Commit Protocols Non-Blocking Commit Protocols

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Advanced Operating Systems

TOPIC : Commit Protocols Non-blocking Commit protocols

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Nonblocking Commit
 Nonblocking commit? :
 Sites should agree on the outcome by examining their local states.
 A failed site, upon recovery, should reach the same conclusion
regarding the outcome. Consistent with other working sites.
 Independent recovery: if a recovering site can decide on the final
outcome based solely on its local state.
 A nonblocking commit protocol can support independent recovery.
 Notations:
 Concurrency set: Let Si denote the state of the site i. The set of all
the states that may be concurrent with it is concurrency set (C(si)).
 (e.g.,) Consider a system having 2 sites.If site 2’s state is w2, then
C(w2) = {c1, a1, w1}. C(q2) = {q1, w1}. a1, c1 not in C(q2) as 2-
phase commit protocol is synchronous within 1 state transaction.
 Sender set: Let s be any state, M be the set of all messages
received in s. Sender set, S(s) = {i | site i sends m and m in M}

3-phase Commit
 Lemma: If a protocol contains a local state of a site with
both abort and commit states in its concurrency set, then
under independent recovery conditions it is not resilient to
an arbitrary single failure.
 In previous figure, C(W2) can have both abort and commit
states in the concurrency set.
 To make it a non-blocking protocol: introduce a buffer state
at both coordinator and cohorts.
 Now, C(W1) = {q2, w2, a2} and C(w2) = {a1, p1, w1}.

3-phase commit: State Machine
Coordinator Cohort i

q1 C_R received/ C_R received/
Commit_Request Agreed msg sent Abort msg sent
message sent to
all cohorts
All agreed/ wi ai
One or more abort w1 Abort from
Prepare msg Prep msg
reply/ Abort msg coordinator
to all received/
sent to all cohorts send Ack
a1 P1 Pi
All cohorts Commit
Ack/ Send Commit received from
msg to all coordinator

Failure, Timeout Transitions
 A failure transition occurs at a failed site at the instant it
fails or immediately after it recovers from the failure.
 Rule for failure transition: For every non-final state s (i.e., qi, wi,
pi) in the protocol, if C(s) contains a commit, then assign a failure
transition from s to a commit state in its FSA. Otherwise, assign a
failure transition from s to an abort state.
 Reason: pi is the only state with a commit state in its concurrency
set. If a site fails at pi, then it can commit on recovery. Any other
state failure, safer to abort.
 If site i is waiting on a message from j, i can time out. i can
determine the state of j based on the expected message.
 Based on j’s state, the final state of j can be determined
using failure transition at j.

Failure, Timeout Transitions
 This can be used for incorporating Timeout transitions at i.
 Rule for timeout transition: For each nonfinal state s, if site j in
S(s),and site j has a failure transition from s to a commit (abort)
state, then assign a timeout transition from s to a commit (abort)
 Reason:
 Failed site makes a transition to a commit (abort) state using failure
transition rule.
 So, the operational site must make the same transition to ensure that
the final outcome is the same at all sites.

3-phase commit + Failure Trans.
Coordinator Cohort i

q1 C_R received/ C_R received/
Commit_Request Agreed msg sent Abort msg sent
F,T message sent to F,T
all cohorts F,T
wi ai
One or more abort w1 All agreed/ Abort from
Prepare msg Prep msg
reply/ Abort msg coordinator
to all received/
sent to all cohorts F,T send Ack Abort from
T P1 coordinator
a1 Pi
Abort to all All cohorts
cohorts Commit
Ack/ Send Commit F,T received from
msg to all coordinator
F: Failure Transition ci
T: Timeout Transition
F,T: Failure/Timeout

Nonblocking Commit Protocol
 Phase 1:
 First phase identical to that of 2-phase commit, except for failures.
 Here, coordinator is in w1 and each cohort is in a or w or q,
depending on whether it has received the commit_request message
or not.
 Phase 2:
 Coordinator sends a Prepare message to all the cohorts (if all of
them sent Agreed message in phase 1).
 Otherwise, it will send an Abort message to them.
 On receiving a Prepare message, a cohort sends an
acknowledgement to the coordinator.
 If the coordinator fails before sending a Prepare message, it
aborts the transaction on recovery.
 Cohorts, on timing out on a Prepare message, also aborts the

Nonblocking Commit Protocol
 Phase 3:
 On receiving acknowledgements to Prepare messages, the
coordinator sends a Commit message to all cohorts.
 Cohort commits on receiving this message.
 Coordinator fails before sending commit? : commits upon
 So cohorts on Commit message timeout, commit to the
 Cohort failed before sending an acknowledgement? :
coordinator times out and sends an abort message to all others.
 Failed cohort aborts the transaction upon recovery.

 Use of buffer state:
 (e.g.,) Suppose state pi (in cohort) is not present. Let
coordinator wait in state p1 waiting for ack. Let cohort 2 (in
w2) acknowledge and commit.
 Suppose cohort 3 fails in w3. Coordinator will time out and
abort. Cohort 3 will abort on recovery. Inconsistent with cohort


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