PowerPoint Introduction
PowerPoint Introduction
PowerPoint Introduction
Office Button Title Bar Current Slide Ribbon Help Maximize or Restore Down
Quick Access Toolbar Tab Minimize Close
Menu Bar
Slide/ Outline Pane Status Bar Notes Pane View Buttons Zoom Slider
Introduction of PowerPoint
PowerPoint is a presentation program by Microsoft.
Microsoft PowerPoint is a part of Microsoft Office
which runs on Windows.
PowerPoint is used by business people, educators,
students and trainers.
PowerPoint presentation consists of a number of
individual pages or slides.
Introduction of PowerPoint
Slides may contain text, graphics, table, movies, etc.
The presentation can be printed, displayed on a
computer, and can be projected using a video
PowerPoint can add animation to your text, graphics,
tables, movies, and other objects through custom
You can also add transition (movement) between your
PowerPoint Basic Terminology
• Slides:-
Slides are the individual
pages of your presentation. Slides
can be designed with different titles,
graphics, text, and much more.
PowerPoint Basic Terminology
• Presentation:- All the slides, from
start to finish, that you show to your
audience. Sometimes, presentations
are also called “slide shows”.
Presentations are saved in
presentation files. The extension of a
PowerPoint presentation is “.pptx”.
PowerPoint Basic Terminology
• Notes :-
Printed pages that the
speaker write and print so that you
know what to say during a
presentation. Only the speaker can
see the notes.
PowerPoint Basic Terminology
• Handouts :-
Printed pages that you
may give to the audience after
a presentation. A handouts
shows the slides in the
Parts of MS – PowerPoint Screen
Title Bar :- The first line at the top of the screen. It
displays the active application and the name of the
Window Control Menu Box :- A small box
displayed at the top right corner of the window.
Minimize Button :- It is used to minimize the word
Maximize Button :- It is used to maximize the
window that is restored.
Ranjeet | Graphic Designer
Parts of MS – PowerPoint Screen
Restore Button :- It is used to restore the window to
its previous size. If the window is maximized.
Close Button :- It is used to close/ Exit the MS –
Minimize Button Down Button Close Button