Emps Quiz-2

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ROLL NO. - 20UME020


CELL NO. - 9058010369

1 Brushless D.C Motor

Agenda 2 Servo Motor

3 Universal Motor

4 Solved Numerical
Brushless D.C

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What is Brushless DC Motor

Brushless DC electric motors also known as electronically

commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors).

Primary efficiency is a most importent feature for BLDC motors.

Because the rotor is the sole bearer of the magnets and it doesn't
require any power. i.e. no connections, no commutator and no
brushes. In place of these, the motor employs control circuitry. To
detect where the rotor is at certain times, BLDC motors employ
along with controllers, rotary encoders or a Hall sensor.
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In this motor, the permanent magnets attach to the rotor. The current-
carrying conductors or armature windings are located on the stator.
They use electrical commutation to convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy.

The main design difference between a brushed and brushless motors

is the replacement of mechanical commutator with an electric switch
circuit. A BLDC Motor is a type of synchronous motor in the sense
that the magnetic field generated by the stator and the rotor revolve
at the same frequency.
Brushless Motor Diagram
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Working Principle
BLDC motor works on the principle similar to that of a Brushed DC motor. The Lorentz force law which states that whenever a
current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field it experiences a force. As a consequence of reaction force, the magnet will
experience an equal and opposite force. In the BLDC motor, the current carrying conductor is stationary and the permanent
magnet is moving.

When the stator coils get a supply from source, it becomes electromagnet and starts producing the uniform field in the air gap.
Though the source of supply is DC, switching makes to generate an AC voltage waveform with trapezoidal shape. Due to the force
of interaction between electromagnet stator and permanent magnet rotor, the rotor continues to rotate.
With the switching of windings as High and Low signals, corresponding winding energized as North and South poles. The
permanent magnet rotor with North and South poles align with stator poles which causes the motor to rotate.
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Advantages & Limitation

Advantages of Brushless DC motor
• Less overall maintenance due to absence of brushes
• Reduced size with far superior thermal characteristics
• Higher speed range and lower electric noise generation.
• It has no mechanical commutator and associated problems

Limitations of Brushless DC motor

• These motors are costly
• Electronic controller required control this motor is expensive
• Requires complex drive circuitry
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Applications of Brushless DC motor

Brushless DC motors (BLDC) use for a wide variety of application requirements such as varying loads,
constant loads and positioning applications in the fields of industrial control, automotive, aviation,
automation systems, health care equipments etc.
• Computer hard drives and DVD/CD players
• Electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and electric bicycles
• Industrial robots, CNC machine tools, and simple belt driven systems
• Washing machines, compressors and dryers
• Fans, pumps and blowers.
Servo Motor

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What is Servo Motor

A servo motor is a basic electrical device that is used to rotate or move the gadgets
with great precision and accuracy at different angles and with different velocities.
It is a closed-loop feedback-controlled system. The main feature that distinguishes
it from other motors is its propensity to work accurately with distance and precise

It can rotate the object in both counterclockwise as well as in a clockwise

direction with the same capability. Servo motors are usually rated in kg/cm while
other motors are usually rated in KVA. It means how much weight does a motor
can lift if the load is suspended at a specific distance from the shaft of motor.it is of
great importance in industrial application where accurate movements are required.
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Servo motor is conventionally constructed by using the ordinary motor,
position sensors, gear system and a controlled circuit. The controller can be
any microcontroller like Arduino, STM, TIVA, etc. While position sensor
can be Encoder for AC servo motors used in Industries and it is a
potentiometer for DC servo motors.

A DC servo motor is constructed by using DC motor which has armature

and field winding coupled with gearbox, controller and Potentiometer, while
AC servo motor is constructed using an Induction motor consisting of rotor
and stator with gear system and Encoders.
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Working Principle
In DC servo motors the input signal is applied to dc motors which in turns rotates the shaft and gears, the rotation of gears is
basically our output which is fed back to potentiometer whose knobs rotates and changes its resistance.

