Eye & Ear - 014145

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• Pair of sensory organs- orbit of skull with a cushion of fat around them

• Each eye- rounded: eyeball

• Each eye protected by:
 Bones
 Eyebrow
 Upper and lower eyelid
 Eyelashes
 Lacrimal glands

• Movement of eyeball- 6 sets of muscles—


• Sclera: Outermost layer- attachment of eye muscles.
• Anterior bulgy portion- CORNEA ( focuses light on retina)
• Blood vessels in sclera✅, cornea❌
• Cornea- nourished by aqueous humor and lacrimal secretion
• Transparent membranous covering on cornea- CONJUVTIVA
• Protection and lubrication to cornea.

2. CHOROID: Middle vascular and pigmented layer

Not complete layer- three regions: CHOROID PROPER/ CILIARY BODY/ IRIS
Choroid proper:
• Lines the sclera
• Pigmented nature - prevent internal reflection
• Oxygen and nutrition to retina.
• Ciliary body: Thick, muscular ring
• Secrete aqueous humour
• Suspensary ligaments hold the lens.
• Suspensary ligaments+ ciliary body= adjustment of size of lens.

• Iris-coloured portion of eye

• Perforated in the middle- pupil
• Smooth muscles of iris- regulate size of pupil- intensity of light.
• Lens- transparent and biconvex structure
• Suspense ligaments hold the lens.
• Aqueous humor/ vitreous humour- maintain pressure of eyes, lens position.
Retina: innermost, delicate, light sensitive layer
• Two parts: Nonsensary part: lining the iris
• Sensory part: lining the choroid
• Inner part- 3 layers:
1. Photosensitive layer (Rods and cones)
2. Bipolar neurone
3. Ganglion cells--> optic nerve.

Photo receptor layer:

• Rods : scotopic vision (night)- rhodopsin
(derivative of vitamin A)
• Cones: photopic vision (daylight vision)- three
types of protein- colourful vision.

 Generation of image
Stato-acoustic organ: hearing and body equilibrium.
Divided into:
1. External ear: ear pinna, auditory canal and tympanic membrane (eardrum)
2. Middle ear: ear ossicles, eustachian tube.
3. Internal ear: labyrinth (cochlea & semicircular canal), vestibular apparatus.
1. Ear pinna
2. Auditory canal
3. Tympanic membrane/ ear drum

Ear pinna: collect the sound waves, pass it into the auditory canal.
Auditory canal: Passage for sound waves to reach the ear drum.
Wax and hair: protection.

Tympanic membrane/ ear drum:

Delicate membranous structure- transmit sounds to middle ear.

1. Ear ossicles - Malleus, incus, stapes.
2. Eustachian tube

Ear ossicles: amplify the vibration.

Eustachian tube: maintains ear pressure on both sides.

Inner ear: Parts:
Fluid filled labyrinth (cochlea, semicircular canals)

Semicircular canal: Right angles with each other

Filled with endolymph

• Basal swollen portion: ampulla, sensory spot: cristae Utricle and saccule
• Cristae of all these- connected to vestibular nerves.
• Dynamic balance- Cristae of ampulla
• Static balance- cristae of utriculus and sacculus
Cross section:
1. Scala vestibuli (perilymph)
2. Scala media (endolymph)
3. Scala tympani (perilymph)

Reissner's membrane & basilar membrane

Organ of corti: tectorial membrane+ stereocilia+ hair cells

Vibrations: stimulate hair cells - tectorial membrane gets pulled- vibrations -->
nerve impulse

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