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PACYFIRE-Monthly Review Meeting (PPT) 10-2020

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MONTH : October-2020
Date: 31/10/2020
Project Brief

Project Name: PIPL H09

Original Contract Value

INR 13448400
Revised Contract Value
INR 13448400
Work done up to date INR 98400

Contractual Start Date 06TH Nov 2020

Actual Start Date 22rd Oct 2020

Contractual Finish Date

Expected Finish Date

Health, Safety & Environment
Description Unit Standard For The Month Cumulative/
Norms/Plan YTD

Total Man-Days worked Man days 135 135

Reportable Accidents No’s 0 0 0

First-aid cases No’s 0 0 0

Near Miss Incidents No’s 0 0 0

Total Man-days lost due to accident Man days 0 0 0

Severity Rate (SR) 0 0 0

HSE Committee Meeting No’s 1 1 1

HSE Walk No’s 1 1 1

HSE Induction Training No’s 1 1 1

Health, Safety & Environment Measure-Photographs
Description Unit For The Month Cumulative/Year
Till Date
Quality related customer complaints Nos

Major Non Conformance reports (NCRs) Nos

Nos of Open NCRs Nos

QA QC –Activity Unit Standard Achieved Cumulative/

Norms/ Per Month YTD
Planned per Achieved

Nos 1 1 1
Quality Walk
QA & QC Measure-Photographs

• Density checks • Coating thickness

Material Sample Submission and Approvals

Submitted Submitted Approved Approval

Description Remarks
Makes Date Make Date
Vermiculite 24-02-2020 pyrocrete 26-05-2020
pyrocrete 239
Expanded 24-02-2020
Super Star Super star 26-05-2020
metal lath
Oorja weld 24-02-2020 Oorja weld
Studs/ Nail 26-05-2020
tech tech
Present Shop Drawings’ Status

Required Received Client

Description Remarks
Date Date Comments

Drawing A

Drawing B

Drawing C

If Any drawings in progress

Material Procurement Tracker

Planned Achieved Ach. % Planned Achieved Ach. % Reasons for Non

Qty FTM Qty FTM FTM Qty CTD Qty CTD CTD Achievement

1100 1100 1100 1100

Pyrocrete239 100% 100%
bags bags bags bags
Expanded 1000 1000 1000 1000
100% 100%
lath sqm sqm sqm sqm
Material Procurement Details

Expected Expected
Description Quantity Remarks
Dispatch Date Delivery Date

2200 BAGS
PYROCRETE 239 22-11-2020 24-11-2020
Work Method Statements

Date of Phoenix Date of

Activity Description SPCL Remarks Approved
submission Remarks approval

Pyrocrete 239 Approved with

24-02-2020 25-05-2020 Yes
application comments
Physical Progress Status
For The Month Cumulative
Total Project Total Project
Available Planned as % Planned as %
Major Activities Unit Scope as per Scope - per
Scope Achieved Achieve per Baseline Achieved Achi
BOQ Revised Monthly
d MCS eved
Physical Progress Status- Pictorial Form
Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved
11-May 10-Apr 11-May 11-Apr 11-Nov
18-Sep 18-Sep 8-Aug 8-Aug 19-Sep 19-Sep 8-Aug 8-Aug 4-Nov 4-Nov
Level -12

31-Aug 31-Aug 21-Jul 21-Jul 1-Sep 1-Sep 21-Jul 21-Jul 21-Oct 21-Oct
Level -11

31-Jul 31-Jul 12-Mar 12-Mar 31-Jul 31-Jul 9-May 9-May 7-Oct 7-Oct
Level -10

19-Jun 13-Jun 03-Apr 03-Apr 21-Feb 20-Feb 9-May 9-May 03-Apr 03-Apr 22-Feb 22-Feb 12-Sep 12-Sep
Level -09

26-Feb 26-Feb LM Room LM Room 8-Jan 8-Jan 27-Feb 27-Feb LM Room LM Room 13-Jan 13-Jan 12-Aug 12-Aug
Level -08

6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 20-Dec 20-Dec 20-Dec 20-Dec 30-Dec 30-Dec 30-Dec 30-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 16-Mar 14-Mar
Level -07
16-Dec 16-Dec 18-Dec 16-Dec 3-Dec 6-Dec 3-Dec 6-Dec 18-Dec 13-Dec 18-Dec 13-Dec 3-Dec 3-Dec 3-Dec 3-Dec 17-Feb 17-Feb
Level -06

26-Nov 26-Nov 16-Oct 26-Nov 23-Nov 23-Nov 23-Nov 23-Nov 29-Nov 29-Nov 29-Nov 29-Nov 19-Nov 19-Nov 19-Nov 19-Nov 18-Jan 18-Jan
Level -05

12-Nov 11-Nov 11-Nov 11-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 14-Nov 14-Nov 15-Oct 15-Oct 26-Dec 27-Dec
Level -04

18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 17-Sep 9-Oct 9-Oct 24-Oct 24-Oct 28-Sep 1-Oct 27-Nov
Level -03

26-Sep 26-Sep 19-Sep 19-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 6-Aug 2-Aug 30-Aug 30-Aug 8-Nov
Level -02

21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 8-Nov

Level -01
30-Jul 30-Jul 22-Jan 21-Jul 27-Jun 15-Jun 15-Jun 30-Jun 30-Jun 25-Sep
Stilt -06

