CDP Assessment Tool
CDP Assessment Tool
CDP Assessment Tool
Structure and Mechanism for Assessment
Assessment Cycle
Consultative Substance and logic
Compliance to prescribed
Participatory Alignment with the PDPFP,
templates and documentary
Inclusive PDIP, and CLUP
Extent of institutional Confirms how the technical
Emphasis is put on documents
partnerships and consultations and scientific data pertaining
that reflect CCA and DRR
pursued during plan to CCA and DRR influenced
integration in the CDP
formulation the CDP process
Enhanced CDP Assessment Tool
Component I: FORM
GHG Inventory
Project briefs for PPAs with DRR and CCA objectives and for
PPAs to be funded by 5% LDRRMP will be required,
especially as they will also be subsequently tagged in the
- LDIP Summary Form (Form 3e) as
long as the sectoral PPAs are
- Workshop outputs of
prioritization exercises
7. Form 3c
Check if:
- LDIP followed the template (Form
3e) as prescribed in the DILG-
A. Preparatory Meetings
1. EP validation
2. Project call – long list of PPAs
3. Prioritization of Projects
4. Approval of the CDP and LDIP
What are the required preparatory and consultative
meetings, consultations, and workshops?
**C/M LGU may also indicate whether it has engaged institutional partners
Column 1. List of required
Column 2. Put a check () if
consultation/agenda is conducted or delivered
Column 3. Indicate proof / document
Column 4. Indicate comments or observations
relative to extent of compliance, if any
Enhanced CDP Assessment Tool
Component III: CONTENT
A. Quality
A.Quality of Vision and Ecological Profile
has both outward and inward looking perspective
Contains element descriptors (5 development sectors) and
corresponding success indicators
Risk-informed – considered the result of CDRA
1. Vision, goals and
objectives are Each development sector has goal statement/s
linked, long term, Sectoral goals are based on the results of situational
strategic, and analysis – VRG, PSFM, map overlay analysis, etc.
Goals focus on reduction, prevention and mitigation of
realistic climate and hazard risks and/or climate change adaptation/
Consistent with sectoral goals
Can be attained within the planning timeframe of CLUP/CDP
A.Quality of Vision and Ecological Profile
Accomplished Form 2a per sector contains PPAs that
1. PPAs are responsive are responsive to issues and concerns resulting from
situational analysis
to the issues, problems, Identified issues and concerns in the EP have
and gaps as made corresponding PPAs and/or legislations
There is logical and consistent linkage between
evident in the ecological columns 1,2 and 3 of Form 1d and columns 1,2,3,
profile and LDIS and 4 of Form 2a.
If using other format, check for the linkage of PPAs
with issues resulting from situational analysis
B. Quality of PPAs
B. Quality of PPAs
PPAs would
1. PPAs are responsive
Benefit any of the identified vulnerable groups
to the issues, problems, Rehabilitate, upgrade, retrofit existing physical
and gaps as made infrastructure/ critical facilities
evident in the ecological Rehabilitate the environment
profile and LDIS Improve the delivery of basic services
Directly target DRR and CCA issues
corresponding to the levels of risks and
B. Alignment
A. Linkage and Consistency of the CDP and LDIP
2. All prioritized projects Check if PPAs in the LDIP have high rates/score
based on the result of prioritization exercise.
are those with the
highest scores To assess if the LDIP is DRR-CCA mainstreamed,
check if
Prioritized DRR-CCA PPAs are part of the LDIP
The PPAs in the LDRRMIF (PPAs funded from
the 5% DRRMF) are included in the LDIP
1. The developmental strategy CDP and CLUP have the same vision statement.
Sectoral strategies of the CDP are consistent with
and programs of the the spatial development strategies of the CLUP
city/municipality are PPAs identified in the CDP are not only sector-
focused but also considered spatial location
harmonized or consistent with PPAs identified in the CLUP are considered in the
the CLUP. CDP PPA prioritization process
Location of PPAs (especially infrastructure PPAs)
complements and is not in conflict with the land
use/zone regulations subsumed in the approved
Note: Check if PPAs, especially infrastructure projects
Indicate in the “remarks” column if the CLUP and ZO
are for updating or outdated during the assessment
are not located within high-risk areas as
For details of location of PPAs, refer to respective identified in CLUP.
project brief
C. Alignment with CLUP, PDPFP and PDIP
Results of CLUP and CDRA (or other similar tools) are integrated in the C/MLGU
information base (i.e., LDI, ecoprofile)
Results of CDRA or other similar tools are used to enhance the C/MLGU situational
analysis (i.e., VRG/PSFM)
Vision/goals/targets/ objectives/strategies from CDRA or related tool coincide
converge with the CDP and its implementation instruments
Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) /Annual Investment Program (AIP)
for PPAs with DRR/CCA objectives exceed the 5% LDRRM Fund
Monitoring and evaluation includes a system for meaningfully integrates resilience
(e.g., construction supervision of critical infrastructure)
Column 1. List of required content / criteria for
Column 2. Put a check () if criteria is
Column 3. Indicate comments or observations
relative to extent of compliance, if any
Component IV: Mainstreaming Concerns
DRRM sector concerns are not integrated in all of Not Disaster Risk Sensitive Not Risk-Informed
the seven (7) elements of the CDP and
and Not Climate Risk Sensitive
CCAM sector concerns are not integrated in all of
the seven (7) elements of the CDP.
Note: CDP Assessment shall yield the following determination: