Human Values and Professional Ethics (KVE-401)
Human Values and Professional Ethics (KVE-401)
Human Values and Professional Ethics (KVE-401)
Course Deatils
LTP – 3 1[ Three Lectures , One Tutorial]
Text Books:
Human Values and Professional Ethics by
Reference Books:
Energy & Equity by Ivan Illich.
Jeevanvidya ek Parichay by A Nagraj
The Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Human education
Unit 2: Harmony in the Human Being
Unit 3: Harmony in Family and society
Unit 4: Harmony in Nature
Self Exploration
Check all proposals on the basis of natural acceptance
if true than accept
Unit 3: Harmony in Family and society
People-friendly environment
Eco-friendly environment
1. What to produce
2. How to produce
3. For whom to produce
4. And how much to produce
Unit 1: Introduction to Human education
Value Education Value education deals with what is universally
valuable to all of us, what is conducive to our individual and
collective happiness and prosperity in a sustainable way. It
enables us to be in harmony within ourselves, with other
human beings and with rest of nature at large.
Need for value education
• Everyone is continuously aspire for a happy life and it is
only possible to know what is really VALUABLE for
human being
Scope of study of Value Education
All dimension of our living - thought, behaviour, work & realization and
All levels of our living - Individual, Family, Society and Nature/Existence
Natural Acceptance
Self checking
to it
in behavior in work
( with human) ( with rest of nature)
(i)MCA Student with Bhanu ji
(ii) Student with G P Bagaria ji (superseed mama)
----> IF HARMONY---->happiness
---->IF CONTRADICTION--->Unhappiness
HAPPINESS Unhappiness
Excitement and happiness have some difference
Right Understanding
Physical Facility
Q: What is Human consciousness and Animal
consciousness Also give the correct priority
order of
Right Understanding
Physical Facility
Animal Consciousness: To live solely on the basis of
physical facilities is called animal consciousness.
Living in myself
Living in family
Living in society
Living in nature/existence
Human = Self (I) Body
We have to understand Human Being as co-existence of
two entity - self (I) and Body. We must know their needs,
and then only we can fulfill them in proper way.
Needs, Activities of these two entities are given in the
table below
Percentage of requirement of self and body
Remember all
Remember some part
Not remember
Two ways by which kalpanasheelta can run
I want to go Delhi
Train Office
S P Express
AC Friends
Sleeper General
During session how many times takeoff are their count the
Frequency of takeoff may reduce
1. Desire (Ichchha)
2 Thought (Vichara) Imagination
3. Expectation (Asha)
It is swatantrata
It is our right to evaluate our self rightly ,no other should evaluate
If we have rightly evaluated our self, than what the other says for
us will not going to effect us deeply
Sanyama (self-regulation):
The feeling of responsibility in the Self (I) for nurturing,
protection and right utilization of the Body.
We have to take some care of our body otherwise
nature it self have provided loot of
206 bones need not to control
Continuous respiration
Self regulatory hart
Rigid Helmet over brain
Understanding and Living with Sanyama
Nurturing of the Body (Posana)
Proper Food, Air, Water etc (Ahar) and ensuring
Ingestion how to in take food
Mutual Happiness
Nine feelings in relationship:
1. Trust (Vishwas)
2. Respect (sammaan)
3. Affection (Sneha)
4. Care (Mamta)
5. Guidance (Vatsalya)
6. Reverence (Shraddha)
7. Glory (Gaurav)
8. Gratitude (Kratagyata)
9. Love (Prem)
For good relationship in family we must understand
all the 9 feeling and when we are behaving with other
family member we must take care for all these feeling
All family members want these feeling transfer
(c) Other want to make him self (c) Other is always able to make
happy him self happy
(d) The other wants to make me (d) Other is always able to make
happy me happy
All the above questions are All the above questions are
related with-intention related with-competence
We have to check intention and competence
Q:If you recognize that the intention is not right than what
you will do
3. Coup rate
4. anger
If we are getting angry it means we have doubt
on intention and doubt on intention means no
trust and without trust no relation
Few exchange of words can bring us or other in state of ego
or depression if we have not evaluated our self rightly.
i.e the remote of us in the hand of other
But if we evaluate right we remain unaffected (SAMBHAV)
For the harmony in family we should rightly evaluate other.
But some time we differentiate we made it on the basis of
1.Body (gender,age, physical strength)
2. Physical Facilities( wealth, post),
3.On the basis of Beliefs
In some societies Males have more respect than
female ,some time We differentiate on the basis of skin
What about subordinates/youngsters? Should we insult
them? Respect and admire the rich?
