Roadshow Grade 10 and 11
Roadshow Grade 10 and 11
Roadshow Grade 10 and 11
Grade 10 and 11
Meeting will start at 14:30
Gr 10 Pass % per district 2023
Grade 11 Pass % per district 2023
Notional time
Policy At least 3
says per week
Google drive link
• Gauteng google drive link
Grade 10 Google drive
Grade 11 Google drive
Strategies to sustain and improve the results
1. Baseline assessment – results submitted to SESs
2. Topic tests at the end of each topic – Results to be submitted to
3. Provide terminology-based activities per topic - monitored by SESs
4. Diagrams or mind maps.
5. Case studies/reading with understanding
6. An investigative question must be included in EVERY formal test
and exam paper – moderation by DH.
7. Common SBA practicals
8. Intervention classes
Strategies –
one pager
TV Lessons- grade 11 lessons
Grade 11 Micro-organisms – Biodiversity of plants – the Biodiversity in animals –
Structure of Virus and terms haploid and diploid
Topics linking to Cephalisation, Phylum
Grade 12 bacteria Chordata
Grade 10 Cell - unit of life Cell - unit of life Cell - unit of life
Gas exchange
CO balance regulation
• Excretion
(Osmo regulation, Salt balance
Chemistry of life-nutrients Support and transport systems
Grade Cell division (mitosis) in plants-Apical meristem
10 Cell - unit of life
Continuous assessment/feedback /LRP
Topic tests – this shows you what the learners know. Did they
learn anything?
Learners are expected to round off their answers to two decimal points unless stated otherwise
Scientific investigations
• A greater emphasis on practical work and practical tasks of good
quality in Grades 10 and 11 will assist in preparing learners more
adequately for questions based on scientific investigations.
Usually, the independent is written first and dependent second in the aim.
So, this aim will be better written as:
To demonstrate that respiration requires oxygen
Conclusion: Refer to the two variables. Give the relationship between the two variables.
Circular S33
Common SBAs
• Standardized SBA practical tasks and assignments – Must be done on the date indicated on PoA.
Grade 10 11 12
Term 1 Practical Practical Practical
Topic Environmental studies Microorganisms– Fungi DNA extraction