lec 5
lec 5
lec 5
Mapping in 3D Design
Mudabbir Ali
Brief recap about Textures
• Textures
• Texturing is the process of applying images, colors, and
patterns to the surface of a 3D model, making it appear
more lifelike.
• Texturing adds complexity, allowing simple models to
convey details like wood grain, cloth weave, or skin
pores, essential in gaming, film, and visualization.
Understanding UV mapping
• UV mapping is a process that "unwraps" a 3D model’s
surface, translating it into a flat, 2D image (UV map) for
texture application.
• UV Coordinates: UV represents the 2D plane where U
is the horizontal axis, and V is the vertical axis, unlike
XYZ (3D space).
• Without UV mapping, textures would appear distorted or
improperly placed on the model.
• To enable UV mapping you need to go to UV editing tab
• You can remove UV maps
manually from the UV map
• When you click on the “-”
button the uv mapping on the
left will be removed.
• You can bring that by pressing
U key from the keyboard and
hit the unwarp option you will
see a new Unwarpped texture
on left window
The UV Unwarping
• Now we want to mark seams. Which
means you are cutting your model to
open it up.
• Marking Seams: Seams are where
the model is "cut" during unwrapping.
Proper seam placement prevents
visible texture distortion.
• In order to do that, first select the
edge mode and select the sides of the
cube/,model to mark the cutting
edges then you need to press ctrl+e
from the keyboard
• We can avoid stretching with this technique while
applying texture
• Now apply textures and materials
• Go to shader editor on your 3rd window then add
materials through your main window.
Lets adjust
Types of Textures and Their Uses
• Diffuse Map: Adds basic color information. For
example, a diffuse map of a brick wall provides the red
brick and gray grout colors.
• Normal Map: Creates the illusion of depth without
adding geometry, great for fine details like stone
texture on a wall.
• Bump Map: Similar to a normal map but more basic,
adding simple grayscale depth.
• Displacement Map: Alters the geometry itself,
creating high-resolution details, like realistic terrain on a
landscape model.
• A character model for a game may use a diffuse map for
skin tone, a normal map for skin pores, and a
displacement map for exaggerated scars.
Texture Painting Techniques
• Texture painting allows artists to directly paint on the
model, creating custom textures and unique details.
• Tools: Blender’s texture paint tools enable artists to
paint colors, detail lines, or effects directly on the
• A custom logo on a character’s jacket or graffiti on a
wall can be painted directly on the model, offering
precision and creativity that might be harder to achieve
through standard textures.