Biology Holiday Homework
Biology Holiday Homework
Biology Holiday Homework
by aaryan shrivastava
sch no-5404
Water (chemical formula H2O) is an inorganic,
transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly
colorless chemical substance, which is the
main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and
the fluids of all known living organisms (in
which it acts as a solvent).
Why do all living organisms depend on water
They need water to carry out the process of photosynthesis.
Animals need water to carry out the basic cell activities. Some
animals keep themselves regularly hydrated to digest food and
produce body fluids due to their habitats, while some others
are adapted to less water consumption.
Rain water harvesting
• Rain water harvesting is collection and storage of rain water that
runs off from roof tops, parks, roads, open grounds, etc. This water
run off can be either stored or recharged into the ground water. A
rainwater harvesting systems consists of the following components: