•Fire Hazards – Anything that has the potential to catch on fire, or cause
something else to catch on fire.
•Biological Hazards – Products that can be dangerous to living things. This
could be something that will result in an illness or cause other biological
•Chemical Hazards – Dangerous chemicals that can have reactions that are
dangerous are seen to be very hazardous.
•Physical Hazards – Anything that has the potential to cause physical
damage or injury.
There are, of course, a lot of other classifications that can be used to
categorize hazards. It is even possible for one thing to have multiple
hazards associated with it. For example, if something has the potential to
explode it would be classified as a fire hazard as well as a physical hazard.
Properly categorizing hazards will help ensure everyone in the area is aware
of the risk, and knows how to best
Chemical hazards Over 400 million tons of hazardous waste
are produced every year, with the
A hazardous chemical can be a majority of those coming from industrial
solid, liquid or gas. It can be a worksites such as fabric manufacturers,
pesticide production, and electroplating
pure substance, consisting of operations. And because so many job
one ingredient, or a mixture of sites are the source of these materials, a
substances. countless number of employees are
exposed to extremely hazardous
It can harm the health of a substances every day. Below is a list of
10 of the most hazardous chemicals
person who is exposed to it. found in the workplace and their
associated health risks.
Ten Hazardous Chemicals You Might Encounter
on the Job
Ergonomic hazards
Ergonomic hazards are physical factors in the
environment that may cause musculoskeletal
SAFETY HAZARDS: These are the most
common and will be present in most
workplaces at one time or another. They
include unsafe conditions that can cause
injury, illness and death
BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS: Associated with working with animals, people, or infectious
SAFETY HAZARD plant materials. Work in schools, day care facilities, colleges and universities, hospitals,
laboratories, emergency response, nursing homes, outdoor occupations, etc. may expose you
to biological hazards. Types of things you may be exposed to include: Blood and other
body fluids Fungi/mold Bacteria and viruses Plants Insect bites Animal and bird
SAFETY HAZARDS: These are the most common and will be present droppings.
in most workplaces at one time or another. They include unsafe PHYSICAL HAZARDS: Are factors within the environment that can harm the body without
conditions that can cause injury, illness and death. Safety Hazards
necessarily touching it. Physical Hazards include: Radiation: including ionizing,
nonionizing (EMF’s, microwaves, radiowaves, etc.) High exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet
Spills on floors or tripping hazards, such as blocked aisles or cords rays Temperature extremes – hot and cold Constant loud noise
running across the floor ERGONOMIC HAZARDS: Occur when the type of work, body positions and working
Working from heights, including ladders, scaffolds, roofs, or any raised conditions put strain on your body. They are the hardest to spot since you don’t always
work area immediately notice the strain on your body or the harm that these hazards pose. Shortterm
exposure may result in “sore muscles” the next day or in the days following exposure, but
Unguarded machinery and moving machinery parts; guards removed or long-term exposure can result in serious long-term illnesses. Ergonomic Hazards include:
moving parts that a worker can accidentally touch Improperly adjusted workstations and chairs Frequent lifting Poor posture Awkward
Electrical hazards like frayed cords, missing ground pins, improper wiring movements, especially if they are repetitive Repeating the same movements over and over
Having to use too much force, especially if you have to do it frequently Vibration
Confined spaces
CHEMICAL HAZARDS: Are present when a worker is exposed to any chemical
Machinery-related hazards (lockout/tagout, boiler safety, forklifts, etc.) preparation in the workplace in any form (solid, liquid or gas). Some are safer than others, but
to some workers who are more sensitive to chemicals, even common solutions can cause
illness, skin irritation, or breathing problems. Beware of: Liquids like cleaning products,
paints, acids, solvents – ESPECIALLY if chemicals are in an unlabeled container! Vapors
and fumes that come from welding or exposure to solvents Gases like acetylene, propane,
carbon monoxide and helium Flammable materials like gasoline, solvents, and explosive
chemicals. Pesticides
WORK ORGANIZATION HAZARDS: Hazards or stressors that cause stress (shortterm effects) and strain
(long-term effects). These are the hazards associated with workplace issues such as workload, lack of control
and/or respect, etc. Examples of work organization hazards include: Workload demands Workplace
violence Intensity and/or pace Respect (or lack of) Flexibility Control or say about things Social
support/relations Sexual harassment
FIRE HAZARD How many fire incidents are there in the Philippines each year?
BFP spokesperson Supt. Annalee Carbajal-Atienza said that fire-
With over 3,000 American lives claimed each year from fire hazards, this is the related incidents total 0f 2,619 fire incidents have already been recorded in
third biggest killer as far as home accidents are concerned. Follow these steps the country since January this year.
to avoid fatalities and devastating burns to loved ones as well as damage to
your home and belongings. The Bureau of Fire Protection said the figure is higher compared to a total of
1,812 fire incidents from January to March last year.
