Amhara RHB Kpi For PMT
Amhara RHB Kpi For PMT
Amhara RHB Kpi For PMT
Performance report
Sene 2016
Reproductive and Maternal health
Across all Org unit,
Performance ranged from
3.93 to 20.29.
NB: The sharp decline in
Subsequent year is due to
sharp increase in total
positive pregnancy not the
decline of the absolute value
of teenage Pregnancy.
Powered by Power BI, Data generated on 6/14/2024,
2:26:58 PM
ANC1 coverage
Syphilis testing performance
ANC4 Coverage
ANC8 coverage
Skilled birth Attendance performance
Early PNC coverage
Still birth rate
Maternal Health Continuum of Care
Missed Opportunity
dataname 2015 2016 EFY
ANC1 760,928 595,866
• Woldia T, North wello, Gondar, West • Premature removal of LAFP reduced &
Gondar & Oromia Sp have still higher & maintained at 10%.
unacceptable LAFP removal (>=20). • ANC8 much improved from the baseline.
• There is a decline as compared to both the • ANC1-4 dropout not impoverished.
target and baseline in ANC1 access. • Syphilis test performance improved. i.e service
• South Gondar, C/Gondar, North Gojjam and integration.
North Gondar are the least performing
• Continuum of Care of relatively improved from
the baseline but still higher.
EPI- P1 coverage
EPI- P3 coverage
EPI- MCV1 coverage
EPI- Fully vaccinated coverage
Major Findings
• TBCD decline by 13%. • TSR remains the same & above 95%.
• Community referral decline by 4%.
• TB-HIV Co-infection activities(TB-HIV
test & TB-HIV/ART) declined
HIV testing service
HIV Positive Rate
HIV Yield
Newly Started ART
HIV treatment current
HIV Retention rate
Suppression rate
PMTCT_Test coverage
PMTCT_Recieved ART
HIE-Received ARV Prophylaxis
HIE_Received HIV test(virological test)
HEI-Received Confirmatory Test at 18months
Major Findings
Gaps Identified Success
• Decline in testing volume &
Positives. • 3rd 95 performance maintained
• Decline in Newly started ART from above 95% and same as baseline.
the baseline.
• PMTCT test & PMTCT_ART decline
by 17% & 9% respectively.
• HEI Virological test declined by
• HEI Received ARV Prophylaxis
declined by 8%.
Quality Health Service Indicators
Essential Lab test availability
Emergency Unit Mortality rate
Inpatient mortality rate
Surgical Volume
Major findings
Gaps Identified Success
• Assess most indicators at case team and directorate level to identify major
gaps which requires the over all PMT discussion.
• Case teams and directorates should do the RCA for any identified gaps after
assessing the key indicators.
• Directorates and case teams should work on both data analytics and Data
Quality feedback.
Thank You!