11 Processor Structure and Function 20 3 18

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Computer Architecture

Course Code: CSE360

Lecture 11
CPU Structure and Function
CPU Structure
• CPU must:
—Fetch instructions: The processor reads an instruction
from memory (register, cache, main memory).
—Interpret instructions: The instruction is decoded to
determine what action is required.
—Fetch data: The execution of an instruction may
require reading data from memory or I/O module
—Process data: The execution of an instruction may
require performing some arithmetic or logical
operation on data
—Write data: The results of an execution may require
writing data to memory or I/O module.
CPU With Systems Bus
• ALU performs actual
computation or processing
of data.
• The control unit controls the
movement of data and
instructions into and out of
the processors, and controls
the operation of ALU
• Registers, minimal internal
memory consisting of a set
of storage locations
- processors need to store
some data temporarily while
execution of instructions as
it needs to remember the
location of last instruction to
get the next instruction
CPU Internal Structure
• Data transfer and logic control
paths are indicated (bold
arrow), including an element
labeled internal processor bus.

• Internal processor bus is

needed to transfer data
between the various registers
and the ALU. This is because,
ALU operates only on data in
the internal processor memory
(e.g., registers)
Control & Status Registers
• Program Counter (PC): Contains the address of
an instruction to be fetched
• Instruction Register (IR): Contains the
instruction most recently fetched
• Memory Address Register (MAR): Contains the
address of a location in memory
• Memory Buffer Register (MBR): Contains a word
of data to be written to memory or the word
most recently read.
Instruction Cycle with Indirect
Instruction Cycle State Diagram

• Once an instruction is fetched, its operand specifiers must be

• Each input operand in memory is then fetched and this process
may require indirect addressing
• Registers based operands need not be fetched.
• Once the operand is executed, similar process may be needed
to store the result in main memory
Data Flow (Instruction Fetch)
• Depends on CPU design
• In general:

• Fetch
—PC contains address of next instruction
—Address moved to MAR
—Address placed on address bus
—Control unit requests memory read
—Result placed on data bus, copied to MBR, then to IR
—Meanwhile PC incremented by 1
Data Flow (Fetch Diagram)
Data Flow (Data Fetch)
• IR is examined
• If indirect addressing, indirect cycle is
—Right most N bits of MBR which contain the operand
address, are transferred to MAR
—Control unit requests memory read
—Result (operand fetch) moved to MBR
Data Flow (Indirect Diagram)
Data Flow (Execute)
• May take many forms
• Depends on instruction being executed
• May include
—Read/write from memory or I/O
—Transferring data among register
—ALU operations
Data Flow (Interrupt)
• Simple
• Predictable
• Current PC saved to allow processor to resume
activity after interrupt
• Contents of PC copied to MBR to be written into
memory through data bus
• Special memory location reserved for this
purpose is loaded into MAR from the control unit
• PC loaded with address of interrupt handling
• Next instruction (first of interrupt handler) can
be fetched
Data Flow (Interrupt Diagram)
• Fetch accessing main memory
• Execution usually does not access main memory
• Can fetch next instruction during
execution of current instruction
• Called instruction prefetch
Improved Performance
• But not doubled:
—Fetch usually shorter than execution
– Prefetch more than one instruction?
—Any jump or branch means that prefetched
instructions are not the required instructions
• Add more stages to improve performance
• Processors make use of instruction pipelining to
speed up execution.
• Pipeline involves breaking up the instruction cycle
into number of separate stages that occur in
sequence, such as fetch instruction, decode
instruction, calculate operands, fetch operands,
execute instruction, and write result (6)
• Overlap these operations
• Instructions move through these stages, as on an
assembly line, so that , each stage can work with
different instructions at the same time
Two-Stage Instruction Pipeline
• The pipeline has two independent stages
• The first stage fetches an instruction and buffers
• When the second stage is free, the first stage
passes it the buffered instruction
• While the second stage is executing the
instruction, the first stage takes advantage
of unused memory cycles to fetch and
buffer the next instruction
• This is called instruction fetch/fetch
Two-Stage Instruction Pipeline-contd..
• It should be clear that this process will speed up instruction
• If the fetch and execute stages were of equal duration, the
instruction cycle time would be halved, but unlikely for two

(1) The execution time will generally be longer than the

fetch time. Execution will involve reading and storing operands
and the performance of some operation. Thus, the fetch stage
may have to wait for some time before it can empty its

(2) A conditional branch instruction makes the address of

the next instruction to be fetched unknown. Thus, the fetch
stage must wait until it receives the next instruction
address from the execute stage. The execute stage may
then have to wait while the next instruction is fetched.
Two Stage Instruction Pipeline

• Guessing can reduce

the time loss from the
second reason
• When a conditional branch
instruction is passed from
fetch to the execute stage,
the fetch stage fetches the
next instruction in memory
after the branch
• Then, if the branch is
not taken, no time is
• If the branch is taken,
Figure: Two-stage Instruction Pipeline the fetched instruction
must be discarded and
a new instruction
Decomposition of the Instruction Processing
While the factors reduce the potential
effectiveness of the two-stage pipeline, some
speed up occurs
To gain further speedup, the pipeline must have
some more stages:
• Fetch instruction (FI)
• Decode instruction (DI)
• Calculate operands (CO)
• Fetch operands (FO)
• Execute instructions (EI)
• Write operand (WO)
Timing Diagram for
Instruction Pipeline Operation
• A six-stage pipeline can
reduce the execution for 9
instructions from 54-time
units to 14-time units
• Time is set by assuming that
each instruction requires all
six stages, and all of the
stages can be performed in
• There are no memory
conflicts (e.g. FI, FO, and
WO involve memory access
and occur simultaneously)
• Most memory system will not
permit that. The desired
value may be in cache, or
the FO or WO stage may be
null. So, memory conflicts
Figure: Timing diagram for Instruction Pipeline Operation will not slow down the
Factors to Limit the performance
• If six stages are not of equal duration, there
will be some waiting involved at various
pipeline stages
• Another difficulty is the conditional branch
instruction which can invalidate several
instruction fetches
The Effect of a Conditional Branch on
Instruction Pipeline Operation
• Instruction 3 is a conditional
branch to instruction 15.
• Until the instruction is
executed, there is no way of
knowing which instruction will
come next (at which point)
• The pipeline simple loads the
next instruction in sequence
(instruction 4) and proceeds
• If branch is not taken, we will
get full performance benefit of
the enhancement (in pre. Dig)
• Here branch is taken and is not
determined until the end of
time unit 7
• At this point, the pipeline must
be cleared of instructions that
are not useful
Figure: The effect of conditional branch on instruction
pipeline operation • During time unit 8, instruction
15 enters pipeline
• No instructions complete
during time units 9 through 13
Six Stage
Instruction Pipeline

Figure: Six-stage CPU Instruction Pipeline

Alternative Pipeline Depiction
• The pipeline is full at time 6, with
6 different instructions in various
stages of execution and remains
full through time 9; we assume
that I9 is the last instruction

• The pipeline is full at times 6 and
• At time 7, instruction 3 is in
execution stage and executes a
branch to instruction 15
• At this point, instructions I4
through I7 are flushed from the
pipeline, so that at time 8, only
two instructions are in the
pipeline, I3 and I15
Speedup Factors
with Instruction

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