Double Fill in The Blanks New Pattern

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Verbal Workshop

(a) circulated, keep

Double fill in the blanks (b) dispatched, call
(c) distributed, put
Directions (1-15): In each of the following sentences there are
(d) called, designed
two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of
(e) designed, style
words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out
which pair of words can be filled up in blanks in the sentence in
S6. Ans.(c)
the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct
Sol. Option c is the correct choice
and meaningfully complete.
Q7. The Indian Constitution is built on the words, ideas and
Q1. Despite the fact that existing coal plants are ____ at low
________ of those who led entire movements for the
efficiencies, the DNEP relies on coal power to sustain the
annihilation of caste, with the figure of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
nation’s base load ____ to meet rising energy demand.
calling into memory the countless others who ________ with
(a) having , idea
him and before him.
(b) running, requirement
(a) struggles, marched
(c) seeming, scenario
(b) help, is
(d) engaging , needed
(c) sweat, was
(e) rehearsing, movement
(d) compromise, been
(e) adjustment, helped
S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. B is the correct choice. Word 'Running' and 'requirement'
S7. Ans.(a)
gives the coherent meaning.
Sol. Option A is the correct choice
Q2. ________ a scenario will not arise and he is not a person
Q8. The drafting committees need to examine the ________
who will ______ on things.
shifts occurring in storage and electric vehicles to promote new
(a) Much more, guess
________ in renewable energy.
(b) More, wonder
(a) focus , study
(c) Much, think
(b) paradigm, technologies
(d) Such, speculate
(c) model , technology
(e) That, consider
(d) shift, preferences
(e) example, view
S2. Ans.(d) is the correct choice.
S8. Ans.(b)
Q3. People said that educated Indians ____ agitating for ____
Sol. Option b is the correct choice
they did not understand.
(a) were, something
Q9. Within the Hindu social order that ordains work, occupation,
(b) was, reference
livelihood and status according to birth and ________
(c) has, deployment
individuals from moving away from their pre-ordained status, it
(d) been, anything
is important to _________ the fundamental basis of this status if
(e) is, view
we are to shed the oppression of caste.
(a) bind, marked
S3. Ans.(a)
(b) keep, trying
Sol. Option A is the correct choice. Other options have singular
(c) prevent , changed
(d) allow, foreshadow
(e) restrains, question
Q4. These charges are paid by a telecom services provider
whose subscriber _____ a call to the service provider whose
S9. Ans.(e)
subscriber _____ the call.
Sol. Option e is the correct choice
(a) do, edit
(b) try, give
Q10. Transformation in the automobile ______ could be
(c) ask, proceeds
accompanied by grid- and consumer-level electricity storage at
(d) makes, receives
homes, offices and ________.
(e) demand, require
(a) scenario , marketing
(b) sector, factories
S4. Ans.(d)
(c) field, huts
Sol. Option D is the correct choice
(d) view , segment
Q5. The Reserve Bank of India’s Monetary Policy Committee
(e) section , factor
has since inception ________ its unwavering focus on its
primary remit: the preservation of ______ stability.
S10. Ans.(b)
(a) look, which
Sol. Option b is the correct choice
(b) sustained ,is
(c) retained, price
Q11. It is caste discrimination that _________ disturbance of
(d) maintained , money
peace and social ________.
(e) drawn, amount
(a) pull, disquiet
(b) create, order
S5. Ans.(c)
(c) causes, unrest
Sol. Option c is the correct choice
(d) mention, ease
(e) drag, upliftment
Q6. A printed invitation was ________ in the nearby villages
and the message was ______ on the social media too.
S11. Ans.(c)
Verbal Workshop
Sol. Option c is the correct choice astronomers were forced to …………… that certain bodies
might move in circles about points, which in turn moved in
Q12. Women have a pre-ordained status in the caste order circles about the Earth.
which saw the ________ of gruesome violence with impunity, (a) Scrutinisers; believe
something we have still not been able to annihilate effectively (b) Observers; agree
even in the constitutional era despite a century and a half of the (c) Scrutinisers; suggest
most powerful critiques against the enslavement of women (d) Observers; concede
________ by anti-caste philosophers. (e) Students; conclude
(a) try, really
(b) rehearsal, somewhat Q18. Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a
(c) trial, generally product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his ……………
(d) practice, especially endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of
(e) reality, little environment, including ……………

S12. Ans.(d) (a) Constitutional; weather

Sol. Option d is the correct choice (b) Congenital; education
(c) Personal; climate
Q13. India has been building up its stored _________ while (d) Economic; learning
international oil prices have dropped in the past _____ of years. (e) Genetic; pedagogy
(a) reserves, couple
(b) money , much Q19. Exhaustion of natural resources, destruction of individual
(c) gift, many initiative by governments, control over men’s mind by central
(d) amount , during …………… of the education and propaganda are some of the
(e) edit, few major evils which appear to be on the increase as a result of the
impact of science upon minds suited by …………… to an earlier
S13. Ans.(a) kind of world.
Sol. Option A is the correct choice
(a) Tenets; fixation
Q14. The vigour and vitality of the various expressive freedoms (b) Aspects; inhibitions
guaranteed by the Constitution _______ on the existence of a (c) Institutions; inhibitions
corresponding ________ of cognitive freedom. (d) Organs; tradition
(a) rely, reference (e) Departments; repulsion
(b) distribute, incept
(c) depends, guarantee Q20. These diseases _______ almost regularly at different
(d) bank, unsure stages of the growth and ______ heavy damage.
(e) shift, surged
(a) cause, occur
S14. Ans.(c) (b) will, occur
Sol. Option c is the correct choice (c) occur, cause
(d) would, do
Q15. India’s energy security does require a large strategic (e) occur, could
_____ of oil to take care of any vagaries in its international
______ chain. Solutions :
(a) storage, supply S16. Ans.(c)
(b) shortage, technology Sol. The author is disapproving of the manner in which the
(c) reliance, activated genocide has been described as ‘ethnic cleansing’. Hence,
(d) burden , advance options (a), (b) and (d) can be neglected. Between tragic and
(e) stock, blocking disingenuous the latter is the better word. Hence, option (c) is
correct – something that is confirmed by the second word,
S15. Ans.(a) ‘victims’.
Sol. Option A is the correct choice

Directions (16-20): Each of the following questions has a S17. Ans.(d)

sentence with two blanks. Given below each option are five
pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the Sol. All the options given for First blank are suitable, but second
sentence. part of the sentence shows that astronomers were forced to
accept something opposite of their views because of contrary
Q16. The genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda apart from being evidence. So the word ‘concede’ qualifies for the second blank.
misdescribed in the most sinister and …………… manner as Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
‘ethnic cleansing’ were also blamed, in further hand-washing
rhetoric, on something dark and interior to …………… and
perpetrators alike. S18. Ans.(b)
(a) Innovative; communicator
(b) Enchanting; leaders Sol. The phrase ‘on the one hand’ shows that both factors are
(c) Disingenuous; victims contrasting. The word in the first blank has to be related with the
(d) Exigent; exploiters time of birth so only congenital and genetic fit there. The
(e) Tragic; sufferers 2nd blank on the other hand has to show the effect of
environment – between pedagogy and education obviously,
Q17. As navigators, calendar markers, and other …………… of education is the better word. Hence, option (b) is the correct
the night sky accumulated evidence to the contrary, ancient answer.
Verbal Workshop

S19. Ans.(d)

Sol. Organ fits the first blank best because departments, tenets
Institutions cannot control men’s minds. Consequently, tradition
fits the second blank too. Hence, option (d) is the correct

S20. Ans.(c)


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