8th Sem
8th Sem
8th Sem
Presentation on
8. Contact No 8275024595
9. Website www.vedantagroproduct.com
10. Type of Ownership Individual
11. Year of establishment 2014
12. Category of processing Small scale industry
13. Items Processed Tomato Ketchup, Tomato sauce, Soya
sauce, chilli sauce, green chilli sauce, fruit
Jam,Noodles etc
Organizational structure of vedant Agro Products
Mr. Shelke Prashant.Y.
Managing Director
Mrs. Shelke Sujata.P.
Product Manager
Mr. S.N.Pande
Human Resource Management Practices followed in the Industry
Employee Relation
Recruitment process
Identifying Job
Structure ETP
building (Processing
+ Office +Lab+
Godown )
4. Fencing (Wall Sqft 2012 1,50,000 1,50,000
5. Machinery & No 2014 55,25,000 55,25,000
(1 Pickup)
Total 2,14,75,000
Organization Structure of Production Department
Photo. Mix fruit jam Photo. Tomato Sauce
Product Profile of Soya Sauce
2. Protein (g) 3
3. Carbohydrates (g) 34
Roasted Soaked
Crush lightly
Griending soyabean Steamed
+ wheat
Addition of water +
Fermentation 8
to 11 hours
Boiling at 120-140℃
Pressed filter
Cake Strained
Total 55,25,000
Gross income of vedant Agro
Sr.No. Product Name Quantity Rate Amount (Rs) Percentage Share per
(Kg) (Per (Rs) Product (%)
1 Tomato Sauce 1,34,452 110 1,47,89,720 8.42%
day No.of
(Rs) Days
1. Male 15 300 296 13,32,000
2. Female 12 250 296 8,88,000
Total 22,20,000
10. Carts 500 500 2,50,000 17.24% 43,100
11. Drums 900 200 1,80,000 17.24% 31,032
12. Weighing 10,000 1 10,000 17.24% 1,724
13. Washing Tank 10,000 1 10,000 17.24% 1,724
Total of Machinery & Equipment Cost 8,08,556
Raw material cost for Soya sauce
Sr. no. Raw material Total Rate/lit/kg (Rs.) Total
procurement/ amount/year
Year(kg/lit) (Rs.)
Total 1,12,57,190
Packaging cost for soya sauce
Total 17,48,002
Apportion table
Sr.no Particular Amount Soya sauce 17.24%
1. Land 50,00,000 8,62,000
2. Building 1,00,00,000 17,24,000
3. Water Supply 50,000 8,620
4. Vehicle 5,00,000 86,000
5. Fuel Charges 50,000 8,620
6. CCTV+ Computer 50,000 8,620
2. Building 17,24,000
4. Vehicles 86,200
6. Fencing 25,860
7. Furniture 25,860
= 6,09,028.86÷ 4,32,500
= 1.40
Fixed cost/kg for Soya sauce = Rs.1.40/-
Variable cost for Soya sauce
Sr.No. Particulars Amount (Rs)
1. Purchase of Raw Material 1,12,57,800
2. Electricity Charges 60,340
3. Repairing of Machinery & Equipment 2,586
4. Wages 3,82,728
5. Fuel Charges 8,620
6. Packaging charges 17,48,002
7. Miscellaneous Charges 2,586
8. Advertisement Charges 862
9. Loss in Processing @ 0.1 % on 3,02,75,000 30,275
10. GST @ 5% on 3,02,75,000 15,13,750
A. Total 1,49,30,549
B. Interest on Variable Cost @ 12% 17,91,665.88
A+B Total Variable Cost 1,67,22,214.9
Variable cost/kg = Total variable cost ÷ Total Quantity
= 1,67,22,214.9÷ 4,32,500
= Rs. 38.66
Variable cost/kg for soya sauce is Rs.38.66
Estimation of total cost of processing and Per kg cost of
=1,73,31,243.8÷ 4,32,500
Per kg cost of processing of soya sauce = Rs. 40.07
Profitability of soya sauce
Name of the Per Unit Cost of Total Cost of Total Gross Profit of soya
product Processing / Kg processing (Rs) income (Rs.) sauce
Margin of safety
= Total production – output at BEP
= 4,32,500 -19,432.95
= 4,13,067.05 kg
Benefit cost ratio for soya sauce
B:C Ratio
Net present worth
Sr. no. Cost Benefit Net income NPW
i = Discount factor t = time period
Internal rate of return
Year Gross Cost Net income
D.F.@ D.F.@ NPV @ 12% NPV @ 18 %
12% 18%
Lower Difference NPW at lower discount rate
IRR = Discount + between two × ------------------------------------
Rate discount rate Absolute difference between NPW
At two discount
Payback Period
Sr.no Year Net income
1 2020-2021 Rs. 1,29,43,756.2
= 2,14,75,000 ÷ 1,29,43,756.2
= 1.65 (About 1 year and 6 months 5 days)
Initial capital investment of the project recovers in about 1 year 6 months and 5
Benefit Cost Ratio
Ratio Analysis
1)Calculation of liquidity ratio
A)Liquidity ratio =Current assets\Current liabilities
Here,Current assets = Gross income=Rs 3,02,75,000
Current Liabilities =Variable assets = Rs 1,67,22,214.9
1) Seasonability of Raw Material - The prices of Soya bean and wheat were increased since the
increase from past 2 years. And agriculture is mainly depends on climate,Raw material required
for agro products processing are seasonable in nature and it affects the production process
Hence the cost of production is increased,due to seasonability of raw material.
