Embedded systems employ a combination of software and hardware to perform a specific function on limited computer hardware resources. Embedded systems are designed for specific tasks rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. Microcontrollers contain a CPU, fixed amount of RAM and ROM, I/O ports, and timers on a single chip. Common microcontrollers include the 8051, PIC, AVR, and ARM microcontrollers. The PIC16F153 is a popular microcontroller with features like a high-performance RISC CPU, two bytes of RAM, and 28 pins including 22 general purpose pins. Programming embedded systems uses data types like unsigned char and directs I/O through data direction registers.
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Embedded systems employ a combination of software and hardware to perform a specific function on limited computer hardware resources. Embedded systems are designed for specific tasks rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. Microcontrollers contain a CPU, fixed amount of RAM and ROM, I/O ports, and timers on a single chip. Common microcontrollers include the 8051, PIC, AVR, and ARM microcontrollers. The PIC16F153 is a popular microcontroller with features like a high-performance RISC CPU, two bytes of RAM, and 28 pins including 22 general purpose pins. Programming embedded systems uses data types like unsigned char and directs I/O through data direction registers.
Embedded systems employ a combination of software and hardware to perform a specific function on limited computer hardware resources. Embedded systems are designed for specific tasks rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. Microcontrollers contain a CPU, fixed amount of RAM and ROM, I/O ports, and timers on a single chip. Common microcontrollers include the 8051, PIC, AVR, and ARM microcontrollers. The PIC16F153 is a popular microcontroller with features like a high-performance RISC CPU, two bytes of RAM, and 28 pins including 22 general purpose pins. Programming embedded systems uses data types like unsigned char and directs I/O through data direction registers.
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Embedded systems employ a combination of software and hardware to perform a specific function on limited computer hardware resources. Embedded systems are designed for specific tasks rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. Microcontrollers contain a CPU, fixed amount of RAM and ROM, I/O ports, and timers on a single chip. Common microcontrollers include the 8051, PIC, AVR, and ARM microcontrollers. The PIC16F153 is a popular microcontroller with features like a high-performance RISC CPU, two bytes of RAM, and 28 pins including 22 general purpose pins. Programming embedded systems uses data types like unsigned char and directs I/O through data direction registers.
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ECE department 8ardar Anup 8ingh
11081962 EV8E00E0 3Y3TEV3 erp|oys a coro|ral|or ol sollWare & rardWare lo perlorr a spec|f|c funct|on rarge lror porlao|e dev|ces sucr as d|g|la| Walcres , VP3 p|ayers, lrall|c ||grls, laclory corlro||ers des|gred lor sore spec|l|c las|, ralrer lrar oe a gerera|-purpose corpuler lor ru|l|p|e las|s Tre prograr |rslrucl|ors Wr|ller lor eroedded syslers are slored |r R0V Trey rur W|lr ||r|led corpuler rardWare resources: ||ll|e rerory, sra|| or ror-ex|slerl |eyooard ard/or screer 4 r des|lop sysler erg|reers Wr|les lre operal|rg sysler prograr ard user Wr|les lre app||cal|or prograr r execule |l or osp 4 r eroeded sysler oolr operal|rg sysler ard app||cal|or prograr are Wr|ller oy erg|reers 4 r eroeded sysler ras a lasler excess l|re ol lre operal|rg sysler lrar a corpuler sysler lral's Wry We preler ar eroedded sysler 0ERENCE 8ETwEEN C0VPuTER N0 EV8E00E0 3Y3TEV PPLCT0N3 0 EV8E00E0 3Y3TEV3 H|6R0PR06E880R H|6R060NTR0LLER 6PU 0n A 6h|p Corpuler or a cr|p The H|croprocessors conta|n no RAH, no R0H, and no ||P 0|P ports on the ch|p |tse|f. r|crocorlro||er ras a CPu (r|croprocessor) |r add|l|or lo a l|xed arourl ol RV, R0V, /0 porls ard a l|rer a|| or a s|rg|e cr|p The H|croprocessors have many operat|ona| codes (opcodes} for mov|ng data from externa| memory to the 6.P.U. V|crocorlro||ers ray rave ore or lWo 0peral|ora| codes A 8|NCLE 6h|P H|6R0PR06E880R our types of m|crocontro||ers- W8051 m|crocontro||er WP|6 m|crocontro||er WAVR m|croconto||er WARH m|crocontro||er VCR0C0NTR0LLER3 1}R|86- Reduced |nstruct|on set computer Re|at|ve|y fast Hore number of |nstruct|ons Eg-P|6 2}6|86- 6omp|ex |nstruct|on set computer Re|at|ve|y s|ow Less number of comp|ex |nstruct|ons Eg-AVR TYPE3 0 VCR0C0NTR0LLER RClTECTuRE PC VCR0C0NTR0LLER |t |s per|phera| |nterphase contro|. Types of P|6 m|crocontro||er- 4 P|6 10,12,14,1,18,24,32 4 P|6 10,12,14,1,18 are of 8 b|ts 4 P|6 24 |s of 1 b|ts 4 P|6 32 |s of 32 b|ts |t |s ava||ab|e from 8 p|n to 40 p|n P|6 13 K|T P|N 0|ACRAH 0 P|613 EATURE8 0 P|6 13 | l |s a r|gr perlorrarce R3C CPu || Vax |rslrucl|ors corsure s|rg|e racr|re cyc|e lo execule ||| 0peral|rg speed |s uplo 20 VlZ |v | ol l|asr rerory v 2 oyles ol RV v| l |s 28 p|r r|crocorlro||er v|| p|rs are spec|a| purpose p|rs ard 22 p|rs are gerera| purpose p|rs 8PE6|AL PURP08E P|N8 W P|r : VCLR (rasler c|ear) used lo prov|de lre exlerra| resel s|gra| l |s acl|ve |oW W P|r 8 : grourd / vss W P|r & p|r 0: lrese p|rs are lre crysla| |rpuls W P|r : vss p|r aga|r W P|r 20 : vdd p|r CENERAL PURP08E P|N8 Trese p|rs car oe used as |rpul /oulpul or as ar a|lerral|ve lurcl|or Trese are d|v|ded |rlo 3 parls- DP0RT : p|r 2 lo Z DP0RT 8 : p|r 2 lo 28 DP0RT C : p|r lo 8 PR0CRAHH|NC |N EHE00E0 6 W |n th|s pr|nt |s not used for d|sp|ay|ng anyth|ng W |nt , f|oat , char |s not used W |n embedded c we use data types of uns|gned va|ues Examp|e : uns|gned char W There |s a data d|rect|ona| reg|ster connected w|th each port . Th|s reg|ster |s known as TR|8. SPECIAL MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES: W !ower-on Reset {!R_ W atchdog Timer {T_ W scillator for reliable operation W !rogrammable code protection W !ower saving 8LEE! mode W 8electable oscillator options "UER|E8. ? ... THAtK Y0u