20-May 20-May 31-Aug

Stilt -05

Stilt -04

Stilt -03

Stilt -02

ELEMENT LW 01 LW 02 LW 03 LW 04 LW 05 LW 06 LW 07 LW 08


Note: As per latest approved schedule Planned Dates are to be considered
Physical Progress Status- Pictorial Form
Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved Planed Achieved
17-Jul 31-Jul 07-Jul
5-Oct 5-Oct 30-Dec 30-Dec 4-Jan 4-Jan 11-Dec 11-Dec 12-Jan 12-Jan 2-Nov 18-Jan 22-Jan 30-Dec 30-Jan
Level -12

22-Sep 22-Sep 12-Dec 12-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 30-Nov 30-Nov 31-Dec 31-Dec 23-Oct 8-Jan 13-Jan 21-Dec 21-Jan
Level -11

10-Sep 10-Sep 1-Dec 1-Dec 11-Dec 11-Dec 18-Nov 18-Nov 19-Dec 19-Dec 14-Oct 22-Dec 1-Jan 9-Dec 9-Jan
Level -10

29-Aug 29-Aug 19-Nov 19-Nov 30-Nov 30-Nov 5-Nov 5-Nov 8-Dec 8-Dec 1-Oct 10-Dec 21-Dec 27-Nov 29-Dec
Level -09

13-Aug 13-Aug 6-Nov 6-Nov 18-Nov 18-Nov 24-Oct 24-Oct 26-Nov 26-Nov 19-Sep 28-Nov 9-Dec 16-Nov 17-Dec
Level -08

1-Aug 1-Aug 26-Oct 26-Oct 5-Nov 5-Nov 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Nov 8-Sep 17-Nov 27-Nov 3-Nov 5-Dec
Level -07
21-Jul 21-Jul 14-Oct 14-Oct 24-Oct 24-Oct 30-Sep 30-Sep 2-Nov 2-Nov 25-Aug 4-Nov 16-Nov 22-Oct 24-Nov
Level -06

29-Feb 29-Feb 1-Oct 1-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 18-Sep 18-Sep 21-Oct 21-Oct 12-Aug 21-Oct 3-Nov 10-Oct 11-Nov
Level -05

17-Feb 17-Feb 19-Sep 19-Sep 30-Sep 30-Sep 7-Sep 7-Sep 9-Oct 9-Oct 3-Aug 12-Oct 22-Oct 28-Sep 30-Oct
Level -04

30-Dec 31-Dec 8-Sep 8-Sep 18-Sep 18-Sep 17-Mar 17-Mar 26-Sep 26-Sep 24-Jul 29-Sep 10-Oct 16-Sep 19-Oct
Level -03

20-Oct 20-Feb 20-Feb 7-Sep 7-Sep 18-Feb 18-Feb 15-Sep 15-Sep 20-Mar 20-Mar 17-Sep 5-Oct 30-Mar 7-Oct
Level -02

12-Oct 13-Jan 13-Jan 21-Mar 21-Mar 24-Jan 24-Jan 14-Feb 14-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 31-Aug 24-Sep 20-Mar 24-Sep
Level -01
19-Sep 18-Dec 17-Dec 5-Mar 5-Mar 27-Dec 27-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 17-Jan 17-Jan 20-Aug 15-Sep 11-Mar 26-Aug
Stilt -06
25-Nov 14-Feb 05-Dec 11 -Dec
28-Aug 11-Nov 14-Feb 28-Jan 18-Nov 20-Sep 20-Sep 30-Dec 25-Dec 25-Feb 25-Feb 5-Sep 10-Feb 10-Feb 29-Jan 22-Jan
Stilt -05

8-Aug 1-Nov 5-Jan 8-Nov 31-Jul 23-Dec 4-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 27-Aug 21-Dec 14-Jan 8-Jan 24-Dec
Stilt -04

17-Aug 4-Sep 17-Oct 12-Oct 24-Oct 17-Sep 4-Sep 17-Dec 27-Nov 24-Dec 26-Sep 26-Oct
Stilt -03
18-Aug 27-Aug 11-Sep 12-Oct 5-Sep 27-Aug 26-Nov 26-Nov 21-Sep 9-Dec 7-Sep 7-Sep
Stilt -02

4-Sep 29-Aug 19-Oct 19-Oct 12-Sep 7-Sep 29-Aug 7-Aug

ELEMENT ST-01 ST-02 & SL 1 ST-03 & SL 2 ST-04 & SL 3 ST-05 ST-01 ST-02 ST-03 ST-04 ST-05


Note: As per latest approved schedule Planned Dates are to be considered

Delay Status

Baseline Baseline Actual Actual/Expected

Activity/Milestones Start Finish Start Finish Finish Variance Remarks

Only one team

Completion of Stilt 4 beams 15-10-2020 31-10-2020 24-10-2020 10-11-2020 10 days

Overall Delay in Completion = ….days

Resource Status - Labour
Further Requirements
Description Unit Units Available
Required For October October November December

Labour Mobilization
Sub Contractor/Specialized Agency Teams 4 1 4 4 4

Total 4 1 4 4 4
Previous Week Plan Vs Achieved

Completed On
Previous Weeks Targeted Works Time? Constraints New Target

Completion of phase 1 to Shortage of spraying machine

No 10-11-2020

Completion of Peripheral Unavailability of platform

No 10-11-2020
beams upto level 6 Accesses

Critical issues clearly indicating

primary responsibility and action due date
• Electrical conduits, cable tray and plumbing pipes which
laid at beam surfaces need to be removed at stilt levels
for complete coating.
•Priming of rusted beams scope to be finalized.
Progress Photographs

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