Flash Cards Wonders of The World

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WHERE At the bank of River Yamuna in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia
Is it?

WHO Fifth Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan

made it?

WHEN Work began in 1632. It took 22 years to complete it.

Was it built?

WHAT White Marble from Rajasthan and several precious & semi
Is the material? precious stones from all over Asia.

HOW It is an octagonal building with dome on top. It is a

Does it look? symmetrical structure on a square base and four minarets .

WHY It was built to house the tomb of Shah Jahan’s favourite wife
Was it built? Mumtaz mahal who died while giving birth to their 14th child.


WHERE Champ de Mars in Paris, France, Europe

Is it?

WHO Gustave Eiffel, his company designed and built the tower.
made it?

WHEN Opened in 1889. It took 2 years to complete it.

Was it built?

WHAT It is made of Iron(puddle iron) not steel.

Is the material?
HOW It is pyramidal shape tower, amidst a beautiful garden. It is as
Does it look? tall as a 81 storey building. It has lift & stairs to reach
restaurants at top.
WHY It was built to be one of the main attractions at the Paris
Was it built? World’s Fair in 1889. Its main focus was vast construction in
iron and steel that were the great industrial advancement of
that time.

WHERE Liberty Island, New York City, United States of America, North
Is it? America

WHO French Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and framework by

made it? Gustave Eiffel

WHEN It was completed in 1886, took 9 years to built it.

Was it built?

WHAT Hollow statue covered with copper sheets on steel

Is the material? framework. It was reddish – brown in the beginning but
changed to blue green over the years.

HOW The Roman Goddess of Liberty holds a torch above her head
Does it look? and declaration of independence book in left hand.

WHY The copper statue was a gift from people of France to USA
Was it built?


WHERE Corcovado Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America

Is it?

WHO Designed by Paul Landowski & built by Brazilian engineer

made it? Heitor da Silva Costa

WHEN It was completed in 1931, took 9 years to built it.

Was it built?

WHAT It is made of reinforced concrete, clad in a mosaic of

Is the material? thousands of triangular Soapstone tiles

HOW Christ’s statue with arms stretching 28 metres wide. It differs

Does it look? considerably from its original design, as the initial plan was a
large Christ with a globe in one hand and a cross in the other.
WHY Christ the Redeemer statue was built to promote Christianity
Was it built? among the people and to commemorate 100 years of
independence from Portuguese rule.

WHERE Bank of river Nile, Memphis/Giza, Egypt, Africa

Is it?

WHO Some people believed Khufu’s Vizier , Hemiunu was its

made it? architect

WHEN 26th century B.C. , took 27 years. It is the oldest wonder from
Was it built? ancient world left intact.

WHAT Mainly made of Limestone, mortar and some Granite,

Is the material? Overtime, most of the smooth limestone casing was removed.

HOW It used to be shiny and white. It has three chambers inside it. It
Does it look? was the tallest man made structure for 3800 years.

WHY It is the largest Egyptian pyramid and tomb of fourth dynasty

Was it built? pharoah Khufu. They remind about Egyptian belief of life after


WHERE Pisa, Italy, Europe

Is it?

WHO Several Architect’s oversaw the different stages of construction

made it? but the design was attributed to Guglielmo and Bonanno
WHEN Construction started in 1173, it took 199 years to complete as
Was it built? the constructions was halted three times for various reasons.

WHAT While the exterior of the tower is marble, the interior is

Is the material? constructed from lime and lime mortar..

HOW It is known for its nearly four-degree lean. It began to lean

Does it look? during construction in the 12th century, due to soft ground
which could not properly support the structure's weight.
WHY It was built to serve as the Pisa cathedral complex’s bell tower
Was it built? also so that people of Pisa could show off their wealth to the
city of Florence. A fancy tower seemed just the thing
WHERE Northern China, Asia
Is it?
WHO Qin Shi Huang ,the first emperor of China made some parts,
made it? after him many dynasties built some stretches of border walls.
The best-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming
WHEN The Great Wall was continuously built from the 3rd century BC
Was it built? to the 17th century AD

WHAT In some places, the wall was constructed of brick. Elsewhere,

Is the material? quarried granite ,marble blocks were used.
HOW The total length of all sections of the Great Wall of China ever
Does it look? built adds up to about 21,196 kilometers. It is only man made
monument visible from space.

WHY The Great Wall of China was built to fortify China’s northern
Was it built? border. It has been the site of multiple battles between the
Chinese and various peoples across history

WHERE Rome, Italy , Europe
Is it?
WHO Construction began under Roman emperor Vespasian and
made it? completed by his son Titus.

WHEN 70-72 CE
Was it built?

WHAT Limestone, Volcanic rock and brick

Is the material?

HOW Massive structure, four storey high. It had 80 entrances to the

Does it look? amphitheater. Colosseum could hold more than 50.000

WHY It is the largest amphitheater ever built. It was used for gladiator
Was it built? contests, animal fights and other public spectacles
WHERE Yucatán State, Mexico, North America
Is it?
WHO Chichen Itza was founded by the Maya, an ancient people
made it? native to the Yucatan Peninsula

WHEN 6th century- 8th century

Was it built?

WHAT Grey limestone that was cut by hand and moved without any
Is the material? wheels.
HOW It is a four sided stepped pyramid, with a rectangular temple
Does it look? on the top.

WHY Its most important role was that of a sacred city, a place of
Was it built? worship and ritual

WHERE It is a historical and archaeological city in southern Jordan
Is it?
WHO Petra was founded by the Nabateans in the year 312 BC, this
made it? makes Petra over 2300 years old, and one of the oldest cities
in the world.
WHEN It is thought to have been built around 312BC and was
Was it built? rediscovered in modern times by a Swiss explorer in 1812,
who uncovered Petra beneath ancient layers of sand, hence
the nickname, Lost City.

WHAT The city is famous for its rock-cut architecture and water
Is the material? conduit system. Another name for Petra is the Rose City due
to the color of the stone out of which it is carved.
HOW Access to the city is through a 1.2-kilometre-long gorge called
Does it look? the Siq leading to the city. It constitutes of City centre, place of
sacrifice, royal tombs, theatre, treasury , monastery etc
WHY Petra began as a main stopping point for Nabataean and
Was it built? foreign traders.

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