2) Transportation Issues - Transportation of Perishable foods is the main problem facedby Vedant
agro products. It requires proper packaging therefore it increases cost of transportation
3) Advertisement - Though their products are popular in domestic market but due to less advertisement
it’s not reached out of local market deeply. Promotion is very important factor to develop the image
of company and advertisement plays an very important role topromote growth of the company.
4) High Competition - There are many Competitors of Vedant Agro products which affects the growth of
Industry. Company should study about the SWOT analysis, its Strength,opportunities,weakness,and
threats. It helps to widely develop the market and increase market share.
5) Lack of skilled labour – Skill is an ability to complete the task efficiently and in proper
manner. Vedant agro products face the problem of unskilled labours which leads to create
problems in the process of production.There is a lot of manual work carry out in the companywhich
required skilled workers.
Suggestions to overcome the problems faced by the vedant agro products
1) Company should do a contract with famers for timely supply of soyabean and wheat.
3) Company should Store the Seasonal raw material which will give them continueavailability of raw
4) Company should meet the quality requirement of the clients to overcome over competitors and make
5) Distribution network should be increased to different regions in Nashik district as wellasMaharashtra so
as to get large consumer responses.
a)Initial investment of Vedant Agro-Products Pvt. Ltd. is ₨. 2,14,75,000/-
c)Raw material and packaging cost required for Soya Sauce of Vedant Agro- Products Pvt. Ltd. is
₨.1,11,80,800 /- and Rs 17,48,002/-
d)Total salary and wages expenses required for Soya Sauce of Vedant Agro- Productsis
₨.2,83,425.6 /- and Rs.3,82,728/-
e)From the study of cost of production of Soya Sauce, it was observed that the fixed cost per kg was
₨.1.40 /- and variable cost per kg was ₨.40.07 /- and per kg total cost of production was
₨.1,73,31,243.8 /-.
f)From financial study it was observed that gross income of Soya Sauce of Vedant Agro- Products Pvt.
Ltd. was ₨.3,02,75,000 /- and net profit was ₨.1,29,43,756.2 /-
g)The B:C ratio is 1.74, it shows that, when entrepreneur invests 1 rupee then he gets additional 0.74 Paise
from that investment. From B:C ratio analysis it was observed that B:Cratio was more than one, it reveals
that production of Soya Sauce is financially feasible for Vedant Agro Products.
Out of total agriculture production that is 272 million tones, around 8percent of produce
get processed. It reveals that food processing have vast scope in agriculture.It was
reveals that the sufficient amounts of resources were available in the region of Vedant
Agro- Products and company were used in efficient manner.Different variable cost
components of company like raw material cost, electricity charges, repairing of
machinery and equipment, total wages, fuel charges, packaging cost. Out of those it
was observed that raw material component required highest cost The company has great
scope to improve their promotional activities to generate high sales.The company runs
well in small organization structure and made more profit.The margin of safety is
higher from BEP which indicates Vedant Agro-Products willmake profit even if there is
fall in production
Channel wise Marketing cost of soya sauce
Marketing cost for channel I
Marketing channel I
Per kg cost incurred by retailer
Sr. No. Particular Rate ( Rs./kg)
1 Purchase Price 85
s2 Marketing cost
a. Labour Charges 0.5
b. GST 5 % 5
c. Storage 0.20
d. Miscellaneous Charges 0.02
Total Marketing cost 5.72
3 Margin 9.28
4 Selling Price 100
Price spread and profit margin from processor to consumer
Sr. Particulars Profit Producer
No. Cost/ kg Price
margin share in Spread
(Rs./kg) consumer Rs.
B. Weaknesses
1. Higher cost: The cost of Vedant
A.Strengths: Agro-Products is higher than market price.
1)Variety of products
2)Loyal customers 2.Poor marketing network in rural
3)Skilled Worker
area–No marketing network is established
4)Well-known Brand
5)Well-developed marketing strategy in ruralarea which is lead stolack of
awareness among rural people.
C) Opportunities
1.Ready to eat products and also in
processing food products.
Yes No
From the above data it was observed that 80% consumers preferred soya sauce
and 20% consumers donot prefer soya sauce.
1. What are the factors responsible for purchase of the Dark soya sauce ?
Sr. Particulars No. of Percentage
No. Consumers (%)
1. Low price of the 5 20 %
2. Good quality 7 28%
3. Easily Availability 6 24 %
4. Large quantity 7 28 %
Sub Total 25 100%
From the above data, it was observed that 20 % consumer purchase the soya sauce because low price of the
product, 28 % consumer purchase because large quantity of product, 24 % consumer purchase because easily
availability of product and 28
% consumer purchase because good qualityof product.
From last how many years do you use the soya sauce?
Sr. No. of Percentage (%)
No. Particulars Consumers
1 1 year 5 20%
2 2 years 7 28 %
3 6 month 13 52 %
Total 25 100%
From the above data, it was observed that 20 % consumer use the Soya Sauce
sincelast 2 year, 28% from last 1 year, 52 % from last 6 month.
What packaging do you prefer for soya sauce?
Sr. No. of Percentage
No. Particulars Consumers (%)
1 PET Bottle 4 16 %
2 Can 11 44 %
3 Glass bottle 10 40 %
Total 25 100%
customer preference for packaging of soya sauce
From the above data, it was observed that 52 % of total consumers consider safety is an
importantattribute in Soya Sauce, 32 % consumer consider taste as important attribute in
Soya Sauce, and 16% consumer consider Soya Sauce as versatileproduct.
6.Which media of advertisement is more effective according to consumers?
Sr. No. Particulars No. of Consumers Percentage (%)
From the above data, it was observed that 56 % of total consumers are influenced by
hearing/seeing advertisement through poster and banners.Posters and banners play
important role in the advertisement of the product.
7.Satisfaction level of customer regarding Soya sauce?
Sr. No. Particulars No. of Consumers Percentage (%)
1 Highly Satisfied 9 36%
2 Satisfied 9 36%
3 Not Satisfied 7 28%
Total 25 100%
From the above data, it was observed that 36 % of total consumers are highly Satisfied 36%
are satisfied and 28 % are not satisfied with the product
Survey of wholesalers
For the wholesaler’s survey conducted for the product soya sauce. 4 wholesalers were surveyed.
1. Do you require quick delivery of stock during season?
Sr. Particulars No. of Percentage
No. Wholesalers (%)
1 Yes 4 100%
2 No 0 0%
Total 4 100%
From the above data, it was observed that all wholesalers of Vedant Agro- Products are satisfied withthe delivery of products.
2. Are all orders of various quantities provided to you as per the requirements?
Packages provided as per requirement?
Sr. No. Particulars No. of Wholesalers Percentage (%)
1 Yes 4 100%
2 No 0 0%
Total 4 100%
From the above data, it was observed that the packages are provided to Wholesaler as pertheirrequirement.
3. Which mode of payment is used by wholesalers?
Mode of Payment used by wholesaler:
Sr. Particulars No. of Percentage
No. Wholesalers (%)
1 Cash 2 50 %
2 Credit 2 50 %
3. online 0 0%
Total 4 100%
Mode of paymentby wholesalers
50% 50%
cash credit
Mode of payment used by wholesalers
From the above data, it was observed that 50 % wholesaler done payment by cash and
50% done by credit. Large wholesalers pay by cash after delivery of product.
4. Do you return unsold products quantity to company?
Sr. Particulars No. of Percentage
No. Wholesaler (%)
1 Yes 0 0%
2 No 4 100%
Total 4 100%
From the above data, it was observed that none of the wholesalers returns the
unsoldquantityto company.
5. Do you have sufficient storage facilities for the products?
Sufficient storage facilities for the product :
1 Yes 4 100%
2 No 0 0%
Total 4 100%
From the above data, it was observed that all the Wholesalers
have sufficient storagefacilities for the products .
Survey of Retailers
Retailers survey was conducted for the product Soya sauce among 5 Retailers
1. Do you require any quick delivery of stock during season?
Quick delivery of stock during season
2. Are all orders are provided as per requirement per your requirement?
Packages are provided to retailer as per requirement
Sr. No. Particulars No. of Percentage
Retailers (%)
1 Yes 5 100%
2 No 0 0%
Total 5 100%
From the above data, it was observed that packages are provide as per
required of all theretailer.
3. Payment mode used by Retailers?
Payment mode used by retailers
From the above data, it was observed that mode of payment of 100% of retailers
use cashforpayment of product.
Problems and suggestions
a.Problem Faced by Wholesaler:
1.Due to unawareness about the product, customers ask for specific brand.
2.Market position of the product is not satisfactory other than local market area.
1.Attractive packaging of products should be done and use of packaging materials likepackets, mini
bags etc. can be done.
2.More advertisement of products through media like local channel, e-marketing etc. canbedone.
And increasing marketing strategy of product.
4.Outlet should be at prime location in the city to increase sales and number of outletshould be start.
5.The website of company should be developing so it may possible to connect more no ofconsumer
at minimum cost.
6.Company should adopt more promotional activities to create awareness among thepeople and
to increase sale.Company should provide quick delivery of product when demanded by Retailers
Summary and conclusion
1. In first marketing channel total marketing cost of processor was Rs.41.48. And profit
margin is27.87.
2. The total marketing cost of wholesaler was Rs.70. and profit margin was Rs.9.68.
3. The total marketing cost of retailer was Rs.85. and profit margin was Rs.9.28.
4. Price spread was Rs.30 and producer’s share in consumer rupee was 70%.
5. In second marketing channel total marketing cost of processor was Rs.41.48. And profit margin
6. The total marketing cost of retailer was Rs.70. and profit margin was Rs.5.68.
7. Price spread was Rs.40 and producer’s share in consumer rupee was 63.63%.
8. From study of consumer behavior it was revealed that 80% customers preferred soya sauce.
While20% consumer do not prefer soya sauce
9. It was observed that 17 % consumer purchase the soya sauce because low price of the
product, 23 % consumer purchase because large quantity of product, 20 % consumer
purchase because easily availability of product and 40 % consumer purchase because
goodquality of product.
10.It was observed that 7 % consumer use the Soya Sauce sincelast 2 year, 5 % from last 1 year, 60
% from last 6 month.
11.It was observed that 36 % consumer purchase the soya Sauce with can packaging, 33 % consumer
purchase with PET bottle packaging, and 27% consumer purchase with glass bottle packaging.
12.It was observed that 43 % of total consumers consider safety is an important attribute in Soya
Sauce, 27 % consumer consider taste as important attribute in Soya Sauce, and 30
% consumer consider Soya Sauce as versatile product.
13.It was observed that 47 % of total consumers are influenced by hearing/seeing
advertisement through poster and banners.Posters and banners play important role in the
advertisement of the product.
14.It was observed that 47 % of total consumers are highly Satisfied ,30% are satisfied and 23 % are not
satisfied with the product
15.It is observed from the survey of wholesalers that they are highly satisfied with the timely
deliveryof orders, also the quantities are provided according to their orders. The payment is done 50%
by cash and 50% by credit, wholesalers have 100% sufficient storage facilities.
16.It was observed from survey of retailers that they are highly satisfied with the timely
delivery of orders, also the quantities are provided according to their orders, payment is done 100% by
From the study it was concluded that Vedant Agro Industry have 2 marketing channels and Company
gets Same profit margin in channel both Marketing Channel.Vedant Agro Industry don’t emphasize
much more on advertisement and promotional activities and hence in order to boost sales and
brand recognition they must adopt the various promotional activities.Though having limited distribution
area Vedant Agro Industry have strong image in theirareaof distribution due to the quality of product and
word of mouth is doing well for Vedant AgroIndustry.From the study it was concluded that all the
Wholesalers and Retailers are also satisfiedwith the service provided by Vedant Agro Industry
regarding quality of product, Deliveryschedulesand terms of service
Entrepreneurial Development Programme