Differentiation on the basis of
Colour Pre
Physical strength
3. Affection (sneha):
Affection is the feeling of being related to the other. Feeling
of affection comes when trust and respect are already
4. Care (mamata):
The feeling of Care is the feeling to nurture and protect the
body of our relative.
5. Guidance (Vatsalya):
The feeling of ensuring right understanding in the other (my
relative) is called Guidance.
6. Reverence (shraddha): The feeling of acceptance of
excellence in the other is called reverence (shraddha).
Reaction Response
Right Wrong
(Oppose in side)
Next generation
Some one at any level have to take the decision with
right understanding to solve.
Bravery (Dhirata)
IF in family or society other is saying wrong even then
if I am right so I will continue without offering any
oppose to other
Human order is mostly consuming(At faster rate) the
things from other order
Like mining of coal , Petroleum
This is problem---stability of earth ,Global warming,
Human order 1%
Animal order
Material Order
As human order is only 1% of total so we should
behave with care with other order (smallest
can vanish easily)
Developing countries are asking for technology by which they can clean greenery
at faster rate
Understanding the Four Orders of Nature
Order Material Plant/Bio Animal Human
Things Soil, water, plants, trees, Animal & Human Beings.
air, etc. grass, etc. Birds
Activity Composition/ Composition/ Composition/ Composition/
(Kriya) Decomposition Decomposition Decomposition Decompo
+ , sition,
Respiration Respiration) in Respiration) in
Body + Body +
Selection in 'I' Selection,
thought, Desire)
in 'I' &
need for
Realization &
Order Material Plant/Bio Animal Human
Darshana Gyan
Understanding the harmony at all the levels means
Knowledge of Existence is Darshana Gyan.
Manaviyata Purna Acharna Gyana
Having understood ‘I’ (jivana) and the entire
we understood our relationship with every unit in
existence and fulfil it, leading to mutual happiness
and prosperity.
This is called Knowledge of Human Conduct Or
Manaviyata Purna Acharna Gyana
Every unit is submerged in space
It is energized in space
It is self organized in space
It recognizes and fulfills the relationship with other in
Utility value
The participation of a physical facility in ensuring
nurturing and protection of the body
Artistic value
The participation of a physical facility in ensuring right
utilization of the body
Salient features of Ethical Human Conduct
Values: values are the outcome of realization and
understanding which are always definite.
Policy: Having been convinced about the values and about the
inherent harmony in the existence, I am able to develop an
ethical sense in all my pursuits.
I always think we have, and work towards nurturing this
harmony. It leads us to adopt policies conducive human
welfare- conducive to enrichment, protection and right
utilization of mind, body and wealth.
Character: definitiveness of my desire, thought, and
selection, gives definitiveness to my living.
Definitiveness of character is the outcome of the
definiteness of my behaviour and work.
Rightful production, acquisition and utilization
of wealth (sva dhana).
Humane behaviour and work with kindness
(dayapurna karya-vavahar).
Ethical Human Conduct
Ethics: the definitiveness of human conduct in terms of
values, policies and character, is termed as Ethics.
Ethical conduct implies that it is naturally acceptable to
me and does not give rise to conflict within.
Ethical conduct implies that is in consonance with right
understanding of the reality – the underlying harmony
at all levels.
Ethical human conduct is self-satisfying, people friendly
and universal.
Development of human consciousness
As we transform to the human consciousness from right
understanding, we are able to base our thoughts and
activities on right understanding, give relationship a
higher priority than physical facilities, identifying our
physical needs and ensure it through avartansila
production, enriching rest of the nature as well.
Finally, it may be appreciated that life and profession
can not be seen in a segregated manner.
Profession is only a sub set of the activities needed for
our living, therefore , a subset of life.
The ethical human conduct is definite and universal
To facilitate the process of right understanding in the
society , to create a favorable environment and to
ensure the continuity of this process in human being
from generation to generation following is required
1. Vision
2. Humanistic Education.
3. Humanistic Constitution
4. Universal human order and its implications
1. Vision for the holistic alternative
A correct appraisal of the comprehensive human goal
welfare and the realization of coexistence at all levels
enable us to visualize and gradually evolve a viable
alternative to the prevailing pattern of human living.
Thus the right understanding prepares us for moving
towards the holistic alternative (Universal Human
Order) which will be sustainable as well as conducive
to fulfill the basic human aspirations for all human
It will be a mode of living which is self satisfying,
people friendly and eco friendly.
2.Humanistic Education
Humanistic education will incorporate appropriate
integration of values and skills so that human being are able
to understand their physical needs correctly and adopt
suitable techniques and production systems to cater to these
needs in an eco-friendly and people friendly manner.
