MIS Managing Global Systems
MIS Managing Global Systems
MIS Managing Global Systems
Presented by :
Apple iPhone
Technology Opportunities for Global Value
1. Data Analytics and Big Data: Utilize advanced analytics, machine
learning, and big data technologies to process and analyse vast
amounts of data from different stages of the global value chain. This
can help identify patterns, optimize processes, and predict supply
chain disruptions.
• Political Challenges
Information is power. Some countries fear that a policy of free access
to information could threaten their sovereignty. The fact that the countries have
different laws has a significant impact on global business in general, and on e-
commerce in particular. The differing laws can pose serious challenges to
international transfer of data, free speech and the location of legal proceedings
when disputes arise between buyer and seller.
• Cultural Differences
Cultural differences refer in general to the many ways in which people from
different countries vary in their tastes, gestures, preferred colours, treatment of
people of certain gender or age, attitudes about work, opinions about different
ethical issues, and the like.
Governments might be inclined to forbid the reception of some information for
reasons of undesirable cultural influence.
Computing platforms
• Computing Platforms provide the computational capabilities
to apply methods and models to geographic data. Computing
Platforms vary in capability, price, and availability from mobile
devices to advanced supercomputers and from standalone
computers to complex networked infrastructures to address
different user needs and data-processing workloads. What do
you mean by computing platform?
• A compute platform is a data environment where software
implementation occurs. The platform can consist of either the
operating system (OS) framework or physical hardware
architecture of the computer where the software execution
Computing platforms examples
• Graphics processing units
• Spatial cloud computing
• Mobile devices
• Cyber infrastructure
• eScience, the evolution of science
Systems Integration
• Systems integration means that you allow a heterogeneous
(hodgepodge) IS to communicate or integrate and share information (or
data) seamlessly with one another.
The SAP information system efficiently stored and organized all of Fossil's business information,
which assisted Fossil management with important business decisions they needed to make. An
information system's ability to organize information so that it provides fuel for smart business
decisions is the real value of computer-based information systems. SAP, IBM, Oracle, and other
computer-based information systems developers do much more than provide hardware systems
and databases.
The systems they install are governed by software that implements best business
practices. These systems assist managers in designing the best business solutions,
which is why selecting the right computer-based information system is crucial to a
company's success. Using the SAP information system to manage its business, Fossil
continued to prosper. The company linked its information system to those of its
customers, such as Wal-Mart and Macy's, to automate the task of fulfilling orders.
Fossil was one of the first companies to launch an online store on the Web, and
managed its evolution from a wholesale business to a retail business. Another
information system was developed for Web sales that worked with the core SAP
corporate-wide information system. More recently, Fossil began experimenting by
opening its own retail stores, which have now blossomed into hundreds of Fossil stores
across the United States and in 15 other countries. However, because managing a retail
store is different from managing a wholesale company, Fossil again turned to SAP and
IBM to design additional information systems that would service its retail needs.
Because Fossil's retail and wholesale operations share production warehousing and
shipping, the retail information system is designed to be integrated with its wholesale
information system. Fossil's information systems are all integrated, connecting to one
central database. Using these information systems, the company can quickly react to
market demands. For example, if Fossil sees that a particular style of watch is selling
well at its retail store in London, it can quickly ship more of that style to department
stores operating in the same area. Fossil credits the information systems for simplifying
its business infrastructure and supporting consistent best practices across its
expanding global business.
Questions for Understanding and Analysis-
1. How might the information systems such as those used at Fossil make
use of the various components of a computer-based information
system: hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people,
and procedures?
2. 02. How do computer-based information systems like Fossil's help
businesses implement best practices?