C2 (2) TQControl&Stats
C2 (2) TQControl&Stats
C2 (2) TQControl&Stats
Quality Management
System in Food Industry
Topic 3
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Quality assurance
Differentiate the functions of Quality Assurance (QA) department and Quality Control
(QC) Department
Discuss the Organization of QA& QC programs.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
the organization
Quality Control Systems
in the Production System
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
7 Modern View of Quality Control
High quality is achieved by a combination of:
Good management – three objectives of “total quality management”:
1. Achieving customer satisfaction
2. Continuous improvement
3. Encouraging involvement of entire work force
Good technology – traditional statistical tools combined with modern
measurement and inspection technologies.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
8 Quality assurance & Quality control
The terms “quality assurance” and “quality control” are often used
interchangeably to refer to ways of ensuring the quality of a service
or product. The terms, however, have different meanings.
Assurance: The act of giving confidence, the state of being certain or the act of
making certain.
Quality Assurance: The planned and systematic activities implemented in a
quality system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Control: An evaluation to indicate needed corrective responses; the act of guiding
a process in which variability is attributable to a constant system of chance causes.
Quality Control: The observation techniques and activities used to fulfill
requirements for quality.
QA is a strategic management function that:
establishes policies, adapts programs to meet established goals, and provides
confidence that these measures are being effectively applied.
A QA program consists of
an in-house consulting organization;
it evaluates the quality program and gives advice,
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Quality Assurance
Covers everything from raw materials and GMP verification through finished-product release
HACCP is part of QA
Quality Control
Actual manufacturing process
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
20 What are the functions of a QA department?
Product features are the aspect of quality for which the design department is
Product features determine to a large degree the price that a company can charge for
its products
Freedom from deficiencies is the quality aspect for which the manufacturing
departments are responsible
The ability to minimize these deficiencies has an important influence on the cost of
the product
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
In general:
The responsibility for high quality extends well beyond the design and
manufacturing departments, staff and suppliers.
28 Again.. What is Quality
In short:
The ability to make the same thing the same way, over
and over again
Customer buys today is same as what they bought last
week or will buy next week
Product meets customer’s expectations 100% of the time
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
29 Dimension of quality
Design. This determines the market segment. It is not only an engineering
decision, but involves customers, manufacturing, and other stakeholders.
Conformance: eight dimensions of quality to link customer requirements to
engineering design.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Perceived quality.
In order to achieve that, need to do:
30 Statistically based process
You cannot inspect quality by applying statistical process without properly put
the programs in place.
The process must be able to meet the specifications or there will be a lot of
Programs have to be statistically based.
There must be integration between R&D, engineering and marketing to define a
product that can be made 99% of the time.
The program that is designed to control the process must then make sense.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
31 Integration process
Integration of product development, engineering, marketing as part of
quality assurance program:
Will the raw materials available, combined with the normal variation
in the process, produce the product desired?
How does one describe what is actually needed in statistical terms that
can verify the processes?
Does the normal variation lie within the specification, or is some type
of sorting required to meet the specification?
Does anyone know what the cost of tight specifications is?
How will the QA manager design and implement the control program
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
required to assure that the final product going out the door meets
customers’ needs, given the restrictions imposed by the raw materials,
regulatory concerns and the process design?
32 Understand use of product
Retail population
Industrial customer
Make sure that the customer knows what he wants
Learn what process they are going to be using
Monitor customer feedback — suggestions and complaints
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Speed of testing
What level of accuracy is necessary
Maintenance and calibration of lab equipment
Training of technicians
Verification of accuracy and variation of technicians
38 Specific major functions of the QA
department, to monitor:
Compliance with specifications.
Test procedures.
Sampling procedures and schedules.
Record-keeping and reporting procedures.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Special problems.
39 QA/GMP Documentation
SSOP written for a food processing plant should be a comprehensive document and must
include the following areas for monitoring:
Hygiene and personnel practices.
Sanitation principles and food handling practices.
Manufacturing controls of operations.
Communicable diseases/injuries.
Personal cleanliness and conduct.
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
Can the supplier replace the raw material in time to maintain the
production schedule?
If not, then how badly does the company need the final product it
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
If it is critical, then can manufacturing make a processing change to
accommodate the raw-material deviation?
If not, then it is still rejected.
End of TOPIC 3
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3
CFB 30302 TOPIC 3