NHA2 - Morphology Morphemes
NHA2 - Morphology Morphemes
NHA2 - Morphology Morphemes
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I> Morphology
the study of morphemes and their different forms (allomorphs), and the way they combine in word formation. [Richards, J.C. et all, 1992:237] E.g.: un- + happy + -ly = unhappily (neg. prefix+happy+adv-forming suffix: 3 morphemes)
The branch of grammar which studies the structure of words. It is generally divided into inflectional morphology, the study of inflections, and lexical or derivational morphology, the study of word formation. Morphology contrasts with syntax, the combination of words into sentences. E.g.: *over- +work + -ed = overworked (derivational prefix+work+inflectional suffix: 3 morphemes) *omnibus bus (clipping)
Semantics (meaning)
E.g: *friend: -has meaning: one attached to another by respect or affection -by dividing friend we get a smaller meaningful unit end, but its meaning violates the meaning of friend. The remainder /fri-/ is meaningless. -recurs in different verbal environments: befriend, friendly, friendless, friendship, friendliness, unfriendly friend is a morpheme *weaken: -means make sth become (weaker) - cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts without violation of its meaning or without meaningless remainders. -recurs in different verbal environments: darken, cheapen, soften, sharpen, -en is a morpheme
A base is any unit whatsoever to which affixes of any kind can be added. The affixes attached to a base may be inflectional affixes selected for syntactic reasons or derivational affixes which alter the meaning or grammatical category of the base. The stem is that part of a word that is in existence before any inflectional affixes have been added. E.g.: -girls, girlhood: girl is a base -dogs, workers, happier: dog, worker, happy are stems All roots are bases. Bases are called stems only in the context of inflectional morphology
II.2.2.2> Affixes
II.2.2.2> Affixes -are outlying morphemes, i.e. are always bound morphemes and can come before, in the middle of, or after a base; can be added to a base or to each other and change the meaning or grammatical function of a word which they are attached to. -E.g.: deurbanized
Infixes: bound morphemes that have been inserted within a word; are rare in English 2 kinds: addition & replacement (more common) Addition: account + for + able=accountable (for is dropped) un+get+at+able = ungetable (at is dropped) rely+on+able = reliable (on is dropped) Replacement: few noun plurals goosegeese: -ee- replaces oomousemice: -i- replaces oumore often past tense & past participles of verbs taketooktaken ringrangrung
Inflectional affixes: suffixes which are added to word and change it according to grammatical rules; also called grammatical morphemes. Finch (2000: 105): 8 inflections of three groups: -Verb inflections past tense: ed (attack + ed) past participle: ed (attack + ed) present participle: ing (attack + ing) third person singular present tense : s (attack + s) -Noun inflections plural : s (dog + s) possessive : s, s (dog + s, dog + s) -Adjective/ Adverb inflections comparative: er (large + er) superlative: est (large +est)
Derivational affixes: affixes which are added to other words or morphemes and can change the meaning and the word class of the ones which they are attached to. can create new dictionary items; are also called lexical morphemes. 2 types: - Class-maintaining derivational affixes: do not make any changes in grammatical class of the words or morphemes with which they are connected. Most of pre-fixes are of this type, e.g. abnormal, bicycle, cooperate, disadvantage, immortal, etc. Suffixes can also be derivationals, e.g. Israelite, stewardess, mileage, etc. - Class-changing derivational affixes: cause changes in grammatical class of the words to which they get attach. Most of suffixes but few prefixes are of this type, e.g. admirable, beautify, broaden, trainee, selfish, enrich
III> Exercises
I> Analyze the following words into their constituents, naming each one 1. Undecided 2. Impenetrability 3. Uninteresting 4. Disestablished 5. Devolution 6. Reintroduction 7. Revengeful 8. Fatality 9. Makes 10. Wallflowers
1. 2. Undecided: {un-}: DP; {decide}: FB; {-ed}: DS Impenetrability: {-im}: DP; {penetr-}: BB; {-ate}: DS(v); {-able}: DS; {-ity}: DS 3. Uninteresting: {un-}: DP; {interest}: FB(n); {-ing}: DS 4. Disestablished: {dis-}: DP; {establish}: FB(v); {-ed}: DS 5. Devolution: {devolve}: FB(v); {-tion}: DS 6. Reintroduction: {re-}: DP; {introduce}: FB(v); {-tion}: DS 7. Revengeful: {revenge}: FB(n); {-ful}: DS 8. Fatality: {fate}: FB(n); {-al}: DS(adj); {-ity}: DS 9. Makes: {make}: FB; {-s}: IS (3rd person singular present tense) 10. Wallflowers: {wall}: FB; {flower}: FB; {-s}: IS (noun plural)
II> Identify the meaning of the bound base in each of the following words, & then give as many words with the same BB as you can
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-vise=see supervise,..
oppose rodent portable rupture annual
revise -vise=see
devise,visible,visionary,television,visibility, visual,
contradict -dict=say
dictate,dictator,dictation,diction,dictum,contradiction,contradictory,contradict orily
-vene=comeconvene,contravene,supervene recur -cur=run recurrence,current,occur,currency inspect -spect=look spectacle,prospect,perspective,prospectus oppose -pose=place/put depose,propose,deposit,impose rodent -rod=gnaw erode,erosion,erosive portable -port=carry deport,transport,portage rupture -rupt=break erupt,abrupt,corrupt,interrupt annual -ann=year annuity,annuitant,anniversary bigamy -gamy=marriage polygamy,
devise,visible,visionary,television,visibility, visual, supervise,etc dictate,dictator,dictation,diction,dictum,contradiction,contradi ctory,contradictorily regressive,regression,progress,progressive,progression,egre ss,ingress convene,contravene,supervene recurrence,current,occur,currency spectacle,prospect,perspective,prospectus depose,propose,deposit,impose
recur inspect
-port=carry -rupt=break -ann=year -gamy=marriage
deport,transport,portage erupt,abrupt,corrupt,interrupt annuity,annuitant,anniversary polygamy, polygamous,monogamy,monogamous,bigamous
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