Module 7
Module 7
Module 7
- Research Design
- Population and Sampling
- Respondents of the Study
- Research Instrument
- Validity and Reliability
- Ethical Consideration Data
- Statistical Treatment of the Data
Refers to making decisions with regard to the specific methods and procedures
adopted by the researcher or proponent in the conduct of the research study.
Refers to the plan for the study’s methodology. The design should indicate the purpose
of the study, and demonstrate that the plan will answer the research question(s) and is
consistent with the study’s purpose.
The primary purpose of the research design is to guide the researcher in the quest to
solve problems under the study.
- Generates basic knowledge, clarify relevant issues, uncover variables associated with
a problem, uncover information needs, and/or alternatives for addressing research
- It is considered as very flexible, open-ended process.
- Attempts to identify a causative relationship between an independent variable and a
dependent variable.
This chapter consists of the methods of research used, population and sampling,
respondents of the study, research instrument validity and reliability, ethical
consideration data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of the data.
The current study employed a quantitative method and descriptive research design.
Descriptive research design involves gathering data that describe events and
organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection.
The descriptive method of research was adopted in this study. In the application of the
descriptive method of research, a questionnaire was used to gather the necessary
information and data which were later analyzed and interpreted. A descriptive survey
technique deals with the collection, organization, presentation and computation of data
to describe the samples under study. It is considered appropriate and effective in
describing present statuses of a phenomenon (Santos, Rosita et al., 2000). Through
the use of the descriptive survey method, the data needed to realize the objectives of
this study were satisfactorily obtained.
The population of a research study refers to the entire set of individuals that suits the
interest of the researcher.
The population refers to a set of individuals selected from a population usually intended
to represent the entire population in a research study.
The goal in using a sample in a research study is to examine the sample, then
generalize by inference the results to the entire population.
This study used probability sampling, specifically utilizing stratified random sampling, to
determine the sample size by dividing the entire population into smaller, balanced strata
based on the randomization principle (Statistics Canada, 2021)
The respondents of this research will be the owners of hotel and restaurant business in
Makati City. The selection criteria ensures that all participants must possess the
necessary qualifications to provide valuable insights into the research objectives.
The validity of this research instrument was validated by experts related to the research topic,
The researchers will write letters of requests to get permission from the school for an
interview to the owners of hotel & restaurant business as the respondents for the
research. Once approved, the researchers will prepare for the said interview on the
preferred date and time or availability of the respondents. The survey questionnaires
will be utilized and the information that will be gathered after will be the basis.
This study secured the respondents to have privacy with their information and could
not force them whether they answered or not. Survey forms were used as a way for
researchers on how to collect the data. The researcher obtained consent from the
respondents by providing a consent form if they are willing or not to participate in our
study. The survey questionnaire was distributed to respondents and after retrieval of the
filled-up questionnaires, the researcher conducted data arrangement and subjeted the
data to treatment and analysis with the help of professional statistician or consultant.
The researcher collated the significant data, compiled, sorted out, organized and
tabulated. Several statistical tools were employed to answer the specific problems in
this study as follows:
1. Frequency. This refers to the number of instances in which a variable takes each of its
possible values. It is a set of scores and their frequency or the number of times each
condition occurs.
2. Percentage. It refers to the frequency distribution with the total frequency equated to
one hundred and the individual class frequencies expressed in proportion to that figure.
The percentage distribution was obtained by dividing the frequency by the total number of
respondents multiplied by 100.
3. Weighted Mean. The tool used in analyzing and presenting the average of the
4. Pearson R Correlation Coefficient. Measures the strength of the linear relationship
between two variables.