Amhara RHB Kpi For PMT

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Amhara RHB –M, 2016EFY

Performance report

Sene 2016
Reproductive and Maternal health
Across all Org unit,
Performance ranged from
3.93 to 20.29.
NB: The sharp decline in
Subsequent year is due to
sharp increase in total
positive pregnancy not the
decline of the absolute value
of teenage Pregnancy.
Powered by Power BI, Data generated on 6/14/2024,
2:26:58 PM
ANC1 coverage
Syphilis testing performance
ANC4 Coverage
ANC8 coverage
Skilled birth Attendance performance
Early PNC coverage
Still birth rate
Maternal Health Continuum of Care
Missed Opportunity
dataname 2015 2016 EFY
ANC1 760,928 595,866

ANC4 584,746 23% 467,001 22% from ANC1

Syphilis test 592,072 22% 497,132 17% from ANC1

ANC8 72,151 88% 106,157 77% From ANC4

SBA 502,643 14% 413,302 11% From ANC4

Early PNC 646,411 -29% 517,583 -25% From SBA

Major Findings of RMH

Gaps Identified Success

• Woldia T, North wello, Gondar, West • Premature removal of LAFP reduced &
Gondar & Oromia Sp have still higher & maintained at 10%.
unacceptable LAFP removal (>=20). • ANC8 much improved from the baseline.
• There is a decline as compared to both the • ANC1-4 dropout not impoverished.
target and baseline in ANC1 access. • Syphilis test performance improved. i.e service
• South Gondar, C/Gondar, North Gojjam and integration.
North Gondar are the least performing
• Continuum of Care of relatively improved from
the baseline but still higher.
EPI- P1 coverage
EPI- P3 coverage
EPI- MCV1 coverage
EPI- Fully vaccinated coverage
Major Findings

Gaps Identified Success

• Decline in 10% -11% coverage mainly due

to access issue(P1).
• P1 to P3 DOR slightly impoverished from • HPV Vaccination coverage reached
3% to 5%. Mainly due to the following
• West Gojjam
>95%. And all WrHOs achieved >90%
• East Gojjam
• Wag himera coverage.
• Only 57% of HPs are providing vaccination
consistently for 11 Months.
• NB: We need to focus on how to reach the
unreached due to the current security
Neonatal and Child Health Indicators
Institutional Neonatal death rate
<5 Pneumonia Treatment
<5 Diarrhea Treatment
<5 Diarrhea Treatment(ORS+Zinc)
Asphyxiated Neonates who were resuscitated & Survived
Sick Young infants treated for newborn infection(Sepsis/VSD)
% of LBW/Premature newborn KMC initiated
Major Findings
Identified Gaps Success

• Pneumonia Access to Rx gap(-15%) • Diarrhea Rx quality (Zinc & ORS) Rxed

lower than the baseline. is almost equal to Total Rxed.
• Diarrhea Rx is still lower but not much • Despite a lot of factors, Quality
lower than the baseline. Health service for neonates & Child
health like Resuscitation, KMC, even
neonatal death(institutional) etc.
Nutrition Program
GMP coverage
<5 Years Screened for malnutrition
OTP_MAM Treatment outcome Cure Rate
OTP_SAM Treatment outcome Cure Rate
SC_SAM Treatment outcome Cure Rate
SAM Stabilized_ SC
Vitamin A Second dose Coverage
Deworming second dose Coverage
Iron folate Supplementation for PLW
Major Findings
Gaps Success

• Access decline by -13% for both

GMP and Screening.
• Quality health service indicators like
Cure rate for both MAM & SAM
declined unlike child health services?
• Need to check Stabilized is much
higher than Cure at SAM_SC?
TB Case Detection
TB Case detection contributed by Community
TB Case detected contributed by PPM
DR TB Cases
DR TB Treatment completion rate
TB-HIV- Testing
Grade II Disability
Major Findings
Gaps Identified Success

