Exercise for Fitness

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Exercise for Fitness

Lesson 1 – Proper Etiquette
and Safety in the Use of
Facilities and Equipment
Lesson 2 – Fitness events
that addresses health
issues and
Physical Education andconcerns

Physical Education and Health 11


1. Demonstrate proper etiquette

and safety in the use of facilities
and equipment;
2. Participates in an organize event
that addresses health/fitness
issues and concerns;

Proper Etiquette and

Safety in the Use of
Facilities and

At the end of the session, a learner will be able

1. Explain the importance of proper care and
protection of facilities and equipment;
2. Enumerate important practices on how to take
good care of the facilities and equipment;
3. Create own version of signages, precautionary,
reminders associated to proper etiquette and
safe in the use of facilities and equipment.

Now, Let’s talk about the GYM RULES

You are likely to make use of different equipment and
facilities when you engage in aerobics, muscles, and
bone-reinforcement activities.
These resources help you enjoy and participate actively
in the different activities to be undertaken, so you need
be careful while using them. As a courtesy to other
people who also make use of these equipment and
facilities, you must always observe
the proper etiquette and handle it with care.

The following are the

different venues with its
commonly expected

Playing Court or field

 Depending on the sport, a play court or field can be
found indoors.
 Venues and facilities are usually ready for use where
minimal set-up is required as they are specifically
tailored to a particular sport (e.g. basketball, football).
 However, some venues must first install some
equipment, such as volleyball, tennis, badminton, table
tennis, taekwondo, judo, etc.

 Depending on the location arrangements (i.e., rented or

otherwise), it is assumed that those who use and install
equipment will correctly patch, return or store the
equipment after use.
 Keeping the venue clean and as tidy as possible after use
is typical way.
Below are a few examples
  Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat
  Throw away used or unneeded supplies and equipment
like empty water bottles, athletic tapes, shuttlecock
feathers in badminton, etc.

Dance areas or studios

 These are either open or enclosed spaces on
one or more sides, with full-sized mirrors.
 Usually speakers and music players are
available for use and are set up at strategic
 Based on the venue settings, dance area users
or studios are required to hold music players
during use, switching off lighting and

The following are other expectations when using dance

areas or studios;
  Keep footwear and other belongings on the sides or
designated spots (i.e. lockers, benches, tables)
  Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat on the
  If it is an open area, keep music at accepted volume so
as not to disturb other users.
  Know the studio schedule every time so that you will
not be rushed to move out for next users.

Gym or weights area

 These are indoor facilities with various types of
equipment, such as machine weights, free
weights, balls, exercise machines (stationary
treadmill, bike, rower, stair climber), mats, etc.
 Often, the various equipment is available to
anyone as the gym or weights room is open to
everyone who works.
 You are expected to observe appropriate

Here are a few of them;

  Avoid monopolizing used of the equipment. Share it
with others by taking turns using them.
  Return equipment to its proper place.
  Do not slam or drop weights
  Wipe off drinks and sweat off equipment and floor
  Lower volume of music or wear earphones.
  Minimize grunting, refrain from yelling and using
  Wear appropriate clothes including foot wear. Do not
take them off to look at your body in the mirror

 Some gyms or weights areas have some reminders posted

on strategic locations so that users will always be
reminded, like this …

Fitness events that

addresses health
issues and concerns

At the end of the session, each learner will be able to:

1. Identify different events that
addresses health/fitness issues and
2. Describe different events that
addresses health/fitness issues and
3. Appreciate the value of participating a

 Health – the overall condition of someone’s body or

 Fitness – the quality or state of being fit
 Getting fit doesn’t mean that you have to drag
yourself to gym for a workout.
 Nowadays we’ve seen the themed fitness – focused
events and trends that emphasized fun, part of
leading an active and healthy lifestyle.
 Your choice on what activity to work on will always
depend on your interest and preferences.

 Participating in different health and fitness events can

bring people together and inspire them to make changes.
 Events allow gyms, studios, and health clubs to think of
creative ways to engage with members and the local
 According to research, “staying physically active can help
prevent or delay certain disease and also relieve
depression and improve mood”.
 A fitness event can come in the form of a short, single
training or
exercise session, a group or batch of sessions extended

There are events that lead to an active and healthy lifestyle

at the same time will give us fun and excitement.
1. Color fun run began as a family friendly event that
promote health
and happiness. Today, the race has expanded all over the
2. Aerobic exercise is a physical activity performed with
intensity, with a lot of repetitive movements done within a
period of time.

4. Dancing means to move one’s body rhythmically usually

music. Everybody loves to dance, most of the students are
performing different dance genre.
5. Marathon refers to a footrace run or a long-distance
race. It is an
endurance contest, an event characterized by great length
concentrated effort. Joining this type of events improve not
7. Summer Sports Clinic These are short- course sports
catering to school children. Sports clinics are offered by
schools and
product brands when school is over and students have their
summer break.
8. Talks, Seminars or Conferences these are usually lecture-
events that cover topics discussed with an audience.
resource persons and speakers are invited to speak so that

Some common health issues:

Overweight and obesity
 is a condition characterized by the
excessive accumulation and storage of
fat in the body.
Obesity affects not just appearance but
disease processes as well, it has been
linked to a number of health risks, such

 is a physical condition that makes it difficult for
someone to breathe.
 A chronic lung condition in which airway
inflammation results in recurrent breathing
Heart disease
 is an abnormal condition of the heart and
circulation such as coronary heart disease,

Importance of participating in an organized event that

addresses health recreation issue and concern:
 Raising awareness help the people become aware of
the different facts and knowledges during different
kind of event, this will help us to know many things
that we don’t know of.
 Correcting wrong practices, we should attend different
kinds event to clear things out and should be able to
do the right way.
 Adding knowledge, attending in events makes an
individual more knowledgeable specially about being

 Of course, there will be some

information we don’t know that we
might learn in these events and we
could use them somehow in the
 Knowing more about health makes
someone more reliable when it comes

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