Eye & Ear - 014145
Eye & Ear - 014145
Eye & Ear - 014145
Generation of image
Stato-acoustic organ: hearing and body equilibrium.
Divided into:
1. External ear: ear pinna, auditory canal and tympanic membrane (eardrum)
2. Middle ear: ear ossicles, eustachian tube.
3. Internal ear: labyrinth (cochlea & semicircular canal), vestibular apparatus.
1. Ear pinna
2. Auditory canal
3. Tympanic membrane/ ear drum
Ear pinna: collect the sound waves, pass it into the auditory canal.
Auditory canal: Passage for sound waves to reach the ear drum.
Wax and hair: protection.
1. Ear ossicles - Malleus, incus, stapes.
2. Eustachian tube
Ear ossicles: amplify the vibration.
• Basal swollen portion: ampulla, sensory spot: cristae Utricle and saccule
• Cristae of all these- connected to vestibular nerves.
• Dynamic balance- Cristae of ampulla
• Static balance- cristae of utriculus and sacculus
Cross section:
1. Scala vestibuli (perilymph)
2. Scala media (endolymph)
3. Scala tympani (perilymph)
Vibrations: stimulate hair cells - tectorial membrane gets pulled- vibrations -->
nerve impulse