44 Permanent Mandibular 1st Premolar

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Mandibular First Premolar

Dr. Snehashish Ghosh

Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Pathology
General features of Mandibular
 Mandibular:
 May have 2 or 3 cusps.
 Buccolingual and mesiodistal diameter almost equal.
 Crown lingually inclined.

 First Premolar
• Buccal cusp is long and sharp and is the only occluding cusp
• Occlusal surface slopes sharply lingually in a cervical direction
• Mesiobuccal cusp ridge is shorter than distobuccal cusp ridge
• Outline form of the occlusal aspect resembles the outline form of
incisal aspect of canine
 It is the 4th tooth from the midline in each
mandibular quadrant.
 It replaces the deciduous first molar
 Mandibular right first premolar-#28
 Mandibular left first premolar-#21

 Mandibular left premolar – 34
 Mandibular right first premolar – 44

 Mandibular right first premolar= 4

 Mandibular left first premolar= 4


 Initiation of calcification-1 3/4 -

2 years
 Completion of enamel- 5-6 years
 Eruption -10-11 years
 Completion of root- 12-13 years
 Pentagonal in outline (bilaterally symmetrical)
 Middle buccal lobe forms a well-formed cusp
 Buccal surface is convex both occlusogingivally and
 Buccal cusp tip is more pointed and buccal ridge is
 Mesial margin is straight or slightly concave from the
contact area to the cervical line. Contact area is at the
junction of middle and occlusal third.
 Distal outline is slightly concave above the cervical
line to the point where it is confluent with the
curvature describing the distal contact area
 Cervical line presents an even, slightly convex curve
towards the apex
 Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge

 The tip of the buccal cusp is pointed and in most cases located a
little mesial to the center of the crown buccally.
 The root is 3-4 mm shorter than that of the mandibular canine,
although the buccal portion of the root bears a close resemblance
with mandibular canine
Lingual Aspect Of Mandibular
1 Premolar

1. Crown Shape:

Mandibular first
premolar crown tapers
(converges) to the lingual
(narrower on lingual
side that buccal)
Lingual Aspect

2. Cusp Size and Shape:

 Mandibular 1st
premolar lingual cusp is
small and pointed
M D The cervical portion of
the crown is narrow and
 Most of the occlusal
surface can be seen from
Lingual Aspect

3. Marginal Ridges:
Occlusal surface slopes greatly
towards lingual in the cervical
Only tooth in the mouth
where the mesial marginal
ridge is more apical than the
distal marginal ridge
Lingual Aspect
4. Mesiolingual Groove:
 Frequently seen on
Mandibular 1st
premolar only(demarcation b/w
MB lobe and lingual lobe)
The crown and root taper
lingually, so most of the
proximal surfaces are visible
from this aspect
ROOT- Much narrower, a
narrow ridge smooth and
convex, throughout the
length of the root

 Roughly rhomboidal in shape

 Buccal outline is generally convex, with
height of contour in the gingival third.
Tip of the buccal cusp is nearly centered
over the root.
 Lingual margin is less convex and much
shorter than the buccal outline. Crest of
curvature is in the middle-third of

 As crown is inclined lingually.

Mesial Aspect

2. Mesiolingual Groove:

 Often present on Mandibular 1st

premolar between the mesial
marginal ridge and the mesial slope
of the lingual cusp

 Not present on Mandibular 2nd

Proximal Aspect

3. Height of Contour:

 Mandibular 1st premolar

Buccal = cervical 1/3

Lingual = middle
Proximal Aspect

4. Cervical Lines: Mesi

 Both premolars have
greater curve on the
mesial than the


 There is a distal marginal groove

 Wider bucco-lingually than mesial side.

 Distal marginal ridge is higher above

the cervical line and does not have
extreme lingual slope of the mesial
marginal ridge.
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
1. Outline:

– Have much variation in

occlusal morphology

– Outline is not
(more bulky on the distal)
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar

1. Outline:

– Often appears as if the mesial

side has been pushed inward
(mesiolingual corner)

Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
1. Outline:

– Tip of the buccal cusp

is near the center from
occlusal view
Buccal ridge is prominent
– Cusp ridges are nearly straight
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
1. Outline:

– Crown is somewhat
diamond shaped
converging lingually
– Shape of crown is
asymmetrical M D
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
1. Outline:

– Mesial and distal

marginal ridges may
converge lingually
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
2. Ridges, Fossae, Grooves:

– Due to size of cusp, the

buccal triangular ridge
is long
– Joins the shorter
lingual triangular
– Often may meet smoothly and form a uninterrupted
transverse ridge
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
2. Ridges, Fossae, Grooves:

– The transverse ridge

may be crossed by
a shallow central
extending from
mesial to distal fossa
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar

2. Ridges, Fossae, Grooves:

– The grooves of the first premolar are fewer in

number, but may be deeper than those of the
second premolar (just like the maxillary)
Occlusal Aspect Of Mandibular
First Premolar
2. Ridges, Fossae, Grooves:

– Possess a mesial
and distal fossa
– Both are circular,
not triangular and present
On the either side of the ridge
– Both possess pits
– Distal fossa is usually larger and/or deeper

 Single, fairly straight, and it tapers from the cervical line to a

relatively sharp apex.

 Wider bucco-lingually than mesio-distally. Buccal & lingual

surfaces are convex while the mesial & distal surfaces are
slightly convex to flat and converge towards the lingual.

 Developmental depression is present on distal surface and

groove on mesial surface.
 Crown exhibits wide variation in form:

a. Absence of ML developmental groove.

b. 2 parallel ML developmental grooves.

c. Size of lingual cusp can be completely absent or

be nearly as large as buccal cusp.

 Root may display a bifurcation, thus creating buccal

& lingual root branches.


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