Level Iii
Level Iii
Level Iii
and reporting?
How the various factors are to be monitored?
to be monitored?
Who is responsible for decision making, action
Onion Bulb enlargement, particularly during rapid bulb growth for ware crops and
for seed production, flowering is very sensitive to water stress
Tomato Flowering, yield formation and the vegetative period, particularly during and
just after transplanting
Banana Throughout but particularly during first part of the vegetative period,
flowering, and yield formation
Citrus Flowering and fruit set is very sensitive and water stress at fruit
LO #2 Checking Water Supply and Availability
Crop Water Requirement
Crop water requirement is the total quantity of
water required by the crop in a given growing
season or from the time it is sown to the time it
is harvested.
This water is required for compensating the
evapotranspiration loss plus water used for
metabolic processes, photosynthesis,
transportation of minerals and foods, growth,
and structural support.
Irrigation water requirement
The irrigation water requirement for a
crop is the water required for plant growth
plus the water lost from the cropped area
by evapotranspiration plus water losses
due to irrigation system inefficiencies.
Table 2.1. Effect of major climate factors on crop water need (FAO,
Crop water need
High Low
Order water to meet daily, weekly, seasonal and annual irrigation
For established farms, the farmer will know how much
water was used on previous occasions and this can be used
as guide to future requirements.
in a Water Users Association or Water Cooperative, Water use
based on planned cropping will be calculated using standard data by
an Irrigation engineer or Irrigation specialist.
Calculation is based on the following processes:
Evapotranspiration (ETo) has been measured for a reference crop
(Grass) grown in different conditions to create standard reference
Results for the reference crop are adjusted for different crops and
different growth stages by multiplying the evapotranspiration of
the reference crop, ETo, by Crop coefficient, Kc, for the chosen
crop to give the Evapotranspiration for the crop (ETc).
ETo x Kc = ETc
Then the irrigation requirements is calculated by subtracting the
Rainfall from the Evapotranspiration of the crop
Table 2.2. Crop coefficient (Kc) and number of growth days of crops
at each growth stages
Cabbage 0.45 (20) 0.75 (25) 1.05 (60) 0.90 (15) 40-50 0.45
Carrot 0.45 (20) 0.75 (30) 1.05 (30) 0.90 (20) 50-100 0.35
Lettuce 0.45 (20) 0.60 (30) 1.00 (15) 0.90 (10) 30-50 0.30
Onion 0.50 (20) 0.75 (50) 1.05 (20) 0.85 (15) 30-50 0.25
Pepper 0.35 (30) 0.75 (35) 1.05 (40) 0.90 (20) 50-100 0.25
Potato 0.45 (25) 0.75 (30) 1.15 (30) 0.75 (20) 40-60 0.25
Tomato 0.45 (25) 0.75 (40) 1.15 (40) 0.80 (25) 70-150 0.40
Figure 2.2. Kc value of representative crop at different growth
Procedures to determine crop water requirement
1. Select the type of crop grown
2. Establish planting dates
3. Identify the crop growth stage and determine their
growth length
4. Select the crop coefficient (Kc) value from a given
5. Construct the crop coefficient table (allowing one to
determine kc value for any period during the growing
6. Calculate ETc as the product of ETo and Kc (each
growth stage
The evapotranspiration for the reference
crop (ETo), in each agro-ecological one is
available from reference data and Rainfall
can be measured in the farm.
In Ethiopia, this data will also be
available at the MoA, Regional
Agriculture Office.
Sample data is shown in table 4, below
Table 2.3. Average ETo and RF of sample area
collected from nearby meteorological station
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
ETo 3.3 4.1 5. 5.5 6.2 6.3 5.6 5.0 4.9 4.7 4 4.7
(mm/day) 2
No. 20 50 20 15 105
Months 15sep-5 6 Oct-25 26Nov- 16-30
records be kept
Who is responsible for keeping the records and who