The Age of Revolutions

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The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

▪ Liberalism+Nationalism=Revolution

▪ Led by liberal-nationalists

▪ Bourbon dynasty-The July Revolution.

▪ Metternich: When France sneezes, the rest of the Europe catches cold.

▪ The July revolution and Belgium.

▪ Greek war of independence.

The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling

▪ Culture and the idea of nation.

▪ Romanticism: a cultural movement.

▪ Sought to create a particular form of nationalist sentiment.

▪ Criticised the glorification of reason and science. Focused instead on

emotions, intuition and mystical feelings. Shared collective heritage
and common cultural past, as the basis of nation.

▪ Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)

▪ Das Volk: true German culture to be discovered among the common people.

▪ Folk songs, folk poetry and folk music: volksgeist.

▪ Collecting and recording these forms of folk culture was essential to the
project of nation building.

▪ Vernacular+folklore=large audience

▪ Karol Kurpinski: Poland; polonaise and mazurka.

▪ Language and nationalism: Polish v/s Russian

▪ The Grimm brothers: Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm).

▪ The very act of collecting and recording these forms of folk culture was
essential to the project of nation-building.

▪ Grimm Brothers: Folktales and Nation-Building

▪ Grimm’s Fairy Tales

▪ Became active in the liberal politics

▪ 33-volume dictionary of the German language.

▪ French dominance as a threat to German culture.

◤ Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt

▪ The 1830s were years of hardship in Europe.

a) Enormous increase in population all over Europe.

b) Small producers often faced with stiff competition from imports.

c) In many regions peasants suffered under the burden of feudal

dues and obligations.

d) Rise of food prices and a year of bad harvest.

1848 was one such year. Food shortages and widespread

unemployment brought the population of Paris out on the roads.

▪ Louis Phileppe was forced to flee.

▪ National Assembly proclaimed a Republic.

▪ Granted suffrage to all adult males above 21.

▪ Guaranteed right to work. National workshops to provide employment

were set up.

▪ 1845, revolt by the weavers in Silesia.

1848: Revolution of Liberals

▪ France : A revolution of the educated middle-class.

▪ National Assembly

▪ Germany: Failed revolution.

▪ Women’s political rights

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