Maths Presentation

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Term Paper


Group 7

Our sincere thanks to Mr. Debabrata Das who gave us the golden opportunity
to do our term paper on this wonderful topic on Mathematics and has
continuously supported us in completing our term paper. We came to know about
so many new things and are very much thankful to him. We also like to thank
our institute for making us a part of their system.
Secondly , I would also like to thank my team members who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project and getting references in the limited time frame.

Authors of the project

Shuvam Pal, Sougata Seth, Abhijit Shaw, Sayan Kundu, Sheetam Coondoo
History - The matrix has a long history of application in solving linear
equations. They were known as arrays until the 1800’s. The term “matrix”
(Latin for “womb”, derived from mater—mother) was coined by James
Joseph Sylvester in 1850, who understood a matrix as an object giving rise to
a number of determinants today called minors, that is to say, determinants of
smaller matrices that are derived from the original one by removing columns
and rows. An English mathematician named Cullis was the first to use
modern bracket notation for matrices in 1913 and he simultaneously
demonstrated the first significant use of the notation A = ai,j to represent a
matrix where ai,j refers to the element found in the ith row and the jth
column. Matrices can be used to compactly write and work with multiple
linear equations, referred to as a system of linear equations, simultaneously.
Matrices and matrix multiplication reveal their essential features when
related to linear transformations, also known as linear maps.
What is a matrix?
A matrix (plural – matrices) is a rectangular array of numbers (or other
mathematical objects), called the entries of the matrix. Matrices are subject to
standard operations such as addition and multiplication. Most commonly, a matrix
over a field F is a rectangular array of elements of F. A real matrix and a complex
matrix are matrices whose entries are respectively real numbers or complex
numbers. More general types of entries are discussed below. For instance, this is a
real matrix:

Size of a matrix
The size of a matrix is defined by the number of rows and
columns it contains. There is no limit to the numbers of rows and
columns a matrix (in the usual sense) can have as long as they
are positive integers. A matrix with m rows and n columns is
called an m×n matrix, or m-by-n matrix, while m and n are
called its dimensions. For example, the matrix A above is a 3 × 2
• Row matrix - A matrix with one row, sometimes used
to represent a vector. Eg -
• Column matrix - A matrix with one column, sometimes
used to represent a vector. Eg -

• Square matrix - A matrix with the same number of

rows and columns, sometimes used to represent a
linear transformation from a vector space to itself, such
as reflection, rotation, or shearing. Eg -
Rank of a matrix
The rank of a matrix A, is defined to be the greatest positive integer R such that matrix A
as at least one non-singular sub-matrix of order R. ρ(A) is used to denote the rank of
matrix A. A matrix is said to be of rank zero when all its elements become zero. The rank
of the matrix is the dimension of the vector space obtained by its columns. The rank of a
matrix cannot exceed more than the number of its rows or columns.
Procedure to find Rank of a
Matrix by Minor method
• If a matrix contains at least one non-zero
elements, then ρ (A) ≥ 1.
• If the rank of matrix A is r, then there exists
at least one minor of order r which does not
vanish. Every minor of matrix A of order (r + 1)
and higher order (if any) vanishes.
• If A is a matrix of m × n , then ρ(A) ≤ min {m,
• A square matrix A of order n has to inverse if
and only if ρ(A) = n.
Procedure to find Rank of a Matrix by
Row Reduced Echelon Matrix method
The matrix, Am × n is said to be row reduced if
• The first non-zero element of a no-zero row is 1 (called the leading 1).
• Each column containing the leading 1 of some row has all other element
The matrix, Am × n is said to be row reduced echelon matrix if:
• A is row reduced.
• There is an integer r (0 ≤ r ≤ m) such that the first r rows of A
are non-zero rows and the remaining rows (if there is any)
are zero rows.
• For each non-zero row, if the leading element of the row i
occurs in the column K, then K1 < K2 < K3….< Kr.
Rank of a matrix is the number of non-zero rows of the
Eg – The rank of the matrix is 3.
Study with an example
Finding the rank of the matrix A = .

Solution: The order of A is 3 × 3. Hence ρ(A) ≤ 3. First, we will

convert the given matrix into Echelon form and then find a
number of non-zero rows.

• Convert R2 ⟶ R2 - 2R1 and R3 ⟶ R3 - 3R1

Therefore, A =

• Again R3 ⟶ R3 - R2
Therefore, A =

Now, the above matrix is in echelon form. The number of non-

zero rows is 2. Hence, the rank of the matrix A is 2.
Rank of matrices plays a very important role in solving system of
linear equations by rank method. The following are the steps:
• Step 1 : Find the augmented matrix [A, B] of the system of
• Step 2 : Find the rank of A and rank of [A, B] by applying only
elementary row operations.
Note :Column operations should not be applied.
• Step 3 :
 Case 1 : If there are n unknowns in the system of equations
and ρ(A) = ρ([A|B]) = n
then the system AX = B, is consistent and has a unique solution.

 Case 2 : If there are n unknowns in the system AX = B, ρ(A)

= ρ([A| B]) < n
then the system is consistent and has infinitely many solutions.

 Case 3 : If ρ(A) ≠ ρ([A| B])

then the system AX = B is inconsistent and has no solution.
There are numerous applications of matrices, both in mathematics and other sciences. Some
of them merely take advantage of the compact representation of a set of numbers in a
matrix. For example, in game theory and economics, the payoff matrix encodes the payoff
for two players, depending on which out of a given (finite) set of alternatives the players
choose. Text mining and automated thesaurus compilation makes use of document-term
matrices such as term frequency–inverse document frequency to track frequencies of certain
words in several documents.
One useful application of calculating the rank of a matrix is the computation of the number
of solutions of a system of linear equations that we already discussed with an example.
In the field of communication complexity, the rank of the communication matrix of a
function gives bounds on the amount of communication needed for two parties to compute
the function.
We end our
presentation here,
thanking Sir Debabrata
Das and all students
present here for your

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