CH.3 Stresses in The Machine Parts

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Chapter 3

Stresses in the Machine Parts

4th Semester and 2nd Year

Mr. Punit Patel

Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Technology & Engineering,
1 Charotar University of Science and Technology - Changa
Stresses in the Machine Parts
Simple stresses in machine parts
Combined stresses in Machine parts
Concepts of variable stresses in machine

Reference Books
 Khurmi R. S., “Machine design”, S Chand & Sons.
 Bhandari V. B., “Design of Machine Elements”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
 Farazdak Haideri, “Machine Design”, Nirali
What we will discuss??
Load, Stress and Strain, stress-strain curve
Young of Modulus, Bulk modulus and
Modulus of Rigidity
Torsional shear stress
Bending shear stress
Theories of failure under static load
Introduction to variable stresses in machine

It is defined as any external force acting upon machine
1. Dead load
2. Live load
3. Impact load
4. Suddenly applied load

It is defined as force per unit resisted area. It is denoted
force p
as    1MPa 1 N mm 2
area A


It is ratio of change in length to the total length of
object/component. It is denoted as
4 l
 Tensile stress
 When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite
axial pulls P (also called tensile load),then the stress
induced at any section of the body is known as
tensile stress.
 Due to tensile stress cross sectional area is decrease
and length of the object increase.
 Compressive stress
 When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite
axial push P (also called compressive load),then the
stress induced at any section of the body is known
as compressive stress.
 Due to compressive stress cross sectional area is
increase and length of the object decrease.
 Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity
 Hook’s law states that, when a material is loaded within
 is
elastic limit, the stress  pdirectly
  l  proportional to strain.
E    
  A   l 
Shear stress
 When a body is subjected to two equal and
opposite forces acting tangentially across the
resisting section, as a result of which the body
tends to shear off the section, then the stress
induced is called shear stress.
 It may be single shear or double shear according
the resisting area.
Shear modulus or modulus of rigidity
 Within elastic limit, shear stress is directly
   to
proportional 
Cshear strain.

Bearing stress
 A localized compressive stress at the surface of
contact between two relatively at rest members
of a P P part is known as bearing stress.
b  
d *l d *t
Stress-Strain Diagram(Ductile
Proportional limit(A)
Elastic limit (B)
Yield point (C,D)
Ultimate stress (E)
Braking stress (F)

Working stress
 It is desirable to keep the stress lower than the
maximum or ultimate stress at which failure occurs,
this stress is known as working stress or allowable
stress or design stress.
Factor of safety
 The ratio of the maximum stress to the working stress
 yt
is known as factor
F .S . of
 safety(fos).
 working

Selection of factor of safety

 The reliability of the properties of the material and change of these
properties during service ;
 The reliability of test results and accuracy of application of these results
to actual machine parts ;
 The reliability of applied load ;
 The certainty as to exact mode of failure ;
 The extent of simplifying assumptions ;
 The extent of localized stresses ;
 The extent of initial stresses set up during manufacture ;
 The extent of loss of life if failure occurs ; and
 The extent of loss of property if failure occurs.
Linear and lateral strain
The ratio of change in the length of the body
due to deformation to its original length in
the direction of force is called as linear
The ratio of change in the length of the body
due to deformation to its original length in
the direction perpendicular to force is called
as lateral strain.
Poisson’s ratio
When a body is stressed within elastic limit, a
content ratio of the lateral strain to the
linear strain called Poisson's ratio. It is
denoted as µ or 1/m.
v 
Volumetric strain
The ratio of change in volume to its original
volume is known as volumetric strain.
Bulk modulus
The ratio of direct stress to the corresponding
volumetric strain is known as bulk
modulus(K). v
mE mE
K G
Relation between K and3 E,
m  2 2 m  1
Relation between E and G,
The strain energy stored in aU  2
body *v
due to
external loading within elastic limit is known
as resilience.
Proof resilience
The maximum strain energy stored in a body
due to external loading within elastic limit is
known as proof resilience.
Modulus of resilience
Torsional shear stress
 When a machine member is subjected to the action of two equal
and opposite couples acting in parallel planes (or torque or
twisting moment), then the machine member is said to be
subjected to torsion. The stress set up by torsion is known as
torsional shear stress.

