Embedded Systems 2Remake
Embedded Systems 2Remake
Embedded Systems 2Remake
2.Explain the following a.EPROM and EEPROM. b.Static RAM and 2.Write short note on washing machine-application specific embedded
dynamic RAM. system.
a. EPROM and EEPROM: EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) A washing machine is an example of an application-specific embedded system. It is
and EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) are types of designed to perform a specific task, which is to wash clothes. The embedded
non-volatile memory that can be programmed and erased electronically. The main system in a washing machine is responsible for controlling the various components
difference between the two is the method of erasing the memory cells. In EPROM, of the machine, such as the motor, water inlet valve, detergent dispenser, and
erasing is performed by exposing the memory cells to ultraviolet light, whereas in others. The embedded system in a washing machine consists of a microcontroller,
EEPROM, erasing is performed by applying an electrical field to the memory cells. sensors, actuators, and other components. The microcontroller is the brain of the
EPROMs are typically used in embedded systems where the firmware or program system and is responsible for controlling the operation of the machine. The sensors
code is stored and rarely changed. EEPROMs are commonly used to store small detect the state of the machine, such as the water level, temperature, and rotation
amounts of data that need to be retained even when the power is turned off, such speed. The actuators control the various components of the machine, such as the
as system configuration settings or calibration data. motor and valves. The embedded system in a washing machine uses a variety of
b. Static RAM and dynamic RAM: Static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM) algorithms and control strategies to optimize the washing process. For example, the
are types of random-access memory that are commonly used in embedded system may use fuzzy logic to determine the optimal amount of water and
systems. The main difference between the two is the way they store data. SRAM detergent to use based on the weight and type of clothes being washed. The
stores data in a latched state using flip-flops, while DRAM stores data as a charge system may also adjust the washing time and speed based on the load size and
on a capacitor. SRAM is faster and more expensive than DRAM, and is commonly type. The use of an embedded system in a washing machine provides many
used in applications where speed is critical, such as cache memory or registers in a benefits. It allows for precise control over the various components of the machine,
processor. DRAM is slower and less expensive than SRAM, and is commonly used in resulting in more efficient and effective washing. It also allows for the integration of
applications where cost is a factor, such as main memory in a computer or large advanced features such as automatic detergent dispensing and energy-efficient
embedded system. operation.
4.What are different factors to be considered in selecting a microcontroller 4.What are different types of files created in the process of burning a
for any application? When selecting a microcontroller for any application, several program onto IC.
factors need to be considered, including: When burning a program onto an integrated circuit (IC), several types of files are
1. Processing power required by the application typically involved in the process. These files serve different purposes and contain
2. Memory requirements different types of information. The most common types of files used in IC
3. Availability of necessary peripherals programming are: Source code files: These are the original files containing the
4. Operating voltage and current requirements program code written by the programmer in a high-level language such as C or
5. Cost of the microcontroller assembly. Object files: These are files generated by the compiler from the source
6. Development tools and support available code, containing the compiled code in machine language format. HEX files: These
7. Power consumption and energy efficiency are machine-readable files that contain the compiled code in hexadecimal format.
8. Real-time performance requirements They are typically used for programming microcontrollers and other digital devices.
9. Temperature range and environmental factors ELF files: These are files used in Linux-based systems and contain executable
10. Size and packaging options code, libraries, and other program data. S-records: These are ASCII-based files
11. Integration with other components and systems that contain the compiled code in a specific format. They are used to program older
12. Security and encryption requirements microcontrollers and embedded systems. Binary files: These are files containing
13. Compatibility with existing software and hardware the compiled code in binary format. They are used for programming some types of
14. Reliability and stability microcontrollers and other devices. During the programming process, the
15. Availability and lead time of the microcontroller. appropriate files are selected and loaded onto the programming device or system.
The programming device then uses the information in the files to transfer the
program code to the IC or device, typically via a physical connection such as a USB
or JTAG interface.
2.Explain the following a.EPROM and EEPROM. b.Static RAM and 2.Write short note on washing machine-application specific embedded
dynamic RAM. system.
a. EPROM and EEPROM: EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) A washing machine is an example of an application-specific embedded system. It is
and EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) are types of designed to perform a specific task, which is to wash clothes. The embedded
non-volatile memory that can be programmed and erased electronically. The main system in a washing machine is responsible for controlling the various components
difference between the two is the method of erasing the memory cells. In EPROM, of the machine, such as the motor, water inlet valve, detergent dispenser, and
erasing is performed by exposing the memory cells to ultraviolet light, whereas in others. The embedded system in a washing machine consists of a microcontroller,
EEPROM, erasing is performed by applying an electrical field to the memory cells. sensors, actuators, and other components. The microcontroller is the brain of the
EPROMs are typically used in embedded systems where the firmware or program system and is responsible for controlling the operation of the machine. The sensors
code is stored and rarely changed. EEPROMs are commonly used to store small detect the state of the machine, such as the water level, temperature, and rotation
amounts of data that need to be retained even when the power is turned off, such speed. The actuators control the various components of the machine, such as the
as system configuration settings or calibration data. motor and valves. The embedded system in a washing machine uses a variety of
b. Static RAM and dynamic RAM: Static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM) algorithms and control strategies to optimize the washing process. For example, the
are types of random-access memory that are commonly used in embedded system may use fuzzy logic to determine the optimal amount of water and
systems. The main difference between the two is the way they store data. SRAM detergent to use based on the weight and type of clothes being washed. The
stores data in a latched state using flip-flops, while DRAM stores data as a charge system may also adjust the washing time and speed based on the load size and
on a capacitor. SRAM is faster and more expensive than DRAM, and is commonly type. The use of an embedded system in a washing machine provides many
used in applications where speed is critical, such as cache memory or registers in a benefits. It allows for precise control over the various components of the machine,
processor. DRAM is slower and less expensive than SRAM, and is commonly used in resulting in more efficient and effective washing. It also allows for the integration of
applications where cost is a factor, such as main memory in a computer or large advanced features such as automatic detergent dispensing and energy-efficient
embedded system. operation.
4.What are different factors to be considered in selecting a microcontroller 4.What are different types of files created in the process of burning a
for any application? When selecting a microcontroller for any application, several program onto IC.
factors need to be considered, including: When burning a program onto an integrated circuit (IC), several types of files are
1. Processing power required by the application typically involved in the process. These files serve different purposes and contain
2. Memory requirements different types of information. The most common types of files used in IC
3. Availability of necessary peripherals programming are: Source code files: These are the original files containing the
4. Operating voltage and current requirements program code written by the programmer in a high-level language such as C or
5. Cost of the microcontroller assembly. Object files: These are files generated by the compiler from the source
6. Development tools and support available code, containing the compiled code in machine language format. HEX files: These
7. Power consumption and energy efficiency are machine-readable files that contain the compiled code in hexadecimal format.
8. Real-time performance requirements They are typically used for programming microcontrollers and other digital devices.
9. Temperature range and environmental factors ELF files: These are files used in Linux-based systems and contain executable
10. Size and packaging options code, libraries, and other program data. S-records: These are ASCII-based files
11. Integration with other components and systems that contain the compiled code in a specific format. They are used to program older
12. Security and encryption requirements microcontrollers and embedded systems. Binary files: These are files containing
13. Compatibility with existing software and hardware the compiled code in binary format. They are used for programming some types of
14. Reliability and stability microcontrollers and other devices. During the programming process, the
15. Availability and lead time of the microcontroller. appropriate files are selected and loaded onto the programming device or system.
The programming device then uses the information in the files to transfer the
program code to the IC or device, typically via a physical connection such as a USB
or JTAG interface.