Lecture On Distributed Loads
Lecture On Distributed Loads
Lecture On Distributed Loads
Distributed Loadings
Therefore, guided by the results from structural analysis for the case
of a uniformly distributed load, we replace the distributed load by
concentrated nodal forces and moments tending to have the same
effect on the beam as the actual distributed load.
Work Equivalence Method
The figures below illustrates the idea of equivalent nodal loads for a
general beam. We can replace the effects of a uniform load by a set of
nodal forces and moments.
Work Equivalence Method
The method is based on the concept that the work done by the distributed load is equal to
the work done by the discrete nodal loads. The work done by the distributed load is:
Where v(x) is the transverse or shear displacement. The work done by the discrete nodal
forces is:
Wdistributed = Wnodes
Work Equivalence / Load Replacement Method
Let us introduce a set of arbitrary nodal displacements, such as:
2. Assemble the global force and stiffness matrices and global equations
illustrated by .
5. Use global equations to obtain the final correct global nodal forces and
moments. Those forces and moments at supports, such as the left end of the
cantilever, will be the reactions.
Comparison of Finite Element Solutions with Exact Solutions for
Consider the cantilever beam shown.
Classical theory: ,
Displacement diagram
Comparison of Finite Element Solutions with Exact
Solutions for Beams