Unit-I-Basic Concepts
Unit-I-Basic Concepts
Unit-I-Basic Concepts
Dr. Rifaqat Ali
Department of Mathematics and Scientific Computing
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Email id : rifaqatali@nith.ac.in
• Basic Concepts: Introduction to File and Database systems- Database system structure – concepts
and architecture, date models, schemas & instances, DBMS architecture & data independence,
database languages & interfaces, Data Model, ER model.
• Relational Models: SQL – Data definition- Queries in SQL-relational model concepts, relational
model constraints, relational algebra, SQL- a relational database language: date definition in SQL,
view and queries in SQL, specifying constraints and indexes in SQL; relational database
management systems-Updates, Views, Integrity and Security, Relational Database design,
Functional dependences and Normalization for Relational Databases, normal forms based on
primary keys, (1NF, 2NF, 3NF & BCNF), lossless join and dependency preserving decomposition,
converting ER-diagrams into relations.
• Data Storage and Query Processing: Record storage and Primary file organization- Secondary
storage Devices, Operations on Files, Heap File, Sorted Files, Hashing Techniques, Index Structure
for files, Different types of Indexes- B-Tree - B+Tree.
• Transaction Management: Transaction Processing, Need for Concurrency control, Desirable
properties of Transaction, Schedule and Recoverability, Serializability and Schedules; Concurrency
Control, Types of Locks, Two Phases locking, Deadlock.
Books and References
An introduction to database concepts by B. Desai, Galgotia publications.
An introduction to database systems by C. J. Date, Addison Wesley.
Fundamentals of database systems by Elmsari and Navathe, Addison Wesley.
Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan,
Database System Implementation, Hector Garcia–Molina by Jeffrey D. Ullman and
Jennifer Widom, Pearson Education.
Database System, Design, Implementation and Management by Peter Rob and Corlos
Coronel, Thompson Learning Course Technology.
Basic Concepts:
Data: It is a raw and isolated facts about an entity (recorded).
• e.g., Text, Audio, Video, Image, Map, etc.
Data: Raw facts which may be numbers, values, names, dates, etc. When we
combine related data, they describe any real-world entity.
Related data: Data which belong to the same entity (person, place, event or thing).
For example: Suppose the entity like ‘Doctor’ (person type of entity),
Doctor’s Name, Address, Date-of-Birth, Qualification, Specialization, etc., are
related data.
But cannot say that supplier’s name and doctor’s qualification are related data.
1). User: User is any person who uses a database or any other object
of the database.
Naive User, or End-user, or Layman: The clerk of the university uses the
‘university’ database to enter the data of applicants who have applied for
various courses and the same data are retrieved to generate a merit list.
The clerk does not know anything about the technical features of the database
or the language, using which data is entered or retrieved. He is completely
unaware about the technology. Therefore, he/she is known as an end-user or
Layman or Naive user.
Software Programmer, or Application Programmer, or Application
Developer: A software programmer is a person who writes application
programs or logic in some specific language to insert, delete, update or fetch
data to/from database.
Database Designer: A database designer decides about entities (data files)
which should be stored within database, constraints to be applied on data,
data types, format and other specifications regarding data. The database
designer is responsible for designing of data files.
Database Administrator: A database administrator (DBA) is the person
who is the overall in-charge of a database. He/she assigns authorization to
users, writes validation procedures, decides backup and recovery policies,
and manages users and privileges. In short, DBA keeps control on database.
• Examples of file systems include Microsoft’s NTFS and Apple’s Hierarchical File
• A DBMS, on the other hand, is a much larger application that can
manipulate large quantities of data in complex ways.
• It usually has more advanced security features to protect the data it
contains and offers backup and recovery in the event of data loss,
unlike a file system.
• A DBMS is usually much more expensive and complicated to
implement than a file system, however. Prominent DBMS products
include MySQL, IBM DB2, and Amazon RDS.
Advantages of file-based systems include:
• Easy to use
• Inexpensive
• Faster performance
• Suitable for personal data management
Disadvantages of file-based systems include:
• Limited capacity
• Limited functionality
• Less security
• Greater data inconsistency
• No backup or recovery capabilities