The Magazine Article

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The Magazine article

(The format is similar to Newspaper Reports)

In order to retain the reader's interest, the article should at all times be
interesting and informative.
 As in newspaper articles, the title must be short, powerful and eye-catching.
 Most magazine articles are also divided into columns to ensure easier reading.
 The writing is structured and separated into paragraphs, usually with an introduction,
development (body) and conclusion.
 The writer is always mentioned (called the by-line).
 The topic, tone and style is dependent on the nature of the article, the personality of the
writer and the audience to whom it is addressed.

A feature article appears in a newspaper or magazine to inform, persuade or

entertain the audience. The writer states his opinion on the subject.
 A feature article addresses social, cultural or political issues and is more detailed than a
news report.
 It has a short, eye-catching headline.
 A powerful first paragraph introduces the main idea of the article.
 The opening sentence should be effective and a rhetorical question may be used.
A personal or emotive story that establishes the tone may be included.
 The body is made up of short paragraphs that build the argument.

 Examples are used to substantiate the writer's point of view.
These may include interviews with credible sources, statistics to support claims
and direct input from eyewitnesses or others personally involved.
 Discriminate use of descriptive and emotive language will enhance the writing.
 Technical language may be used where applicable.
 The tone will reflect the attitude of the writer.
 Diagrams, photos and other visuals may accompany the article and reference should
be made to them.
 In the concluding paragraph, ideas are summed up and a judgement or inference is

Read a) Background and b) Identify features of a magazine article on pages

79 and 80 of your textbook.
Know the terms ‘skimming’ and ‘scanning’.
Read the magazine article and answer questions 1 – 8 on page 82.
LEARN the words in the glossary box.

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