Stages of Labour
Stages of Labour
Stages of Labour
mother during
Presented by:
Rekhamol VB Sidhanar
Topics covered
Establishing Therapeutic Relationship
Admission Assessment
Stages of Labor
1. First Stage of Labor
Latent Phase
Active Phase
Transition Phase
2. Second Stage of Labor
3. Third Stage of Labor
4. fourth stage of labor
Establishing Therapeutic
To gain patient and family’s cooperation and trust, it is
important that the nurse should be able to establish a
therapeutic relationship with them. The nurse should
introduce himself and make them feel welcome. At this
point, they are all anxious and it is best for the nurse to
convey his message gently and confidently.
Expectations of the family about birth should be
determined and it is also the best time to ascertain
cultural values.
Admission Assessment
When a patient arrives at the labor floor, pertinent information about the pregnant
woman’s health history is taken during admission. These include personal data (e.g.
blood type, allergies, etc.), previous illness, pregnancy complications, preferences
for labor and delivery, and childbirth preparations. Standard obstetric, medical, and
social history taking is also done.
In addition, the nurse assesses the following: vital signs, physical exam, contraction
pattern (frequency, interval, duration, and intensity), intactness of membranes
through vaginal exam, and fetal well-being through fetal heart rate, characteristic of
amniotic fluid, and contractions. The nurse performs Leopold’s maneuver to
determine fetal presenting part, point of maximum impulse, fetal descent and
Stages of Labor
Nullipara Multipara
First Stage True labor contractions Full cervical 10-12 hr 6-8 hrs
5. Conduct health teaching on breastfeeding, newborn care, and effective bearing down
because during this time, patient’s anxiety is controlled and she is able to focus on nurse’s
7. Ensure that the total number of internal examinations the woman receives in the entire
course of labor is limited to 5 only.
8. Ensure that birthing companion of choice is present all throughout the course of labor.
Active Phase
Active Phase starts from 4 cm cervical dilatation to 7 cm cervical dilatation. During this
phase, contraction intensity is stronger, interval shortens, and duration lengthens. This is
where true discomfort is first felt by the patient so she is dependent and her focus is on
herself. Here are nursing responsibilities in this phase:
1. Inform patient on the progress of her labor to lessen her anxiety and obtain her trust
and cooperation.
2. Start monitoring progress of labor with the use of WHO partograph, 2-hour action line.
3. Encourage patient to be continually active to maximize the effect of uterine
contractions. Upright maternal positions are recommended if tolerated.
4. Assist patient in assuming her position of comfort. For those who can’t stay upright,
left-side lying is recommended to avoid disruption in fetal oxygenation.
5. Monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate every 2 hours, or
depending on the doctor’s order.
6. Anticipate patient needs (e.g. sponging face with cool cloth, keeping bed clean
and dry, providing ice chips or lip balm) to promote comfort.
7. Determine when patient last voided because a full bladder can hinder fast labor
Third Stage of Labor or the placental stage starts from birth of infant to delivery of
placenta. It is divided into two separate phases: placental separation and placental
expulsion. Five minutes after delivery of baby, the uterus begins to contract again, and
placenta starts to separate from the contracting wall. Blood loss of 300-500 mL occurs as
a normal consequence of placental separation. Placenta sinks to the lower uterine
segment or upper vagina. The placenta is then expelled using gentle traction on the cord.
Here are the signs of placental separation:
1. Lengthening of umbilical cord
2. Sudden gush of vaginal blood
3. Change in the shape of uterus (globular in shape)
4. Firm uterine contractions
5. Appearance of placenta in vaginal opening
At this stage, here are the nursing care tips:
1. Coach in relaxation for delivery of placenta.
2. Congratulate on delivery of baby.
3. Encourage skin-to-skin contact to facilitate bonding and early breastfeeding.
4. Ask patient whether placenta is important to them before it is destroyed. For those who
want to take it home, ensure that they understand and follow standard infection
precautions and hospital policy.
5. Administer prophylactic oxytocin as ordered.
6. Utilize controlled cord traction technique for placental expulsion.
7. Utilize absorbable synthetic suture materials (over chromic catgut) for primary repair of
episiotomy or perineal lacerations.
Fourth stage of labour
For immediate postpartum, the nurse checks the vital signs and monitors for excessive
bleeding. The first four hours after birth is sometimes referred to as the fourth stage
of labor because this is the most critical period for the mother. The nurse is set to
perform nursing interventions that would prevent the patient from infection and
hemorrhage. Also, they are being reminded of the importance of breastfeeding,
ambulation, and newborn care.