Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
CVS composed of
Heart: Pumping center
Blood vessels
Arteries: Distributing
Capillaries: Exchange system
Veins: Collecting
Blood: circulating connective tissue
Distribution of Blood
1. Veins, venules,
venous sinuses=
2. Pulmonary
3. Heart=7%
4. Capillaries =7%
5. Arteries = 13%
The Heart
• Heart is the hollow, muscular
organ that plays a central
pumping role
• Composed of 4-chambers; 2
atria and 2 ventricles
• Size: Approximately
equivalent to clenched fist
• Weight: 280 to 320 grams in
average adults
• Located in the midiastenum
Blood vessel functions: overview
Strong and elastic arteries
Arterioles control blood flow
and pressure
Mechanisms of Movement of Blood
1. Forces imparted by rhythmic contractions of the heart
2. Elastic recoil of arteries following filling by the action of the
3. Squeezing of blood vessels during body movements
4. Peristaltic contractions of smooth muscle surrounding blood
Properties of cardiac muscles
Cardiac muscles have 4 physiological properties,
which are essential for the function of the heart
as the central pumping organ.
These are
• Autorhythmicity is the ability of the heart
to generate cardiac impulse and to beat
regularly independent of any external
• The heart is provided with specialized
excitatory and conductive muscle systems
having two functions:
1. They generate rhythmic cardiac impulse
2. They conduct cardiac impulse
Specialized excitatory and conductive system of the heart
1. Sino-atrial node (SA-node):
in which the normal (80-120
x/min) rhythmical self-
excitatory impulse is generated
2. Internodal pathways: conduct
impulse from the SA-node to
the AV-node
3. Atrioventricular node (AV-
node): in which impulse from
the atria delayed to be
conducted to the ventricle. Site
of nodal delay. 40-60 x/min
4. Atrioventricular bundle
(bundle of His) : Rt. And Lt.
which conducts impulse from
the atria to the ventricle.
5. Purkinje fibers: conduct
•Bundle branches & Purkinje
cardiac impulse to the fibers : 20 - 40 per minute.
ventricles 14
Conduction of pacemaker potential from nodal tissue to adjacent
contractile cells and beyond, through gap junctions in intercalated
Electrophysiology of the heart
Phases and ionic bases of
myocardial action potential ↑PCl
It has 5-phases
Phase-0: Rapid depolarization
Caused by rapid Na-influx
Phase-1: Early partial repolarization
Caused by Cl- influx
Phase-2: The plateau (prolonged
depolarization) RMP = -90 mv
Nervous System
Nervous System
Heart Rate
• HR is the number of cardiac cycles per minute
• Normal HR: 60 to 100 beats/minute
• < 60 beats/minute, bradycardia but normal in athletes
• > 100 beats/minute, tachycardia
HR varies with the following factors
1. Age: higher in newborn infants (120 b/min)
2. Sex: higher in females (85 b/min)
3. Time of the day: ↓morning, ↑evening
4. Resting and sleep: decreased
5. Physical training: low in athletes (45-60 b/min)
6. Body position: ↑standing, ↓supine positions
How to count HR
Counting arterial pulsation, heart sound and ECG cycles
Resistance to venous return (RVR)
• Resistance blood meets(1mmHg/L/min) during its flow from
arterial side to RA
• Occurs at arterioles and veins
Sympathetic stimulation VR by inducing vasoconstriction,
improved cardiac pumping power and arteriolar dilatation
resistance to VR.
Blood volume: Blood volume VR by MSFP and vice versa
Arteriolar dilatation RVR and VR
Capillary dilatation vascular capacity, MSFP and VR
Skeletal muscle contraction Squeezes veins b/n muscles MSFP
Gravity: Standing motionless for some time pooling of blood in
lower extremities MSFP VR C.O hypotension brain
ischaemia syncope.
