Taste, MDJ & Moving Mode
Exaltation/Debilitation for Planets
Combustion (Moodhami), Retrograde Motion...

 When a planet comes close to the Sun, it is engulfed by the Sun’s rays. This
is called
combustion. A combust planet loses its power.

 This does not apply to Rahu & Ketu.

 The degree of proximity to the Sun at which planets become combust varies
planet to planet.

 The following are the planetary combustion details as per the Soorya Siddhanta.
• Mars within 17 Degrees
• Mercury within 12 Degrees while retrograde and 14 degrees while in normal
• Jupiter within 11 Degrees;
• Venus within 8 Degrees;
Combustion (Moodhami), Retrograde Motion...

 Combustion is not applicable to Moon.

 It is normally agreed that the planetary combustion effects are effective when they are in
the same nakshatra pada with the Sun. After that the effects are not severe.

 Under normal circumstances, a planet appears to move to the East, but when it is
being overtaken by the Earth, its faster motion makes the planet appear to be
going backwards. The normal motion is called direct motion, and the backwards
motion is called retrograde motion. Only Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
can have retrograde motion
Natural/Functional Benefics/Malefics
According to their basic qualities, the planets are categorized into
two groups.

Natural Benefics and Natural Malefics

Waxing Moon, Jupiter, Mercury (when not in union with natural
malefics) and Venus are Natural Benefics
Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are Natural Malefics.

According to their Bhavadhipatya (Functional) in a horoscope

also, the
planets are generally categorized as Benefics-Malefics-
Neutral, in the
concerned horoscope as under:
All planets are Functional Benefics when own 1,4,5,7,9,10 houses
All planets are Functional Malefics when own 3,6,8,12 houses
Yogakaraka Planets

In any horoscope, the Konadhipathis (Lords of 1,5,9 Houses) are

considered as YOGAKARAKA Planets.

However, based on ‘Association (Connection)’ with other Houses &

House Lords in the horoscope, any other most benefic planet may also
become YOGAKARAKA Planet for the Horoscope concerned.
Maraka & Badhaka Planets

In any horoscope, the 2nd House Lord and 7th House Lord are
considered as Maraka Planets.

According to the ‘Swabhava’ of Lagna Sign in a horoscope,

IF lagna sign is movable (chara) – the Lord of 11 th House

IF lagna sign is fixed (sthira) – the Lord of 9 th House

IF lagna sign is duel (dwiswabhava) – the Lord of 7 th House is considered as Badhaka

Friendship among planets
Friendship among planets is a very important SITUATION in a horoscope to understand the
influence of various planets on the native.

Friendship is of two types: 1) Natural and 2) Temporary

When both the types are considered together, the same is called “Panchadha Maitri”
Naisargika Mitra or Natural Friend and Naisargika Shatru or Natural Enemy relationship is
established because of planetary camps.

The Planets ruling the Signs of Fire and Water - Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter belong to
one planetary camp and they are friends

The Planets ruling the Signs of Earth and Air - Mercury, Venus, Saturn belong to
another planetary camp and they are friends
Friendship among planets

The planets of opposite camps are considered enemies.

TEMPORARY FRIENDSHIP (notwithstanding natural friendship) is Horoscope specific which is

established based on the nearness or distance between the planets in the “concerned” Rasi Chakra
(Zodiac Wheel).

(Planets in 2,3,4,10,11,12 are ‘temporary friends’ to a planet from its position. Planets in other places
–> 5,6,7,8,9 are ‘temporary enemies’)
Natural Friendship/ Enmity
Besides the planetary camp criteria, the position of house owners in the
natural Zodiac from respective MULATRIKONA SIGN decides mutually
existing friendship or enmity between any two planets.

A planet will always have friendship with the owner of its Exaltation
House, 2,4,5,8,9,12 places and enmity with the owners of 3,6,7,10,11
places (from its Mulatrikona Sign) in the Zodiac wheel.

When a planet becomes friend and also enemy with above criteria to a
planet, such situation results NEUTRALITY (samatva) between them.
‘Association’ (Connection) among Planets
(Sambandha trayam - sthithi, yuthi, drushti)

The inter planetary relationship (Sambandam) among planets is established due to the following
four situations in their position in Rashi Chakra and Bhava Chakra and this mainly decides the
overall celestial influence on earth:

1) Occupied Sign -Sthithi

2) Occupied Star/ Star Lord – Nakshatra Sthithi

3) Conjuction/ Union – Yuthi

4) Aspect – Drushti (Aspecting and Aspected by)

‘Friendship’ and ‘Association’ are two different types of planetary relationship

Strength of Planets – B.O:M.E. Theory

In the wheel of Zodiac, FIVE ‘visible’ planets of Solar System (pancha tara) i.e. Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are given lordship of two signs/houses each.

