UE Top10toTryHandout CopilotforMicrosoft365
UE Top10toTryHandout CopilotforMicrosoft365
UE Top10toTryHandout CopilotforMicrosoft365
1 2
Click on the Summarize icon
Draft an email with notes and action
items from meeting
3 4
Draft an email to [name] that informs Give me a bulleted list of key
them that Project X is delayed two points from file
weeks. Make it short and casual in tone.
5 6
Tell me what's new about topic
organized by emails, chats, and files? Suggest 10 compelling taglines
based on file
7 8
Generate three ways to say [x] What did person say about topic
9 10
Rewrite with Copilot
Translate the following text
into French: