Presentation of AIDS
Presentation of AIDS
Presentation of AIDS
• Acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS), It's caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, also
called HIV. HIV damages the immune system so that the body is less able to fight infection and disease
• Vital illness (a disease that can cause the patient to die).
• It breaks down the body’s immune system leaving the patient vulnerable to a host of life-threatening
opportunistic infections, neurological disorders, or unusual malignancies.
• Its incubation period is from a few months to 10 years
• Males>Females
• It occurs in all ages.
• AIDS is now the second leading cause of death for all men aged 25-44 years.
• About 37.9 million live with HIV and killed more than 35 million.
The prevalence of aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) varies significantly by region and population
group. it is typically measured as the number of people living with aids per 100,000 population or as a
percentage of the population affected by the disease. here are some key points regarding the prevalence of aids:
• GLOBAL PREVALENCE: according to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of 2020, an estimated
38 million people worldwide were living with HIV/AIDS. the prevalence of aids varies widely by region,
with sub-Saharan Africa bearing the greatest burden of the epidemic.
• REGIONAL DISPARITIES: Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest prevalence of aids globally, with southern
Africa being the most affected region. In contrast, other regions such as North America, western and central
Europe, and parts of Asia have lower prevalence rates.
• POPULATION GROUPS: Certain population groups are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS,
including men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender individuals, and
prisoners. Within these groups, prevalence rates may be much higher than in the general population
It is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).
It has three stages:
Stage 1: Acute HIV
Some people get flu-like symptoms a month or two after they’ve been infected with HIV. These
symptoms often go away within a week to a month.
Stage 2: Chronic stage/clinical latency
After the acute stage, you can have HIV for many years without feeling sick. It's important to
know that you can still spread HIV to others even if you feel well.
Stage 3: AIDS
AIDS is the most serious stage of HIV infection. In this stage, HIV has severely weakened your
immune system, and opportunistic infections are much more likely to make you sick.
the virus is spread (transmitted) person-to-person through certain body fluids:
• blood
• semen and pre-seminal fluid
• rectal fluids
• vaginal fluids
• breast milk
Eg IBALIZUMAB ( it binds CD4 T cells thus inhibiting HIV from entering the cell)
E.g. ENFUVIRTIDE (binds to viral protein GP-41 thereby preventing fusion virus envelope with the cell).