Naturally a question may therefore, arise as to in which own house a planet will have higher
strength.Here comes, the B.O:M.E. Theory.

The theory says that “Benefics in Odd and Malefics in Even Signs will be stronger” (Benefic or
Malefic refers to “Natural” status) Thus,

Venus (benefic) is Stronger in Libra (odd) than in Taurus (even)

Mercury (benefic) is Stronger in Gemini (odd) than in Virgo (even)
Jupiter (benefic) is Stronger in Sagittarius (odd) than in Pisces (even)
Mars (malefic) is Stronger in Scorpio (even) than in Aries (odd)
Saturn (malefic) is Stronger in Capricorn (even) than in Aquarius (odd)
Strength of Planets - Order
The planets become strong in a horoscope depending upon their
position in Rasi Chakra, Bhava Chakra and settles their position to
shower their influence based on Rasi/Bhava/Graha karakatvas.

In Stellar Astrology, the order of strength possessed generally by the

planets is as under:
(Strongest first and upto least strong=weakest, among the 9)

The ‘Horoscope specific’ Strength is “gained” by planets by virtue of

their positions, including “Bhavadhipatya” and “associations” in the
relevant horoscope.
Strength of Planets - Digbala
Planetary strength is important for chart prediction generally.
Strong planets will have auspicious effects during their time of
influence (Dasas, transits).
Weak planets will have inauspicious effects.

In any horoscope, the strength of respective planet is calculated

considering the planetary placement in zodiacal signs and houses
coupled with their association.

Dig Bala
Dig Bala is the directional strength of planets, i.e. their position relative to the Kendras
(1,4,7,10) of the chart.
The sun
• Sun or Surya is a royal planet and the king in astrology.

• Sun represents the soul, will power, father, paternal relations, the king or the high

• Sun is hot and angry, colour is red, metal is gold and gem is ruby.

• Sun represents the eastern direction.

• Sun stays in each rasi for one month and takes one year to complete the round of
the zodiac.

• Its motion is quite fixed and a lot of Indian festivals are as per the Sun’s entry into
the various signs. For example on January 14 it enters Makara and this day is
celebrated as Makara Sankranti, On April 13th/14th Sun enters Mesha and this day is
celebrated as New Year in South and North.
• The change in seasons is also linked to the Sun’s entry into various signs
and nakshatras.

• Sun is the Atmakaraka or planet connected with self.

• Sun is also the Pitrukaraka or planet connected with father.

The moon
• Moon or Chandra is also a royal planet and is the queen in astrology.

• Moon represents the mind, emotions, sensitivity, the mother, house and domestic
comforts, milk,
sea and all things connected with the sea, hotel and food industry, textiles and

• It is cold and calm, Its color is white, direction north-west, metal is silver and gem is

• The Moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/4
days to travel a sign.
The moon

• 2 When the Sun and Moon are in the same rasi it is called Amavasya or new Moon
day or the 1st day of the bright fortnight. When the Sun and the Moon are in the
exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart, it is called Poornima or the full Moon day
or the 1st day of the dark fortnight.

• The lunar days or Tithi changes with every 12 degree difference between the Sun
and the Moon.

• Moon is the Matrukaraka or planet connected with mother.

• The sign in which Moon is placed in the birth chart is called Janma Rasi and the
star constellation in which Moon is placed is called Janma
• Mars or Mangala is the commander in astrology.

• Mars represents, energy, courage, younger brothers & sisters, armed forces,
the police forces, commanders, administrators, men in high position, land,
engineering, metals, real estate agents and surgery. Its metal is copper and
gem is coral, color is red and direction south.

• Mars takes about 45 days to travel one sign.

• Mars is the Bhratrukaraka or planet connected with Siblings (brother).

• Mercury or Budha is the prince in astrology.

• Mercury represents speech, intelligence, maternal

uncles, short journeys,medical profession, trade,
computers and the web, astrology and knowledge of the
shastras, accounts, mathematics, journalism, printing
and publishing.

• Its metal is bronze, gem is emerald, color is green and

direction north. Mercury takes about a month to travel a

• It is always within 27 degree distance from the Sun

from astrological point of view.
• Jupiter or Guru is known as the “Devaguru” or the guru of the

• Jupiter represents higher knowledge, spirituality, priests,

temples, teachers, research & scientists, lawyers & judges,
children and knowledge of the shastras and astrology.