The humanistic education will facilitate the process of self
exploration which will lead to continuous self evolution of
human being.
It will also enable the realization of once innateness as well as
the universality and definitiveness of ethical human
It will also develop the conviction that only value based living
can be conducive to continuous happiness and prosperity for
one and all.
3.Humanistic Constitution
Presently, the human society is divided into various castes,
breeds, religions and nationalities whose objectives and
interests are proving contrary to those of others.
Accordingly a major part of human endeavour is used in
handling those conflicts and contradictions.
Paradoxically, the human beings are spending substantial
part of their energies and resources in preparing
themselves for war, only to ensure peace.
When the parameters of human welfare are universal i.e.
commonly applicable to all human beings, the
humanistic constitution can only alternative for the
fulfillment of human aspiration.
4.Universal human order and its implications
On the basis of the understanding of harmony we get the
notion of an undivided society and universal human
The universal human order will comprise of:
1. The five dimensions of human endeavour towards a
fragmented society.
2. The steps of organization from family to world family,
each anchored in right understanding will integrate in
the following ways:
Family ----> family cluster ---> village/community ------->
village cluster -----> world family.
Identify any two important problems being faced
by the society today and analyze the root cause of
the problems.
Can these be resolve on the basis of natural
acceptance of human values. If so, how should
one proceed in this direction from the present
Professional ethics in the light of right understanding
Profession is channel of participation by human beings in
the larger order in pursuance of comprehensive human
In the process one is able to contribute towards the
livelihood of one’s family and also participate in the
larger order constituting the society and the nature
It is an important activity to authenticate one’s
understanding, whereby we interact with other human
beings and with rest of the nature in a mutually fulfilling
Thus, the ‘Profession is a Service’.
Competence in Professional Ethics
1. Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhana -
Samriddhi – Abhaya - Saha-astitva and its fulfillment
through universal human order from family order to world
2. Confidence in oneself as well as confidence in the harmony,
co-existence and self-regulation prevailing in entire existence.
3. Competence of mutually fulfilling behaviour, clarity and
confidence in ethical human conduct and its correlation with
sustainable personal as well as collective happiness and
4. Competence of mutually enriching interaction with nature,
ability to assess the needs for physical facilities for the family
and their fulfillment through production
systems ensuring harmony in the nature.
5. Competence of actualizing one’s understanding in real life.
How Competence in Professional Ethics can be achieved?
The development of ethical competence is a long-term
process to be achieved through appropriate value
As profession is only a subset of the life activities, the
competence in profession will only be the manifestation
of one’s right understanding.
Thus, Competence in Professional Ethics can be achieved
through right understanding
Salient Unethical practice in the profession at present
Now a days the professional activities are primarily profit-
oriented , at present there is no such mechanism to develop
the ethical competence and right understanding among
Let us look at some critical contradiction and dilemmas
responsible for un-ethical practice in profession
1.Corruption at various level.
2.Unetical nature of advertisement and promotion for sales
3.Cut-throte competition
5.Exploitation at various level
6. Negligence and dis-regard for environment
7.Promotion of un sustainable technologies
Criteria for Technologies
Catering to real human needs
Compatible with natural systems and cycles
Facilitating effective utilization of human body,
animals, plants and materials
Safe, user-friendly and conducive to health
Producible with local resources and expertise as far as
Promoting the use of renewable energy resources
Low cost and energy efficient
Enhancing human interaction and cooperation
Promoting decentralization
Durability and life cycle recyclability of products.
Criteria For Production Systems
The below mentioned four basic questions to be
asked for a production system.
1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?
3. For whom to produce?
4. And how much to produce?
Holistic Management Model
The management needs to focus at the fulfillment of the
people involved in the production system as well as the
users of the produce and not to profit mania. The
following criteria can be chosen for a humanistic
management model:
The whole unit working as well-combined family.
Cooperative and motivational
Ensuring correct appraisal of human labour
Targeting employer-employee as well as consumer
satisfaction and not profit maximization.
Sharing of responsibility and participation mode of
Continuous value addition of the persons involved.
Effectively integrating individual competence and
Strategies for transition towards value based life and
Some strategies should follow to ensure right
understanding and transition to human consciousness
What can be done at the individual level?
What can be done at the level of society and
What can be taken up immediately?
What can be taken up as long term strategy?
Suggest way in which you can use your knowledge
of science, technology , management etc. for
moving towards a universal order.
The course is going to be over now. It is time to evaluate
what difference in your thinking has it made.
Summarize the core message of this course grasped by you.
How has this affected you in term of;
(b) Behavior
(c) Work
(d) Realization