Minimize the Risks
• Install smoke detectors in the kitchen, bedrooms and basement.
Which of the following is the main cause of fire incidents in the Philippines?
• Test your alarm monthly and ensure you replace the batteries twice a year. Electrical ignition caused by arcing was cited as the main perpetrator.
Electrical Connections and Electrical Faults have been the top cause of
• Consider a home alarm system that detects smoke. This will not just raise an
fires in Metro Manila with an average of 53.85% of the total number of fires
alarm like a usual smoke detector but it will contact the local fire department
yearly. What are the general causes of Electrical fires?
and help will be on its way. This is particularly useful should a fire render the
my safety my responsibility: top cause of fires in the philippines - faulty ...
householders incapable of response due to smoke inhalation.
• Be careful when cooking and NEVER leave a pan of oil for deep-frying
unattended. If the pan catches fire use a damp tea towel to deal with the
flames, never try to put the fire out with water.
• Have your electrical wiring tested regularly by a qualified electrician.
What is the biggest fire incident in the Philippines?
• At Xmas, a major hazard and devastating tragedy is fires, which can start from
faulty Xmas tree lights. Ensure your festivities are not ruined by a fire by Ozone Disco fire
switching off all Xmas lights before you go to bed.
The Ozone Disco fire in Quezon City, Philippines, broke out at 11:35 pm Philippine
• Keep matches and lighters away from children. Standard Time on March 18, 1996, leaving at least 162 people dead. It is officially
acknowledged as the worst fire in Philippine history, and among the 10 worst
• If you smoke, take care to extinguish all cigarettes carefully. nightclub fires in the world.
Types of physical hazards Confined Space: Confined spaces are enclosed or partly enclosed spaces that are not designed for people to work in, but in
which people need to work inside occasionally.
The main factors and conditions associated with physical hazards include: They can have poor ventilation and are a risk to health and safety from dangerous oxygen levels and contaminants like
airborne gases, vapours and dusts.
• Body stressing
For more information, see Confined spaces advice – Safe Work Australia.
• Confined spaces
Electricity: Electric shock through poor electrical installation and faulty appliances can cause serious injury and even
• Electricity
death. It can result in:
• Heat •death from electrocution
•burn injuries to skin and internal tissue as well as damage to the heart
• Heights other injuries, such as falling from ladders and heights, muscle spasms, palpitations and unconsciousness. Heat strain can
• Noise result from working in hot temperatures and being exposed to high levels of humidity or thermal radiation, such as in
foundries, commercial kitchens and laundries.
Body Stressing: Body stressing is a collective term covering a broad range of health problems Heat: When working in extreme heat conditions, you must be able to carry out work without a risk to your health and
associated with repetitive and strenuous work. safety, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Heat strain can result from working in hot temperatures and being exposed to high levels of humidity or thermal radiation,
Factors influencing body stressing such as in foundries, commercial kitchens and laundries.
When working in extreme heat conditions, you must be able to carry out work without a risk to your health and safety, so
Body stressing injuries, or musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), often develop from carrying out far as is reasonably practicable.
hazardous manual tasks.
Body stressing injuries at work can result from a variety of factors: Heights: Working at heights is a high-risk activity and a leading cause of death and serious injury in Australia.
There are specific obligations under part 4.4 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 to manage the risk of
• Psychosocial aspects of work – factors such as job demands, control, support and satisfaction, someone falling from one level to another, as far as is reasonably practical.
imbalance between effort and reward and monotony of tasks. Financial concerns or relationship
issues may also contribute.
Noise: Noise in the workplace is considered excessive when you need to raise your voice to be heard by someone a metre
• Biomechanical - soft tissue damage which may occur through: away.
Excessive noise can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). It can also affect
• direct exposure (blunt trauma or sudden overload), leading to a muscle tear or sprain,
psychological health including anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleeplessness, memory and decision making.
• indirect exposure (repeated light loading), leading to symptoms that may accumulate to Vibration: There are risks connected to working with vibrating equipment and plant which need to be assessed and
cause further degeneration and injury. managed.
Evidence also shows that people who experience vibration and noise at the same time are more likely to suffer hearing loss
• Individual worker characteristics – factors including health problems or out of hours demands.
and musculoskeletal problems, than people exposed to noise or vibration alone.
Body stressing sources of risk
Manual handling and computer usage are key risks for body stressing.
What is a confined space?
A confined space is an enclosed area where there is a
risk of death or dangerous injury from hazardous
substances or dangerous conditions.