T  G
 It is zero at the centroidal axis and maximum at the outer
 Torsion equation:
 
J r l
 Assumptions
 The material of the shaft is uniform throughout.
 The twist along the length of the shaft is uniform.
 The normal cross-sections of the shaft, which were plane and
circular before twist, remain plane and circular after twist.
 All diameters of the normal cross-section which were straight before
twist, remain straight with their magnitude unchanged, after twist.
 The maximum shear stress induced in the shaft due to the twisting
11 moment does not exceed its elastic limit value.
Bending stress in straight beam
 Bending equation: E 
 
I R y
 Assumptions:
 The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous
(i.e. of the same material throughout) and isotropic
(i.e. of equal elastic properties in all directions).
 The material of the beam obeys Hooke’s law.
 The transverse sections (i.e. BC or GH) which were
plane before bending, remain plane after bending also.
Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract,
independently, of the layer, above or below it.
 The Young’s modulus (E) is the same in tension and
 The loads are applied in the plane of bending.

Bending stress in curved beam
 in case of curved beams, the neutral axis of the
cross-section is shifted towards the center of
curvature of the beam causing a non-linear
(hyperbolic) distribution of stress. It may be
noted that the neutral axis lies between the
centroidal axis and the center of curvature and
always occurs within the curved beams.

M  y 
b   
A * e  Rn  y 

Principle stresses and principle
The direct stresses along the principle plane
are known as principle stresses.
The plane on which maximum shear stress
act is known as plane of maximum shear.
Maximum principle stress,   2 1
1   2   4 2
 t1  1 
2 2
Minimum principle stress,   2 1
 1   2   4 2
t2  1 
Maximum shear stress, 12 2
 1   2 
 max  2
 4
Many machine member are subjected to
combined stress, direct stress due to
external force and shear stress due to
14 torsion.
Theory of failure under static
The principal theories of failure for a member
subjected to bi-axial stress are as follows:
Maximum principal (or normal) stress
theory (also known as Rankine’s theory).
Maximum shear stress theory (also known
as Guest’s or Tresca’s theory)
Maximum principal (or normal) strain
theory (also known as Saint Venant theory)
Maximum strain energy theory (also known
as Haigh’s theory)
 Maximum distortion energy theory (also
known as Hencky and Von Mises theory).

Maximum principal (or normal) stress
theory (also known as Rankine’s theory).
Maximum principle stress theory states
that, the failure occurs in a member when
the maximum principle stress in a bi-axial
stress system reaches the limiting strength
value of a material as determined from
simple tension yt test.
t 
For ductile F .S .material, limiting strength
value is yield point stress.
For t 
brittleF .Smaterial,
. limiting strength
value is ultimate stress.
Maximum shear stress theory (also
known as Guest’s or Tresca’s theory).
Maximum shear stress theory states
that, the failure occurs at a point in a
member when the maximum shear stress
in a bi-axial stress system reaches the
limiting value of shear stress at yield point
of a material as determined from simple
tension  yt
test.  yt
 max   yt 
F .S .
Maximum shear stress 2

Maximum principal (or normal) strain theory
(also known as Saint Venant theory).
Maximum principal strain theory states
that, the failure occurs in a member at a
point when the maximum principle strain in
a bi-axial stress system reaches the limiting
value of strain at yield point of amaterial
 max 
as determined from simple
 test.

