Philippine Lit. M2
Philippine Lit. M2
Philippine Lit. M2
Liter a tu
C o l o n i z a ti o n
Spa n i s h
(1 5 6 5 - 1 8 9 8 )
It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of
the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel
Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-
general in the Philippines.
It contained the Pater Noster (Out Father), Ave Maria (Hail Mary),
Regina Coeli (Hail Holy Queen), the Ten Commandments of
God, the Commandments of the Catholic Church, the Seven
Mortal Sins, How to Confess, and the Cathecism.
Three old original copies of this
book can still be found at the
Vatican, at the Madrid Musem
and at the US Congress. It
contains only 87 pages but costs
2. Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
A collection of songs
praising the Virgin Mary. Fr.
Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino
priest, wrote this in 1865 and
it was popular especially
during the Maytime “Flores
de Mayo” festival.
Tha n k
y o u