UNIT II - Guided and Unguided Media
UNIT II - Guided and Unguided Media
UNIT II - Guided and Unguided Media
Transmission Media
Transmission Media
All computer communication involves encoding data in a form of energy, and sending
the energy across a transmission medium (i.e., the network links).
Forms of Energy
• A pair of wires are twisted together (signal wire and ground reference wire).
Multiple twisted pairs can be enclosed within the same cable.
Shielded Twisted Pairs (STP) are also used to reduce the effects of
• Cat-5 is suitable for 10 - 100 Mbps for short distances (< 100m)
• In telephone networks, Unshielded Twisted Pairs (UTP) are extensively used
with sophisticated driver and receiver circuits yielding higher bps over longer
• Suffer from "skin effect" (i.e., the current of the wires flows only on the outer
surface of the wire). Result: Increases electrical resistance at higher frequencies
Why is Twisted Pair “twisted”?
When two wires run in parallel:
• there is a high probability that
one of them is closer to the
source of electromagnetic
radiation than the other
• one wire tends to act as a shield
that absorbs some of the
electromagnetic radiation
• thus, the second wire receives
less energy.
The shield in a coaxial cable forms a flexible cylinder around the inner wire
that provides a barrier to electromagnetic radiation from any direction
The barrier also prevents signals on the inner wire from radiating
electromagnetic energy
Optical fiber:
• carries the transmitted information as a fluctuating beam of light
• is immune to electromagnetic interference and crosstalk
• is good for security, because it is difficult to tap an optical fiber cable
• supports transmission rates of hundreds of megabits per second over
several kilometers.
• Single glass fiber for each signal
• Optical transmitter (light-emitting diode (LED) or injection diode (ILD))
converts from electrical signals to a light signal
• Optical Receiver (photodiode or photo transistor) converts from light
signals to electrical
Comparing Copper Wiring and Fiber
Unguided Media
• GEO is approximately
36,000 kilometers or
20,000 miles from earth.
• A maximum of 45-90
satellites can be in GEO
to avoid interference with
each other.
Geosynchronous (or Geostationary) Satellites (cont’d)
How many GEO communication satellites are possible?
There is a limited amount of “space” available in the geosynchronous orbit
above the equator…
• Because communication satellites using a given frequency must be separated
from one another to avoid interference.
• The minimum separation depends on the power of the transmitters (but may
require an angular separation of between 4 and 8 degrees).
• As technology evolves, it is possible to allocate more satellites in orbit.
Consider the figure, which illustrates three GEO satellites positioned around
the equator with 120 degree separation.
In the figure, the size of the earth
and the distance of the satellites are
drawn to scale
Low Earth Orbit Satellites
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites orbit at 200-400 miles above earth.
• Their period of rotation is very fast (e.g., an orbit can be completed in ~1.5 hours).
• A LEO satellite can only be used by ground stations when its orbit passes
• Ground stations must continually be changed to point at the satellite.
• These satellites are cheaper but they wear out more quickly (run out of fuel).
In this scheme, a set of satellites is arranged so that each point on the ground has at least
one satellite overhead at all times.
• Microwaves do not pass through buildings. So, indoor receivers cannot be used
• Microwaves are often refracted by the atmospheric layers. The refracted rays take
longer time to reach the destination than the direct rays. This causes out of phase
transmission, called multipath fading.
• Microwaves need unidirectional antennas to send out signals.
• Two types of antennas are needed −
• Parabolic Dish Antenna − It is used by the receiving station.
• Horn Antenna − In the receiving station, the rays are collected by the
curved head and deflected in the stem.
• Types of Microwaves:
• Terrestrial
• Satellite
Lightwave: Infrared
Infrared is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with
wavelengths longer than those of visible light
and shorter than radio waves.
Infrared is a type of radiant energy that is
invisible to the eyes; we can only feel it in the
form of heat.
Example: Remote controls for TVs, VCRs, etc.
Infrared communication:
is good for a single room
must point at the receiver
is cheap
needs no antennae
can be used to set-up a computer network in a
single room
Light from a Laser
• Light from a laser can be transmitted through the air (not just through fiber optics)
to send information.
• The laser beam must be sent in a straight line between the transmitter and the
receiver (e.g., point-to-point).