Maximum principle strain,

E m*E
 yt
But strain, E * F .S .
 t1 t2  yt
 max    
So, E m* E E * F .S .
Maximum strain energy theory
(also known as Haigh’s theory)
Maximum strain energy theory states
that, the failure occurs at a point in a
member when the maximum strain energy
per unit volume in a bi-axial stress system
reaches the limiting value of strain energy
2 t1 t 2 
per unit volume of U1a 1 material

  t1 
  t2 
 as 
2E  m 
determined from simple tension test.
Strain energy per unit volume, 1   yt 
U  2  
2 E  F .S . 
 2 strain 2energy  yt 
 t1 t 2   per unit volume,
  t1    t 2  
  
 m   F .S . 
19 So,
Maximum distortion energy theory (also
known as Hencky and Von Mises theory)
Maximum distortion energy theory
states that, the failure occurs at a point in a
member when the distortion strain energy
per unit volume in a bi-axial stress system
reaches the limiting value of distortion
energy per unit volume of a material as
determined from simple tension   test.

       2   
2 2 yt

Maximum distortion energy
t1 t2 t1 t2
 F .S .  theory,

Introduction to Variable stress in
machine parts
Completely reversed or cyclic stresses.
Fatigue and endurance limit
Stress concentration
Gerber method for combination of stresses
Goodman method for combination of
Soderberg method for combination of

1. A pump lever rocking shaft is shown in Figure. The pump
lever exerts forces of 25 kN and 35 kN concentrated at
150 mm and 200 mm from the left and right hand bearing
respectively. Find the diameter of the central portion of
the shaft, if the stress is not to exceed 100 MPa.

2. A cast iron pulley transmits 10 kW at 400 r.p.m. The

diameter of the pulley is 1.2 metre and it has four straight
arms of elliptical cross-section, in which the major axis is
twice the minor axis. Determine the dimensions of the
arm if the allowable bending stress is 15 MPa.

3. The frame of a punch press is shown in Fig.
(a), find the stresses at the inner and outer
surface at section X-X of the frame, if W =
5000 N.

4. The crane hook carries a load of 20 kN as

shown in Fig.(b). The section at X-X is
rectangular whose horizontal side is 100 mm.
Find the stresses in the inner and outer fibres
at the given section.

23 (a) (b)
5. A shaft, as shown in Fig.(a), is subjected to a
bending load of 3 kN, pure torque of 1000 N-
m and an axial pulling force of 15 kN.

6. An overhang crank with pin and shaft is

shown in Fig. (b). A tangential load of 15 kN
acts on the crank pin. Determine the
maximum principal stress and the maximum
shear stress at the centre of the crankshaft

(a) (b)
7. The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of
10 kN together with a transverse shear force
of 5 kN. Find the diameter of bolt required
according to
1. Maximum principal stress theory;
2. Maximum shear stress theory;
3. Maximum principal strain theory;
4. Maximum strain energy theory; and
5. Maximum distortion energy theory.
Minimum intensity of stress is 6MPa
Maximum intensity of stress is 14MPa

8. A rectangular strut is 150 mm wide and 120

mm thick. It carries a load of 180 kN at an
25 eccentricity of 10 mm in a plane bisecting the
thickness as shown in above Figure. Find the
9. A hollow circular column of external diameter
250 mm and internal diameter 200 mm,
carries a projecting bracket on which a load of
20 kN rests, as shown in Fig.(a). The center of
the load from the Centre of the column is 500
mm. Find the stresses at the sides of the
10. A mild steel bracket as shown in Fig. (b), is
subjected to a pull of 6000 N acting at 45° to
its horizontal axis. The bracket has a
rectangular section whose depth is twice the
thickness. Find the cross-sectional dimensions
of the bracket, if the permissible stress in the
material of the bracket is limited to 60 MPa.

(a) (b)
What we have discussed….
Load, Stress and Strain, stress-strain curve
Young of Modulus, Bulk modulus and Modulus
of Rigidity
Torsional shear stress
Bending stress in straight beam
Bending stress in curved beam
Theories of failure under static load
Introduction to variable stress in machine parts

next we will discuss about…
Chapter 8 column and struts

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