lec 4
lec 4
lec 4
lightening and
Mudabbir Ali
• Lighting and Rendering are crucial components in 3D
modeling that significantly influence the appearance of
your scenes.
• Lighting refers to the simulation of light sources in
your 3D environment. It impacts how colors, shadows,
and overall scene atmosphere are perceived.
• Rendering is the process of generating a final image or
animation from a 3D scene. It combines all the elements,
including models, textures, and lighting, into a cohesive output.
Types of lights in Blender
• Point Light: A light source that emits light in all directions from a
single point. It's similar to a light bulb and is useful for localized
• Sun Light: This type simulates sunlight with parallel light rays, suitable for
outdoor scenes. Adjusting its angle can create different times of day.
• Area Light: Emits light from a rectangular surface, creating soft shadows.
It's effective for simulating natural light sources like windows.
• Point light
of lights
Lightening Techniques
• Three-Point Lighting: This is a standard technique
•Key Light: The main light source that defines the subject.
•Fill Light: A softer light that fills in shadows created by the key light.
•Back Light: Positioned behind the subject, it creates depth and
separates the subject from the background.
Lightening techniques
• High-Key vs. Low-Key Lighting:
•High-Key Lighting: Bright overall lighting with minimal shadows, often
used in comedies or uplifting scenes.
•Low-Key Lighting: Dramatic lighting with strong contrasts and deep
shadows, typical in thrillers or horror genres.
Lightening techniques
• Natural vs. Artificial Lighting:
• Natural lighting mimics sunlight, while artificial lighting
is produced by man-made sources. Understanding both
helps create realistic environments.
Understanding shadows
• Discuss the importance of shadows in adding realism
and depth to a 3D scene:
•Hard Shadows: Produced by direct light sources; they are sharp and
well-defined, adding contrast.
•Soft Shadows: Created by area lights or multiple light sources, they are
diffused and add a more natural feel to the scene.
How can we
With the help of point
Introduction to rendering
• Rendering is the process of generating a final image or
animation from a 3D scene, integrating all elements
(models, textures, lights).
• difference between:
•Real-Time Rendering: Used in video games where speed is crucial.
Graphics are processed quickly for immediate feedback.
•Offline Rendering: Used in animations and films where quality is
prioritized over speed. This involves complex calculations for a highly
detailed output.
Primary rendering engines in
• Eevee: A real-time render engine that offers speed but
may compromise on some details.