Sweety Seed

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 Seed
 Classes of Improved Seed
 Procurement of class of I mproved Seed
 Reporting to Monitoring Agency
 Seed Production in Field
 Selection of Appropriate Field
 Sowing a Class of Improved Seed
 Maintenance of recommended Isolation Distance
 Roughing Off types
 Field Inspection
 When to make Inspection
 Seed Processing
 Any part of plant which is used
for further propagation is called
 ›A seed is a miniature plant supplemented
with reserved food and protected by an outer
 ›Ripened ovuIe(female part of flower) is
also called seed.
Classes of improved seed
 › Nucleus Seed
 › Breeder Seed
 Foundation seed
 › Certified Seed
Procurement of class of improved
• Seed Producing agency or individual must have access to a
class of seed,one step higher than class of seed that is intended
to be produced.
• For example for producing breeder seed,the
producer must have access to nucleus seed.
• Planning for seed production should start few years before
production,at least four years for strong seed chain production.
Reporting to Monitoring Agency
Following information must provide to monitoring Agency-

 Season
 Year
 Field
 Town
 Class of seed
Seed Production in field

It includes:
› Selection of appropriate field.
› Sowing a class of improved seed.
› Maintenance of recommended isolation distance.
› Roughing off types
› Field inspection
› Harvesting, threshing and storage with care
Selection of appropriate field
• Soil should have good drainage,fertiIity status and
not deficient in micro and macro nutrients.
• Field should be free from weed seeds.
• Passport traits should express.
Sowing a class of improved seed
• For seed production row to row spacing is kept
more so that there is enough space for movement in
field for roughing,inspection etc.
• For breeder seed every after two row one row is left
fallow so that proper seed formation takes place.
Maintenance of recommended
isolation distance
Protect seed production plots from other fields of same
crop so that no risk of contamination by pollen from
neighbouring fields occur.
 Spatial isolation
 Temporal isolation
 Mechanical Isolation
Isolation distance of different seed


Wheat Pure lines 3
Hybrids 100

Rice Pure lines 3

Hybrids 100
Roughing off types
 Roughing is the removal of off—type(those plants that
are phenotypically different from plants of the variety
grown as seed crop) plants from a field.
 Roughing should start before flowering and continue
till maturity.
 Roughing should be done several times under
supervision of technical experts.
Field inspection
 Field inspection refers to the scrutiny of seed
production plots
 By a team of qualified persons.
 › It is checked that source of seed is approved or not.
 › Roughing is being done or not.
When to make inspection?
In general field inspection may be made during following
five stages:
 › Pre-flowering.
 Flowering.
 Post-flowering.
 › Pre harvest/ Physiological maturity.
 Harvesting.
Seed Processing
• Seed processing means improving the quality of harvested
seed including several operations starting from harvesting of
seed crop till its marketing through
Seed Drying
 Reduction in seed moisture content to a safer limit is
called seed drying.
 ›Its objective is to maintain seed viability and seed
vigour for longer period of time during storage.
 If moisture contents are high, higher chances of insect
pests attack and deteriorate quality of seed due to
higher respiratory activities.
Seed cleaning

Seperation of physical impurities or removal of non seed

material from seed.

Seed Grading
Removal of under sized/under weight seeds from seed lot.
Grading is done on the basis of
 › Length
 Width
 Thickness
 › Density of seed
Seed Treatement
• Seed treatment refers to exposure of seed to certain
chemical or physical agents which are able to protect them
from pests and provide good health to the seed.
• Infected seeds may fail to germinate.
• Infected seeds lead to Introduction of pathogens
into new areas.
Seed Packaging
 Seeds are packed in bags of appropriates quality and
size.Choice of packing materiai
 depends upon type of crop,amount of seed and storage
 Packaging materials are of three types.
 Moisture—vapour resistance,e.g polythene.
 Moisture—vapour permeabIe,e.g cIoth,paper bags
 Moisture—vapour proof,e.g Tin cans.
Seed Labelling
 All seed bags must carry printed information about
 Variety
 Class of seed
 Name and address of producer
 Physical purity(%)
 Genetic purity(%)
 Moisture(%)
 Germination(%)
 Date of germination
 Date of test
 Net Content
Major Seed Production units in
 Kaveri Seeds
 Mangalam Seeds
 Gentex Seeds
 Advanta India Limited
 JK Agri Genetics Limited,
Landscaping refers to any activity that modifies the
visible features of an area of land, including the
following: Living elements, such as flora or fauna; or
what is commonly called gardening, the art and craft of
growing plants with a goal of creating a beauty
within the landscape.
Styles of Gardening
Formal Style: A formal style is a garden with a clear
structure, geometric shapes and in most cases a
symmetrical layout.
For Example:
 Mughal Garden,New Delhi
 Lalbagh Garden,Banglore etc.

Informal Style:An informal style is a garden where

curves, non-symmetrical arrangements of features and
spaces and plants that are allowed to grow into
their natural shapes.
Free Style:This style combines the good points
of both formal and informal style of gardening.
For Example:
 Rose Garden of Ludhiana

Edges:These are perennial herbs often used as a

short border for lawn or ground cover or dividing beds
from roads, walks or paths. These herbs often stand
frequent trimming.e.g; Daylily, Begonia etc.

Hedges:A hedge or hedgerow is a line of closely

spaced (3 feet or closer) shrubs and sometimes trees,
planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the
boundary of an area, such as between
neighbouring properties.E.g;Dog-rose,Bougainvillea
Protected Cultivation
Protected or greenhouse cultivation is defined as an
improved technology of growing crops under controlled
environment. The crops are protected from abiotic
(temperature, rain, wind, humidity, etc.) and biotic
(diseases and insect-pests) stresses.
Importance of Protected Cultivation
1.Crop is protected from cold, wind, storm, rain and frost.
2. Due to controlled conditions there is better germination,
plant growth and crops mature faster.
3.Improved quality & quantity of produce with long shelf
4.Use of water is optimized and there is reduction in its
consumption by 40-
5.Effective utilization of inputs
6.Incidence of disease and pests is reduced or eliminated.
Limitations of Protected Cultivation
(i) High cost of initial infrastructure (capital cost).
(ii) Non-availability of skilled human power and their
replacement locally.
(iii) Lack of technical knowledge of growing crops under
protected structures.
(iv) All the operations are very intensive and require
constant effort.
Floriculture crops like rose, gerbera, carnation, anthurium,
lilium, orchids, chrysanthemum, etc.
 Vegetable crops like tomato, yellow and red bell peppers
(from the capsicum family), cucumber, leafy and exotic
vegetables, etc.
Benefits of Protected Cultivation
 Large increases in yield, produce quality, and
 High water productivity, saving significant amounts of
 Significant reduction in pesticide use for lower
production costs and healthier produce.
 Year-round production, allowing farmers to take
advantage of market seasonality and higher prices.

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