The DC motor has armature and field winding, one of the winding is provided with fixed voltage while the other winding is
powered with varying error signal. Let’s assume we are using armature-controlled method in which torque depends upon the
armature current which means error signal is provided to armature which controls the torque of the motor.

In AC servomotors we have two parts rotor and stator. A stator has two windings reference winding and controlled winding which
are displaced by 90 degrees. Fixed signal is applied at reference winding while a variable error signal is applied at the controlled
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This tiny package finds its application in many industries. It is of great importance for many applications.
• Servo motors are used widely in robotics. In every joint of the robot servo motor is installed so that
precise rotation is obtained.
• These are installed in cameras to adjust the focus for obtaining better quality images
• These are used to track the direction of the sun in solar panels
• Servo motors are used in the textile industries in knitting the fabrics
• It is also used in aircraft for balancing.
• Servo motors are also installed in automatic food packing machines
Universal Motor

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What is Universal Motor

A universal motor is a special type of motor which is designed to run on either DC or single phase AC supply. These motors
are generally series wound (armature and field winding are in series), and hence produce high starting torque (See
characteristics of DC motors here). That is why, universal motors generally comes built into the device they are meant to
drive. Most of the universal motors are designed to operate at higher speeds, exceeding 3500 RPM. They run at lower speed
on AC supply than they run on DC supply of same voltage, due to the reactance voltage drop which is present in AC and not
in DC.

There are two basic types of universal motor :

(i)compensated type and

(ii) uncompensated type

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Construction of a universal motor is very similar to the
construction of a DC machine. It consists of a stator on which field
poles are mounted. Field coils are wound on the field poles.
However, the whole magnetic path (stator field circuit and also
armature) is laminated. Lamination is necessary to minimize the eddy
currents which induce while operating on AC.
The rotary armature is of wound type having straight or skewed slots
and commutator with brushes resting on it. The commutation on AC
is poorer than that for DC. because of the current induced in the
armature coils. For that reason brushes used are having high
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Working Principle
A universal motor works on either DC or single phase AC supply. When the universal
motor is fed with a DC supply, it works as a DC series motor. (see
working of a DC series motor here). When current flows in the field winding, it produces
an electromagnetic field. The same current also flows from the armature conductors.
When a current carrying conductor is placed in an electromagnetic field, it experiences a
mechanical force. Due to this mechanical force, or torque, the rotor starts to rotate. The
direction of this force is given by Fleming's left hand rule.

When fed with AC supply, it still produces unidirectional torque. Because,

armature winding and field winding are connected in series, they are in same phase.
Hence, as polarity of AC changes periodically, the direction of current in armature and
field winding reverses at the same time.
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Applications Of Universal Motor
• Universal motors find their use in various
home appliances like vacuum cleaners, drink
and food mixers, domestic sewing machine etc.
• The higher rating universal motors are used in
portable drills, blenders etc.
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Solved Question
Q. The position control of a DC servo-motor is given in the figure. The values of the parameters are KT = 1
N-m/A, Ra = 1 Ω, La = 0.1 H, J = 5 kg-m2, B = 1 N-m/(rad/sec) and Kb = 1 V/(rad/sec). The steady-state
position response (in radians) due to unit impulse disturbance torque Td is _______.
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Solved Question
Q. A 220 V d. c. shunt motor running at 1000 rpm takes an armature current of 17.5 A. It is require to reduce
the speed to 600 rpm. What must be the value of resistance to be inserted in the armature circuit if the orginal
armature resistance is 0.4 Ω. Take armature current to be constant during this process.
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Solved Question
Q. A 120 Vrms, 60 Hz, universal motor operates at a speed of 8000 rpm on fullload and draws a current of
17.58 Arms at a lagging power factor of 0.912. The impedance of the series field winding is 0.65 + j1.2 . The
impedance of the armature winding is 1.36 + j1.6 . Determine: (a) the induced emf in the armature Ea , (b) the
power output Po , (c) the developed and shaft torque, and (d) the efficiency if the rotational loss is 80W.
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Thank You!

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