Introduction To Aerodynamics
Introduction To Aerodynamics
Introduction To Aerodynamics
Dr. Guven
Aerospace Engineer (P.hD)
Aerodynamic Forces
All aerodynamic forces are generated wither
through pressure distribution or a shear stress
distribution on a body.
The most relevant one is the pressure
distribution as it is the pressure distribution
that causes Lift force to be generated on an
airplane. Air will travel from a place of high
pressure to low pressure causing a lift to be
Most airplanes will need to have an area of
low pressure on top of the plane.
Types of Aerodynamic Flow
It is essential to understand the types of flow
in order to understand the physical
phenomena behind them.
Types of flow include:
- Continuum vs. Molecular Flow
- Inviscid vs. Viscous Flow
- Incompressible vs. Compressible Flow
- Laminar Flow vs. Turbulent Flow
Continuum Flow Molecular Flow
Inviscid Flow vs. Viscous Flow
Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow
Compressible Flow Incompressible
Laws of Aerodynamics
Several principles or physical laws will govern
aerodynamic equations. These include:
Equation of state
Conservation of Mass
Newtons Second Law (Conservation of
Conservation of Energy
Equation of State
Equation of State for ideal gases state how
parameters such as pressure, density and
temperature relate to each other.
The equation of state is:
RT = P
Conservation of Mass
Mass can be neither created or destroyed. Hence, if
we take a streamtube, the amount of fluid entering
the tube and exiting it will be the same.
Mass of the flow sweeping through A is: dm=(AVdt)
Mass Flow can be derived as dm/dt
Continuity Equation
Since mass can neither be created or destroyed, mass flow
on entrance and exit will equal to each other.
Thus the Continuity Equation becomes:
2 2 2 1 1 1
V A V A =
Continuity Equation in Incompressible Flow
In incompressible flow, the density is treated
as constant. For most type of flows, it is
possible to treat as incompressible especially
for small commercial planes.
Hence the continuity equation for
incompressible flow is:
2 1 1
Momentum Equation
Newton's Second Law guides the flow of fluid
and helps us to find the equation of
Force = mass x acceleration (F=ma)
Force is caused by pressure, frictional shear
and by gravity acting on the mass inside the
Hence, by integrating these forces and by
neglecting friction and gravity we get the
Eulers equation.
Bernoulli Equation
If we integrate the Euler equation for a
frictionless and incompressible flow (density
Wind Tunnel Speed Determination
Using Bernoulli equation, it is possible to find
that the velocity of the test object depends in
the pressure difference in the wind tunnel.
Measurement of Airspeed Pitot Tube
Especially for aircraft, measurement of air speed is a
very important thing. For any type of flow (even for
flows that are not constant), we can measure air speed
by using a device called the Pitot Tube.
In order to analyze Pitot Tube, we need to understand
static pressure and total pressure.
Static pressure is the pressure caused by the random
motion of the gas particles. Type of flow doesnt
change static pressure.
Total pressure is the pressure caused by the flow itself
and hence its pressure, density and temperature values
effect total pressure. Total pressure is also defined as a
pressure that would exist even if the flow was slowed
down to zero velocity.
Pitot Tube
Pitot tube uses static pressure as well as the
total pressure of the flow in relation with the
Bernoulli equation to measure air speed.
Pitot Tube
Pitot tube is found frequently on the airplanes
to measure air speed constantly.
Conservation of Energy and Flows
Especially in high speed flows near or above
the speed of sound, you will have to take in
the energy equations into account.
A high speed flow is also a high energy flow
due to the definition of velocity and kinetic
When high speed flows are slowed down, the
consequent reduction in kinetic energy
appears as an increase in temperature.
Hence, high speed flows, compressibility and
energy changes are inter related.
Thermodynamics Terminology
In order to understand high speed flows, we need to
understand basic terms in thermodynamics.
Specific Heat (c) is the heat added per unit change in
temperature of the system.
Specific heat (Cv) at constant volume is calculated per
constant volume
Specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) is calculated at
constant pressure.
= cp/cv is termed as the ratio of specific heats
Laws of Thermodynamics
There are four laws of thermodynamics that
govern our universe:
Zeroth law: Heat equilibrium
First Law: Energy remains the same
Second Law: Entropy always increases
Third Law: As you reach absolute zero,
entropy will decrease
Thermodynamic Equations for Perfect
T c h
T c e
dT c dh
dT c de
Isentropic Flow
One of the most important concepts of
thermodynamics and compressible aerodynamics
is isentropic flow.
Adiabatic process is a process is one in which no
heat is added or taken away
Reversible flow is in which friction and dissipation
does not take place
Isentropic process is both adiabatic and
reversible. Hence in isentropic flow entropy is
Isentropic Flow Equations
Most isentropic flows are applicable to
compressible flows.
Isentropic flow equations create a relationship
between pressure, temperature and density.
= =
Energy Equation
Energy equation is the third fundamental law
that describes the properties of the flow.
Energy equations are useful for compressible
Energy equation describes the fact that energy
can neither be created or destroyed.
Energy Equation for Adiabatic Flow
2 2
1 1
2 2
V T c V T c
p p
+ = +
+ = +
Summary of Equations
For steady, incompressible and inviscid flow,
you need to use the Continuity equation and
the Bernoulli equation.
For isentropic, compressible flow:
- Continuity Equation
- Isentropic relations
- Equation of State
- Energy Equation
Speed of Sound
Sound waves travel through the air at definite
speed. That speed is called the speed of sound
Speed of sound is an important variable in
analyzing compressible flow
Speed of Sound
On a physical basis, the flow through a sound
wave involves no heat addition and the effect
of friction is negligible. Thus, the flow through
a sound wave is isentropic.
Thus speed of sound for a gas and also for a
perfect gas is:
Why Does Speed of Sound Depend on
Speed of sound is directly dependent on
This is due to the fact that propagation of a sound
wave through gas takes place via molecular
Hence, the energy of a soundwave is transmitted
through the air by molecules that collide with
each other. The mean kinetic energy associated
with these collisions is linked to the temperature
of the gas. (More hotter means more faster and
thus more kinetic energy)
Mach Number
Mach number denotes the magnitude of the
flow as compared to the speed of sound
If M < 1 the flow is subsonic
If M = 1 the flow is sonic
If M > 1 the flow is supersonic
If M > 5 the flow is hypersonic
M =
Shockwaves in Compressible Flow
Whenever there is a flow that is faster than a
speed of sound, then shock waves can occur as
the aircraft travels in a compressible region.
A shockwave is an extremely thin region where
the flow properties change drastically. They are
usually in the order of 0.00001 cm.
A shockwave is a explosive compression process
where the pressure increases discontinuously
across the wave.
This huge level of compression and pressure
increase can have adverse effects if the craft is
not made supersonic resistant.
Shockwaves in Compressible Flow
Characteristics of Shock Waves
The biggest characteristics of a shockwave is
that the pressure will increase greatly as the
shockwave is passed.
When a shock wave passes through matter,
the total energy is preserved but the energy
which can be extracted as work decreases and
entropy increases. This, for example, creates
additional drag force on aircraft with shocks
General Properties of Shockwaves
General Properties of Shockwaves
When you pass across a shockwave:
Pressure increases P2 > P1
Temperature increases T2 > T1
Density increases
Entropy increases
Mach number decreases M2 < M1
Flow velocity decreases
Viscous Flow
In reality every flow in the world is a viscous
Viscosity is the phenomena of friction that
acts on all objects and fluids.
In viscous flow, friction of surfaces, heat
transfer and energy transfer between
molecules and mass transfer (diffusion) takes
Examples of Viscous Flow
Examples of Viscous Flow
Examples of Viscous Flow
Friction (Viscosity) Creates Shear
No Slip Condition
The influence of friction creates V=0 at the body
surface and this is called no-slip condition.
Heat Transfer in Viscous Flow
The moving fluid has a certain amount of
energy. As it flows on the surface, the flow
velocity is decreased due to friction.
This decrease in velocity is translated as a
decrease in kinetic energy.
This loss of kinetic energy transforms into
internal energy of the fluid. (Conservation of
Hence, the temperature of the fluid will rise.
Aerodynamic Heating in Viscous Flow
As a result, warmer fluid will heat the cooler
surface of the body.
This is called aerodynamic heating. This becomes
more severe since as flow velocity increases
aerodynamic heating will also increase.
Boundary Layer Definition
Boundary Layer is the thin boundary region
between the flow and the solid surface, where
the flow is retarded due to friction between
the solid body and the fluid flow.
What is the Significance of Boundary
Although friction exists in all types of flow,
practically it is only of consequence in the thin
region separating the flow and the solid body.
Hence, as far as the physical system is
concerned, the boundary layer is the region
where mass transfer, momentum transfer,
heat transfer, friction effects and all viscosity
effects are felt.
How Does a Boundary Layer Help
This means that instead of solving for the whole
Navier Stokes equation set for the full flow, we
can approximate a solution by solving for the
boundary layer where the viscous effects are
Thus, in order to calculate skin friction and
aerodynamic heating at the surface, you only
have to account for friction and thermal
conduction within the thin boundary layer.
Hence; you wont need to analyze the large flow
outside the boundary layer
Representation of a Boundary Layer
Representation of a Boundary Layer
Shape of a Boundary Layer
Because of No-Slip condition, the velocity of the fluid is
Zero at the surface and it gradually increases.
Reynolds Number
Reynolds Number is the most important
parameter in viscous aerodynamics or in fluid
mechanics. It determines the type of the flow
and it helps to determine the characteristics
of the flow.
Reynolds Number is the ratio between inertial
forces to viscous forces
Turbulent Flow
Higher Reynolds Numbers usually denote
turbulent flow.
Turbulent flow can be desired in certain
Laminar and Turbulent Flow
When is Turbulent Flow Desirable?