• Laser ablation
• The first method that was Arc discharge
discovered is referred to as “arc
• A spark that arcs in the space
between two graphite electrodes
when experiencing high voltage,
results in heat.
• This heat causes carbon in the
positive electrode to be changed
from a solid to a gas state.
• This then condenses on the
negative electrode as CNTs.
• With this approach a pulsed Laser ablation
laser vaporizes the carbon
from a graphite target.
• A portion of the vaporized
carbon forms into nanotubes
as it condenses.
• At this point, the addition of
metal catalyst particles makes
the process more effective.
• The majority of the nanotubes
produced by laser ablation are
Chemical Vapor deposition • This involves a hydrocarbon gas
which is the carbon source for
high-temperature decomposition
producing CNTs.
• This method provides bigger
yields and purer materials which
saves on the cost of purification.
• Purification can’t be avoided for
the arc discharge and laser
ablation methods.
• You can also produce SWCNTs
by CVD, but then you have to
carefully control various
conditions including
temperature, the hydrocarbon
source, the catalyst, and more.
Nanotube synthesis by CVD process
• Source of carbon atoms usually comes from an organic compound
• Mixed with a metal catalyst and insert gas
• Atomised and sprayed into reactor with temperatures ranging from 600C to
• Pyrolysis of organic compound deposits carbon (as soot) and carbon nanotubes on
reactor wall (usually a tube constructed from quartz).
Sources of carbon for CVD
1. Typical organic/catalyst mixtures
• Xylene/ferrocene
• Toluene, benzene, xylene, mesitylene, n-hexane/ferrocene
• Ethylene and ethanol/Fe, Co, and Mo alloys
In such functionalisation electrical and optical properties of CNTs are not damaged
or perturbed, but stability could be low.
Bio applications of CNT
• Many spherical nano particles have been fabricated for biological applications.
• Nanotubes offer some advantages relative to other nanoparticles by the following
1. Larger inner volumes — can be filled with chemical or biological species
2. Open mouths of nanotubes make the inner surface accessible
3. Distinct inner and outer surface can be modified separately
AFM tips
Carbon nanotubes as AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) probe tips:
• Small diameter— maximum resolution
• Excellent chemical and mechanical robustness
• High aspect ratio
Use of a MWNT as AFM tip.
VGCF stands for Vapour
Grown Carbon Fibre.
At the centre of this fibre the
MWNT forms the tip
Molecular recognition AFM probe tips
Molecular-recognition AFM probe tips:
• Certain bio molecule is attached to the CNT tip
• This too is used to study the chemical forces between molecules— chemical force
Hybridisation experiments (to make CNT based bio sensors)
CNT based biosensors
• Probe molecule for a given target can be
attached to CNT tips for biosensor
• High specificity
• Direct, fast response
• High sensitivity
• Single molecule and cell signal capture and
detection w
Fabrication of genechip
Potential applications:
• Lab-on-a-chip applications
• Early cancer detection
• Infectious disease detection
• Environmental monitoring
• Pathogen detection
Single-walled carbon nanotubes for chemical sensors
• Every atom in a single-walled nanotube is on the surface and exposed to
• Charge transfer or small changes in the charge-environment of a nanotube can
cause drastic changes to its electrical properties
• Monitoring the change in conductivity forms the basis for sensing
• Industrial toxic chemicals, safety
• Leak detection
Detecting bio molecular interactions using molecular
Nanocantilever array
• The bio marker proteins are affinity-
bound to the cantilever and cause
them to deflect
• The deflections can be directly
observed with lasers
• Alternatively, the shift in resonant
frequencies caused by the binding
can be electronically detected.
• As for nanowire sensors, the
breakthrough potential in
nanocantilever technology is the
ability to sense a large number of
different proteins at the same time, in
real time.
CNTs for targeted drug delivery
• Anti-cancer drugs may be delivered more efficaciously with fewer systemic side-
effects using a “smart” nanotechnology platform than by conventional methods.
• Small-diameter semiconducting SWNTs represent one such promising platform,
due to their strong absorbance in the so called therapeutic infrared window
(between 700-1100 nm, depending on body tissue type)
CNT biosensors for cancer detection
• Working mechanism