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I. 3 Values in Indian Culture

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Inculcating Values at

Values in Indian Culture and Management:
Four False Views, Value Tree
• Means way of life.

• It is the shared values, philosophies, ideologies, assumptions, beliefs,

expectations, attitudes and norms that knit a community together.

• Through culture people have learned and practiced how to conquer

nature; tame the wilderness, make war on pests vermin, control land,
make a dame on rivers, fighting ills, and battle against the elements
where only the fittest survive.
• People in a society generally develop cultural values that tell them
what is important, how it got that way, how things should be.

• Culture is the integration of human group ideas, customs and

traditions in a unified pluralistic system.

• Crosby defines culture as ‘patterns of behaviour’, which suggest some

sort of naturally accruing patterns of structure and repeatability.

• Juran defines culture as “creation of values, beliefs and behaviour

necessary for success”.
• Hofstede (1994) observed culture is the collective programming of the
mind, which distinguishes the members of one group or category of
people from those of another.

• Culture is manifest in :

1. behavioral norms:

2. Hidden assumption:

3. Human Nature
Culture is manifest in
1. Behavioral norms:

2. Hidden assumption:

3. Human Nature :

Mental Capacity Objectivity

Characteristics of Cultures
• Kroeber
• Learnt and Kluckhon (1952) said that culture
• Adaptive
consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for
• Shared • Norms
behaviour acquired and transmitted by symbols,
• Continuous • Dominant values
constituting the distinctive achievement of human
• Symbolic
groups, • Philosophies
including her embodiments in artifacts, the
essential • Rules
case of culture consists
• Integrated of traditional ideas and
their attached values.
Components of Cultures
• Customs

• Art

• Way of life

• Social Organization
of Culture
Cultural Dimensions
• Power Distance.

• Individual Collectivism

• Masculinity Femininity

• Uncertainty Avoidance.
Indian culture
• Indian culture has a different concept of development called

• It means a state in which man has no insurmountable

problems and the natural, cultural and social environment in
which he lives is conducive to his overall welfare.

• Indian culture is based on past related thoughts and values.

• India is a cultural and spiritual land where people of different

religions live and give equal respect to others.
Indian culture- Vasudhiva
•The world is one family

• A supreme and unchanging spirit pervades the entire Universe

and material world is merely a manifestation of that spirit.

• The Spirit alone is the everlasting reality that the infinite

mystery of the material world can never be explained merely
in material terms.

• The vastest knowledge of today cannot transcend the wisdom

of the rishis, and science in its most advanced stage, is closer
Indian culture-Values
• It would be hard to improve upon the sense of values that made
ancient India so great.

• Our sages judged the greatness of a state by the degree of

Righteousness and Justice.

• Their timeless teaching was that man’s true progress is to be

judged by moral and spiritual standards.

• Sacrifice was far more important than the success and

renunciation was regarded as the crowning achievement.
Indian culture-Values
• The citizen ranked in the society according to the standard of
learning, virtue and character.

• A person’s virtues and wisdom matters.

• The finest minds and hearts may be hidden in ugly mortal frames.

• Some great sources of wisdom of Indian spirituality and philosophy

could be श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, ten principles of उपनिषद,
Meditation, and Yoga etc.
Indian culture-Values in
• The knowledge of cultural and spiritual values is
helpful in improving standard and effectiveness in
management of business organization.

• Some observations are:

and values, such should
production as love, peace,
not honesty,
be harmful to
kindness, non-violence,
people’s customs respect
and culture many
or religion andothers,
beliefs.a proper

relation can be
By adopting established
those among business,
Indian Cultural employees
and Spiritual and
the business can be enlarged and Improved.
Organisational culture
• Means the shared belief of top managers in a company have about
“how they should manage themselves and other employees, and how
they should conduct their businesses.- Charles (1985)

• It is an amalgam and summary of all the ways in which activities are

conducted and the standards and values are adopted.

• It is a pattern of basic assumption that are taught to the new

employees, as the correct way to perceive things and act on a day to
day basis.
Organisational culture
• It is a relative persistence set of perceptions held by organization
members concerning the characteristic and quality of an organization

• Edagar(1997) emphasised organisational culture as a pattern of basic

assumption invented, discovered or developed by a given group as it
learns to cope with its problems of external adaption and internal
integration that has worked well enough to be considered valuable and
therefore to be taught to new members.
Organisational culture
• As individual comes in contact with the dress norms, stories, people tell
about what goes on, the organization’s formal rules and procedures, it
formal code of behaviour, rituals, tasks, pay systems, and job only
understood by the insiders and so on.

• These elements are some of the manifestations of organization culture.

Prototype of Culture
• Power Culture:
The and
• People key relationship exists between the person who wields power
Person Culture:
and influence
Where a andhas
group those who work
decided that for
it them.
is in it’s overriding interest to
• Task Culture:
The or form
Emphases are together
of power
on and
is at
getting theproduces
the center
job an everyone
completed organization
keepingelse for its their
customers own
strength, influence
clients satisfied andresponding
and confidence to
center andnew
requires its
continued support to isensure
The key relationship prosperity
between people and
what binds viability.
them is their
Such common
The relationship
culture interest.
is normally
is flexible, terminated
adaptable when there is a loss of
and dynamic.
confidence on the person at the center of power.
Prototype of Culture
• Role Culture:
Where organization have gained a combination of size, permanence
• Tribes Culture:
and departmentalization, and where ordering of activities and
 Where Culture:
• Pioneering organization create a tribal concept. This is usually
preservation of knowledge, experience and stability, permanence
The extensionbyofstrong vision from
the process the top. questioning the ways in
of constantly
and efficiency.
which things are
Its purpose is todone, continuously
unlash seekingforces
strong creative new market, project high
and generate and
The key relationship is based on the superior subordinate style of
levels of unity, enthusiasm, ethics, energy and fun.
It involves attentions to process and practice, technology organization
The key purpose is order, stability, permanence and efficiency.
form and structure, customers and staff.
Prototype of Culture
• Entrepreneurial Culture

This the trust
Culture: of the
is based on generation is aimed
the creativity, directly
dynamism, at creating
vison, energy and
fostering new
enthusiasm of theinitiatives, generating
Entrepreneurial, whichnew business ideas
may nevertheless lack and
• Tribes Culture:
ventures, andand
organization thenbehavioural
often sellingexpertise
them on,necessary
either in tothesustain
form ofa
• Pioneering Culture:
franchises orand
permanent as continuing
sales of assets to other organization.
• Power Culture:

• People and Person Culture:

• Task Culture:
Components of Organisational
• Organisational mission, goals, objective and underlying philosophy of

• Organisational structure, systems, work forms, technology, financial

resources and other physical artifacts.

• Role relations, power and authority structures, leadership and other

aspects of work and social relationships.

• Employee’s work and non-work behaviour inside the organization.

Characteristics of
Organisational culture
• Aggressiveness • Innovation

• Communication Patterns • Integration

• Conflict Tolerance • Management Support

• Control • People Orientation

• Direction • Result Orientation

• Identity • Reward

• Individual Initiative • Risk and tolerance

Work Culture
• Means work-related activities and the meanings attached to such
activities in the framework of norms and values regarding work.

• Organizational and organismic interact to over time establish roles,

rules, values and norms relating to work, called work cultures.

• Katx and Kahn (1978) emphasized that culture, the environment

engraves an inedible mark on personality development of man.

• Pettigrew identifies “work culture as a system of personal and collective

accepted meaning of work.
Work Culture
• Deal and Kennedy (1982) put forth that values are the bedrock or any
corporate culture.

• Saha (1981) pointed out the features of positive work culture as

principles of government as expounded by Confucius and the influence
of Confucianism on government, stress on honesty by conformity to the
rules of propriety, mutual trust, group harmony and emphasis on
Work Culture

• Work
Formalculture is theWritten
behaviours: prevalent and common
procedures, patterscharts
organization of feeling and
and mission
behaviour in an organization.

• ItInformal
formal andhow
informal behaviours.
employees treat one another, how willing they

• are to share
Walton ideas
(1979) and
is the information,
combination of whether
attitudes,employees candeveloped
relationships, cross ‘turf’
capabilities, to get work
habits done, behavioural
and other and how work gets done-whether
pattern through
that characterize the
the writtenofprocedures
dynamics or circumvention of them.
the organization.

• Work culture characterizes the dynamic human relationships of an

Work Culture
• Sinha (1997) observed that in India appear to have a bipolar continuum
of soft to synergic work culture.
In soft work culture, the importance of work is diluted by the desire to
• The author felt that in smaller organizations exist an exploitative work
meet where
culture social-personal obligations
a short-term interest in and the appeasing
profitability attitude ofof
and an awareness
management resulting into weak efforts to develop human resources.
the importance of people cause a gross neglect of the employee’s
Synergetic work culture reflects efforts to support employees to
• Ganesh strong work norms and high productivity leading to a need
(1982) pointed out that work culture eroded in our country not to
just human
by family resources.
ethic but also by the whole gamut of caste, religion etc.
Work Culture
• Bhadury (1991) identified major characteristics of work culture in
Indian context as discipline, teamwork and cooperation,
communication and consultation, delegation of authority, activation
levels of individuals and groups, identity, a sense of belonging and the
response of individuals and group to challenges of responsibility,
flexibility and work innovation etc.
Attaining Positive Work Culture:
Some solutions
• Written statements of mission, vision and principles should be
developed by a sound participative process.