• Its color is yellow, metal gold, gem yellow sapphire and

direction north east.

• Jupiter takes about one year to travel a sign.

• Jupiter is the Dhanakaraka, Gnanakaraka, Putrakaraka or

planet connected with finance, knowledge, children.etc
• Venus or Shukra is the “Daityaguru” or the guru of the demons

• Venus represents spouse, sex life, kidneys and sex organ, dance, music,
arts, gems and jewelers, wines, bars, gambling places, acting, fashion,
and beauty products.

• Its metal is silver, gem is diamond, direction is south east and colour is

• Venus takes about a month to travel a sign and completes the round of
the zodiac in 12 months. From astrological point of view it is always
within 48 degrees of the Sun.

• Venus is the Vahanaadi sukhakaraka, Kalatrakaraka or planet connected

with material comforts, spouse etc.
• Saturn or Shani is the servant in astrology.

• Saturn represents hard work, sorrow, old men, servants and the lower
workers, people in the iron and steel industry, municipality and
drainage works.

• A well placed Saturn can bestow excellent power, prestige, name

and fame and a badly placed Saturn can devastate the native’s life.

• Its metal is iron, color is blue, gem is blue sapphire and direction is

• Saturn is the slowest moving of the 9 planets and takes

approximately 2-1/2 years to transit a sign and completes the round
of the zodiac in 30 years.
• Saturn is the planet of order, organization, ambition,
caution, discipline, and hard work, which are main ingredients of a
“Life” on earth.

• Saturn is the planet of the "Law of Cause and Effect“

• Saturn is the only planet who can become (Kona and Kendra Lord
other than 1st) Lord of 5 or 9 and Lord of 4 or 10 in the Zodiac (for
Libra and Taurus Asc)
• Rahu or Dragon’s Head or North Node represents,
foreigners, foreign
countries, foreign travel, engineering and the technical
trades, smoke, old men,grand parents, theft, gambling,
drinking, nonconformists, the underworld and the bad
elements in the society.

• Its color is black, metal mixed-metal and gem is Gomedh.

• Rahu takes approximately 1 1/2 years to travel a sign and

Completes the round of the zodiac in 18 years.
• Ketu or Dragon’s Tail or South Node represents grand
parents, technical
trades, spiritual inclinations, superstitions and electronics.

• Its colour is brown and gem is cat’s eye.

• Ketu is always in the opposite sign to Rahu, i.e., exactly

180 degrees away. Ketu also takes approximately 1-1/2
years to travel a sign and hence completes the round of
the zodiac in 18 years.
ShanivatRahu & KujavatKetu
The influence of Rahu and Ketu is always considered special on the
native in Astrology. The celestial rays pass through them also to reach
the life on earth. They, being shadow planets, basically, are considered
to act in a horoscope as REPRESENTATIVE of –

1. Lord of the Sign, in which they are posited (sthithi)

2. Lord of the Star, in which they are posited (nakshatra sthithi)
3. Conjoined Planet/s (yuthi)
4. The planet/s Aspecting Rahu/Ketu (Drushti)

However, the accepted dictum is SHANIVAT RAHU and KUJAVAT KETU to

consider their natural significations. We can also take them like
invigilators in an examination hall. Rahu and Ketu, being in the Chandra
Marga, very near to Earth, are invigilators for the life of a native on
earth. They supervise life and therefore rightly called POWERFUL KARMIC
“Avastha”: State of the Planets – in brief

It is a very detailed and complicated study on how a planet is

placed in each of the 5 types of sets of avasthas depending on
planet’s position in the Zodiac (own house/ friend’s
house/enemy’s house etc).

Based on that the results given by each planet for

each type of the sets of avasthas are taken into consideration
while giving

1 Jagradadi Avasthas – set of 3 avasthas

Awakening, dreaming, and sleeping

2. Baladi Avasthas – set of 5 avasthas

Infant (bala), youthful (kumara), adolescent (yuva), old (vriddha)
“Avastha”: State of the Planets – in brief

3. Lajjitadi Avasthas – set of 6 avasthas

Lajjita, Garvita, Kshudita, Trushita, Mudita, and Kshobhita

4. Deeptadi Avasthas – set of 9 avasthas

Deepta, Swastha, Pramudita, Santa, Deena, Vikala, Dukhita,
Khala, and Kopa

5. Shayanadi Avasthas -set of 12 avasthas

Sayana, Upavesana, Netrapani, Prakasana, Gamana, Aagamana,
Agama, Bhojana, Nrityalipsa, Kautuka, and Nidra

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