Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed Concrete
Problem no. 1
Situation- the prestressed hallow core slab shown is used for flooring
of a classroom. Given the following properties of the slab:
A= 1.4 x 10^5 mm^2 b= 1.20
t=200 mm
St=Sb= 6.8 x 10^6 mm^3
Slab weight= 2.8 kPa Live load
= 2.8 kPa
Super imposed dead load= 2.2 kPa
Prestressing force = 830 kN at e= 64 mm below N.A
1. The stress in MPa at the top fiber of the slab at the ends due to
initial prestress force.
A. 1.88 T
B. 13.74 C
C. 6.25 C
D. 8.12 C
2. The stress in Mpa at the bottom fiber of the slab at midspan
due to loads and prestress force.
A. 12.3 T
B. 1.25T
C. 9.41C
D. 0.67C
Problem no. 2
A= 210,000
INA = 2.78 x
303 mm e= 220 mm 10^9 mm^4
Problem no. 3