ICAO SMS M 10 - Approach (R013) 09 (E)
ICAO SMS M 10 - Approach (R013) 09 (E)
ICAO SMS M 10 - Approach (R013) 09 (E)
Revision N 13
Course structure
Module 10 Phased approach to SSP and SMS Implementation Module 9 SMS operation
SMS planning
Module 4 Hazards
At the end of this module participants will be able to develop a proposal for an SMS standard, based upon a phased implementation, and explain the organization of a State
Module N 10
Why a phased approach to SMS? The four phases The State safety programme (SSP) SSP initial steps in support of SMS implementation A vision of the future Integration Points to remember Exercise 10/01 Model of SMS regulation Outline of an SMS Standard Exercise 10/02 Collision between two aircraft at MilanoLinate International Airport (See Handout N 6)
Module N 10 ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course
Module N 10
Phase 1 Planning
Provides: a blueprint on how the SMS requirements will be met and integrated to the organizations work activities, and an accountability framework for the implementation of the SMS
Module N 10
Phase 1 Planning
1. Identify the Accountable Executive and the safety accountabilities of managers
2. Identify the person (or planning group) within the organization responsible for implementing the SMS 3. Describe the system (ATOs that are exposed to safety risks during the provision of their services, aircraft operators, AMOs, organizations responsible for type design and/or manufacture of aircraft, air traffic services providers and certified aerodromes) 4. Conduct a gap analysis of the organizations existing resources compared with the national and international requirements for establishing an SMS
Module N 10 ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course
Phase 1 Planning
5. Develop an SMS implementation plan that explains how the organization will implement the SMS on the basis of national requirements and international SARPs, the system description and the results of the gap analysis
Element 1.5 (Module 8)
Element 1.1 (Module 8) Elements 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (Module 9) Element 4.1 (Module 9)
Implementation of reactive safety management processes Elements: 2.1 and 2.2
Implementation of proactive and predictive safety management processes Elements: 2.1 and 2.2
Implementation of operational safety assurance Elements: 1.1; 3.1; 3.2 ;3.3 4.1 and 4.5
Develop documentation Element 1.5 Develop and establish means for safety communication Element 4.2 Develop and deliver training Element 4.1
Module N 10 ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course
The bridge
Service providers
Module N 10
States shall establish a State safety programme (SSP), in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety in civil aviation.
Module N 10
Develop the State safety programme (SSP) around the following four components:
1. State safety policy and objectives 2. State safety risk management 3. State safety assurance
Module N 10
Develop an SMS training programme for the State safety oversight authority staff.
Develop SMS regulations for service providers. Prepare guidance material for the implementation of SMS.
Revise the State enforcement policy.
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
The bridge
Safety performance
Service providers
Module N 10
Services provider
Service delivery
Module N 10
Points to remember
1. Reduce a complex task to a series of manageable steps 2. Avoid a bureaucratic exercise (Ticking boxes) 3. Element allocation under a particular phase may slightly vary depending upon the specific Annex 4. The State safety programme (SSP) framework
Module N 10
Module N 10
plenary session
Module N 10
Module N 10
Exercise 10/02 Collision between two aircraft at Milano-Linate International Airport (Handout N 6)
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
The obvious consideration is that the human performance issues related to the Cessna crew during low visibility conditions must be weighted against the scenario that allowed the course of events that led to the fatal collision
Module N 10
Module N 10
Module N 10
The accident investigation has identified that no functional Safety Management System (SMS) was in operation at Milano-Linate International Airport
Therefore you should: Develop an SMS implementation plan for MilanoLinate International Airport Complete the Gantt chart in Table 10/02 SMS implementation plan
Module N 10 ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course
Module N 10
Module N 10
Revision N 13