• TBCD decline by 13%. • TSR remains the same & above 95%.
• Community referral decline by 4%.
• TB-HIV Co-infection activities(TB-HIV
test & TB-HIV/ART) declined
HIV testing service
HIV Positive Rate
HIV Yield
Newly Started ART
HIV treatment current
HIV Retention rate
Suppression rate
PMTCT_Test coverage
PMTCT_Recieved ART
HIE-Received ARV Prophylaxis
HIE_Received HIV test(virological test)
HEI-Received Confirmatory Test at 18months
Major Findings
Gaps Identified Success
• Decline in testing volume &
Positives. • 3rd 95 performance maintained
• Decline in Newly started ART from above 95% and same as baseline.
the baseline.
• PMTCT test & PMTCT_ART decline
by 17% & 9% respectively.
• HEI Virological test declined by
• HEI Received ARV Prophylaxis
declined by 8%.
Quality Health Service Indicators
Essential Lab test availability
Emergency Unit Mortality rate
Inpatient mortality rate
Surgical Volume
Major findings
Gaps Identified Success

• BOR declined by 10%.

• Waiting list for elective surgery
increased despite the surgical
volume remains almost the same as
the baseline.
• Essential lab test availability <20%.
Clients with 100% prescribed drugs filled
encounters with an antibiotic prescribed
Drug wastage rate-Monetary value
Major Findings
• Data Quality Gaps mainly on
- Pharmaceutical wastage rate
- 100% Prescription refill rate

- Supplier fill rate

- % of encounters with antibiotic

TT Surgery
HEP and Hygiene and Sanitation
HHs with basic and limited sanitation
Kebele’s declared ODF
HHs with Liquid waste Management
HHs with Solid waste Management
HFs with waste management system service
HFs with water service
Model HHs graduated
Model Kebele graduated
Major Findings
Gaps Identified
• Data Quality Issues
• Graduated Kebeles
Woreda Transformation
Woreda Transformation-Kebele/HP status
Woreda Transformation-PHCU status(100%)
ZHD Total- PHCU % of Model PHCU % of PHCU- PHCU % of PHCU-
PHCU >=85(Model) PHCU [70-85) Middle (<70) Low
Debretabor THO 3 1 33% 2 67% 0%
Bahirdar THO 10 1 10% 5 50% 4 40%
Oromia Special 28 2 7% 3 11% 23 82%
Central Gondar 75 5 7% 9 12% 61 81%
Awi 49 3 6% 4 8% 42 86%
South Wollo 131 8 6% 18 14% 105 80%
North Wollo 68 2 3% 24 35% 42 62%
Waghimera 34 1 3% 5 15% 28 82%
Eas t Gojjam 99 1 1% 1 1% 97 98%
Debere Birhan THO 8 0% 2 25% 6 75%
Debre Markos THO 4 0% 1 25% 3 75%
Des s ie THO 7 0% 3 43% 4 57%
Gondar THO 8 0% 0% 8 100%
Kombolcha THO 3 0% 1 33% 2 67%
North Gojjam 57 0% 1 2% 56 98%
North Gonda r 35 0% 6 17% 29 83%
North Shewa 91 0% 11 12% 80 88%
South Gondar 94 0% 3 3% 91 97%
Wes t Gojjam 51 0% 1 2% 50 98%
Wes t Gondar 15 0% 7 47% 8 53%
Woldia THO 2 0% 0% 2 100%
Grand Total 872 24 3% 107 12% 741 85%
Woreda Transformation Status –Woreda total
WT - Model Woreda
ZHD WrHOs status(100%)
North Shewa Antsokia Gemza WorHO 70.9
North Shewa Menz Gera Midir WorHO 71.1
North Wollo Angot WorHO 78.5
North Wollo Gazo WorHO 81.1
South Wollo Albuko WorHO 71.9
South Wollo Legahida WorHO 77.7
South Wollo Tehulederie WorHO 80.6
Waghimera Sekota Zuria WorHO 72.6
West Gondar Mirab Armacho WorHO 84.6
Total 9
 No Model woreda
 149 WrHOs scored below 70.
Way forward
• Identify areas which has critical access issue by ZHD and WrHOs level then
design new approach to reach them.

• Assess most indicators at case team and directorate level to identify major
gaps which requires the over all PMT discussion.

• Case teams and directorates should do the RCA for any identified gaps after
assessing the key indicators.

• Directorates and case teams should work on both data analytics and Data
Quality feedback.
Thank You!

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