A confined space is a place that is substantially
enclosed (though not always entirely), and where
serious injury can occur from hazardous substances
or conditions within the space or nearby.
Enclosures with limited openings such as drains, sewers,
tanks and silos are confined spaces. These are often
places that are not usually entered by people, but may
need to be during maintenance work or inspections.
During construction work, some areas may become
confined spaces due to the work being carried out, for
example within trenches, unventilated rooms or building
Controlling Confined Space Hazards
If you can’t avoid work within the confined space, you need to carry out a
confined spaces risk assessment to identify the hazards decide what precautions are needed
to control the risk.
Every year, people die or get seriously injured during confined space work. Unfortunately,
many deaths in confined spaces are from people attempting to rescue others and being
exposed to the same hazards.
It is not possible to know all the hazards off the top of your head. If you enter
confined spaces without sampling the atmosphere correctly or testing what is, or
can be there, you will get it wrong at some point and the consequences can be
Gerry McCulloch HSE Confined Spaces Case Studies (IOSH Liverpool 2017)
Controls you might think about include:
• Atmosphere testing
Confined space work is high risk, and you must follow a safe system of work developed through risk
• Plant shut down assessment, method statement, control measures and permits to work.
• Isolation of existing equipment or services Everyone involved with confined space work needs to have the right training and instruction so they can
carry out the work safely, and not put themselves or others at risk.
• Cleaning and ventilating before entry
• Establishing a safe system of work No person at work shall enter or carry out any work in or (other than as a result of an
• Additional lighting
emergency) leave a confined space otherwise than in accordance with a system of work
which, in relation to any relevant specified risks, renders that work safe and without risks to
• Breathing apparatus health.
• Non-sparking tools The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 Regulation 4
• Communication systems
A confined space permit to work is an extra level of control, as the work will need to be authorised and
• Training signed off to say that all the necessary controls are in place.
• Supervision and monitoring
Remember, confined spaces are dangerous places. The Confined Spaces Regulations apply to all work
• Rescue procedures and emergency arrangements within confined spaces and must be applied
• Lifelines
If confined space work cannot be avoided, you need to take extreme care. If you run into trouble within a confined space, the
consequences can be fatal.
1. Lack of Oxygen
Oxygen can be removed from the atmosphere within a confined space through naturally occurring reactions. A reaction between certain soils
and the oxygen, or groundwater and chalk or limestone can produce carbon dioxide which displaces oxygen. Rust forming inside tanks can
also create a lack of oxygen.
In 2014 three crew members died at Goole Docks after entering a cargo hold.
2.Gases, Fumes and Vapours
Poisonous gases and fumes can build up within confined spaces, especially where there is a lack of ventilation.
Deadly gases can leak into the confined space, for example through a burst gas pipe or from contaminated land. Or they may be created from
the work being carried out, such as welding, adhesives or paint fumes.
Without extraction or ventilation, these gases and fumes can create a toxic atmosphere within the confined space.
3. Flooding
Liquids can quickly flood the confined space, particularly in drainage or sewer work, trapping and potentially drowning those within.
And it's not just liquids you should worry about. Solids can also flood confined spaces, for example in trench collapses, with those within the
trench at the risk of being trapped or buried.
Confined spaces can be small, so flooding can occur in a matter of seconds, leaving no time to escape.
4. Dust
Dust can build up within confined spaces, either naturally occurring or through the activity being carried out, e.g. drilling or grinding.
Excessive dust inhalation causes respiratory problems, and hazardous dust can be fatal.
Dust build-up can also increase fire/explosion risk, especially where there is a lack of ventilation
5. Fire and Explosions
Flammable vapours, liquids, gases and dust within the confined space can all increase the risk of fire and explosions. The risk is increased
further where any hot works or tools which can spark are used within the confined space.
Remember how lack of oxygen was number one on our list? Well, too much oxygen is also bad. Excessive oxygen levels increase the risk of
fire and explosions.
6. Temperature
Strenuous construction work, hot works or naturally occurring hot conditions can lead to a dangerous increase in body temperature. This can
quickly become a problem within confined spaces that are hard to escape from at the best of times.
Heat can rapidly rise due to the enclosed nature of a confined space. This can lead to heatstroke, exhaustion and collapse.
7. Access Restrictions
Confined spaces are also dangerous because they can be difficult to access. This makes escape difficult and also hinders any emergency
Once you are inside a confined space, there may not be a quick or easy way out. So it is important to know that work can be carried out safely
before you enter, and emergency arrangements are in place.
Psychosocial hazards
Good work is good for people’s mental health and wellbeing. It provides structure and purpose, a
sense of identity, and opportunities to develop skills and increased feelings of self-worth.
There are some circumstances, however, where work has undesirable impacts on health and wellbeing.