Arogyavardhini Vati

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Arogyavardhini vati

Dr Arya Raveendran
PG scholar, Dept of RSBK
• It is a widely practiced kharaliya rasa formulation.
• Arogya means health , vardhini – means improver.
• Thus the name itself suggest it as a formulation which enhances
or improves the health of the individual who consume it.
Ref : RRS/20 kushta/87-93
रस गन्धक लोहाभ्र शुल्ब भस्मं समांशकम् । पाचनी दीपनि पथ्या हृद्या मेदोविनशिनी ॥
त्रिफला द्विगुणा प्रोक्ता त्रिगुणं च शिलाजतु ॥ मल शुद्धिकरी नित्यं दुर्धर्ष क्षुत् प्रवर्तिनी ।
चतुर्गुणं पुरं शु्द्धं चित्रमूलं च तत् समम् । बहुनात्र किमुक्तॆ न सर्वरोगेषु शस्यते ॥
तिक्ता सर्वसमा ज्ञेया सर्वं संचूर्ण्य यत्नतः ॥ आरोग्यवर्धनी नाम्ना गुडिके यं प्रकीर्तिता ।
निम्बवृक्ष दलाम्बॊभिर्मर्दयेत् द्विदिनावधि । सर्वरोग प्रशमनि श्री नागार्जुन योगिन॥
ततश्च वटिका कार्या राजकोलफलोपमा ॥
मण्डलं सेविता सैषा हन्तिकु ष्ठान्यशॆषत: ।
वात पित्त कफॊद्भूत ज्वरान्नानाप्रकारजान् ॥
देया पञ्चदिनॆ जाते ज्वरे रोगो वटी शुभा।
Drug Classical quantity Practical quantity

Shu parada 1 part 0.5g

Shu gandhaka 1part 0.5g
Loha bhasma 1part 0.5g
Abhraka bhasma 1part 0.5g
Tamra bhasma 1 part 0.5g
Triphala churna 2 part 1g
Shu shilajatu 3 part 1.5g
Shu guggulu 4 part 2g
Chitramoola churna 4 part 2g
Katuki churna 18 part 9g
Nimbapatra swarasa QS QS
Method of preparation
• First prepare kajjali using shu parada and shu gandhaka.
• Then add the remaining drugs in fine powder form into a khalwa
yantra and mix well.
• Add nimba patra swarasa to this mixture and triturate properly for
2 days.
• Then prepare tablets of the size rajakola phala(360g).
• Precaution: properly shodhita drugs have to be used and kajjali should
be used after passing kajjali pareeksha.
• Indication: all types of kushta esp mandala kushta, different types of
• Karma: deepana, pachana, hridya, medonashaka, malashudhikara.
• Dose: 3 ratti
• Anupana: as per disease
• Shelflife: 5 years (acc to Gazette of India)
Market availability

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