• The organization should develop on the customer-supplier relationship

mode with regard to both internal and external customers and

• There should be several methods by which there is reliably accomplish

accurate and timely communications.
Attaining Positive Work Culture:
Some solutions
• The organization should promote creative dissatisfaction so that
‘continuous improvement thinking’ rather than wining becomes a
natural part of the way everybody works.

• Everyone should learn to skills for being effective members of project

teams, using the tools for systematic problem-solving and decision

• Managers and workers should be encouraged to get to know each other

Attaining Positive Work Culture:
Some solutions
• Budgets and resources should be allocated, and plans implemented, for
personal and professional development so that everyone gets better
every year.

• There should be a full spectrum of rewards for performance from

spontaneous praise to individual and group production-bonuses, profit
sharing and gain-saving programs.

• There should be generous amounts of celebration and recognition.

Attaining Positive Work Culture:
Some solutions
• The organization should value good humour and the right kinds of
playfulness at the right time.

• Be fair but firm in dealings with subordinates.

• Take active interest in personal and family needs or problems of


• Take immediate action in case of indiscipline and do not condone

indiscipline in any form and at any level.
Attaining Positive Work Culture:
Some solutions
• Discourage overemphasis on hierarchial status and ‘pulling of rank’ in
day-to-day dealings.

• Promote information sharing and communication through periodical

departmental meetings, production committees and small group

• Promote decision-making through consultative and participative

mechanism and ensure consistency in decision-making.
Values in Indian Culture and
• Basic fact of life
Naturally and instinctively desire to be happy
• Yet we undergo painful experiences. Why?
Overcoming Suffering
• Perceiving and relating to others
At the root of this life Buddhism
identified following four false
• False view view.
1. Eternal and Permanent Impermanent and Transient
2. Pleasurable and true sources of Sources of dissatisfaction and
happiness suffering.
3. Tend to apprehend as pure and Impure
desirable things
4. Tendency to protect a notion of Lack such autonomy
real existence upon events and
Values in Indian Culture and
• Fundamentally flawed views of reality lead to certain false ways of

relating to the world and to oneself, which in turn leads to confusion,

misery and suffering.

• Indian Culture is very rich in values which if practiced lead to success,

prosperity and peace.

आता विश्वात्मके देवे | येणे वाग्यज्ञे तोषावे | तोषोनि मज द्यावे । पसायदान हे ॥
जें खळांची व्यंकटी सांडो । तया सत्कर्मी-रती वाढो । भूतां परस्परे पड़ो । मैत्र
जीवांचें ॥
दुरितांचे तिमिर जावो । विश्व स्वधर्म सूर्ये पाहो । जो जे वांच्छिल तो तें लाहो ।
प्राणिजात ॥
वर्षत सकळ मंगळी । ईश्वरनिष्ठांची मांदियाळी । अनवरत भूमंडळी । भेटो तया भूतां ॥
चलां कल्पतरूंचे आरव । चेतना चिंतामणींचें गाव । बोलते जे अर्णव । पीयूषाचे ॥
चंद्र्मे जे अलांछ्न । मार्तंड जे तापहीन । ते सर्वांही सदा सज्जन । सोयरे होतु ॥
किंबहुना सर्व सुखी । पूर्ण होऊनि तिन्हीं लोकी । भजिजो आदिपुरुखी । अखंडित ॥
आणि ग्रंथोपजीविये । विशेषीं लोकीं इयें । दृष्टादृष्ट विजयें । होआवे जी ।
येथ म्हणे श्री विश्वेशरावो । हा होईल जी दान पसावो । येणें वरें ज्ञानदेवो । सुखिया
जाहला ॥
• https://www.scribd.com/document/373215159/Essence-of-Values
:It is the Nurturant
degree Work Culture: Thisare
is schooling,
the technocratic
7. School- depend ontothe
which work
personal activities
experience of organized around
culture where
the teams.
positive work becomes the focus.
or negative.
People are of opinion that management reward hardwork,
8. Media: there always an impact of tv, movies, internet and the social
media on merit,
what isclear normsvalued
important, of performance are established,
or not valued.
and they are given adequate workload.
The management takes care of the expectations and needs of
employees even at times by stretching some rules and
Work Culture
• Sinha (1999) Identified three cultures:

Soft-work Culture:
Technocratic Nurturant
Work InCulture:
An Culture:
organisation is are
in the multiple
which aim isand
provide where
the organisational
work becomes
highest possibleobjectives
the focus.of and
quality employees
products can
and services
through thepursue
People are use ofthose
latest motives
of opinion thatThe
that serve
management their individual
reward or
is assuredor
recognizes group’s
the interests
clear at
of the
normseven by cost
performance the
measures like
and theysaid
downsizing haveadequate
given workworkload.
or certain units.

Innovations in system management, products
The expectations and needs of employees are are encountered
considered even
or preferred
at times to create some
by stretching new market proactively.
rules and regulations.

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