Cardiac cycle
Activities in the heart in a single beat
Contraction and relaxation of cardiac chambers
A single cardiac cycle comprised of
-Atrial diastole + atrial systole and
-Ventricular diastole + ventricular systole
75 cycles completed per minute
Duration of each cycle = 0.8 second
-Ventricular diastole = 0.5 second
-Ventricular systole = 0.3 second
Means of exploring activities accomplished in a cardiac cycle
1. Auscultation of heart sounds, recording phonograph
2. ECG tracing
3. Palpitation
Heart Sounds
Heart sounds (lubb-dubb) are associated with closing of heart
4-separate audible heart sounds (S1, S2, S3 and S4)
Means of identification
1. Auscultation: direct/immediate auscultation
Stethoscope mediated auscultation
2. Phonocardiographic based recording
S4 S1 S2
S1: is always audible, has a LUBB-sound
S2: is always audible, has DUBB-sound
Continuous heart sound: Lubb-Dubb, Lubb-Dubb
Duration of Lubb-Dubb is shorter than that of Dubb-Lubb
S3: is audible in children and in adults during exercise 30
S: is audible very rarely
Heart Sounds (cont’d)
S1: First heart sound
Causes: sudden closure of AV-valves.
Timing: Occurs at the beginning of ventricular systole
S2: Second heart sound
Cause: Sudden closure of semilunar valves
Timing: Occurs at the beginning of ventricular diastole
S3: Third heart sound
Cause: rapid filling of the ventricles with blood during
ventricular diastole
• It is audible in children and in adults during exercise
S4: Fourth heart sound
Cause: rapid ventricular filling during atrial systole
Timing: during atrial systole
Phases of the Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac cycle has 3 major phases
I. Atrial systole
II. Ventricular systole
III. Deiastole of the whole heart
I. Atrial systole
Duration: 0.15 second
Valvular events: SL-valves closed, AV-valves opened
Phonocardiogram: S4
ECG: P-wave
Ventricular volume : increased
Ventricular pressure: increased
Atrial pressure: pumps blood to the relaxed ventricles.
Phases of the Cardiac Cycle (cont’d)
II. Ventricular systolic phase (contraction)
Duration: 0.3 sec., has 3 phasses
A. Isovolumic phase
Ventricles contract with no change in volume (EDV=130 ml)
Ventricular pressure rises from 4-80 mm Hg
All valves are closed
S1 is produced, QRS- complex is recorded
B. Rapid ejection phase
Maximum contraction of the ventricle
Ventricular pressure rises from 80-120 mm Hg
SL-valves opened
Blood will be ejected (70% of SV), ↓Ventr. Volume
Aortic pressure increases
Atrial pressure decreases
C. Slow ejection phase
The remaining 30% of the SV is ejected
Ventricles start to relax 33
Phases of the cardiac cycle (cont’d)
III. Diastole of the whole heart: duration 0.5 sec, 4-phase
A. Protodiastolic phase
A transition phase
Ventricular pressure drops rapidly
SL-valves are closed and S2 is produced
Aortic pressure declines
B. Isovolumic relaxation phase
Ventricular pressure drops from 80 to 4 mm Hg
4-valves are closed, no change in volume
T-wave completes, ventricles relax
C Rapid ventricular filling phase
Atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure
AV-valves opened, S3 is produced
Ventricular pressure falls near 0 mm Hg
Ventricular volume rises sharply
80% of the filling blood run to the relaxed ventricle
D. Slow filling pressure
20% of EDV fills the ventricle, pumped by atrial contraction 34
Ventricular volume still increasing, S4 produced
Cardiac cycle, summary
Arterial blood pressue
• It is a pressure caused by the blood on the wall of the
blood vessels
• Normal Ps: 90 – 140 mm Hg (120 mm Hg)
Pd: 60 – 90 mm Hg (80 mm Hg)
• Hypotension vs Hypertension
• Three factors determine ABP: ABP = CO x TPR
1. Cardiac output
2. Peripheral vascular resistance
3. Blood volume
Blood Pressure Measurement
Variations in ABP
1. Age: ABP rises as age increases
Newborne: 70/50, infants: 90/60, children: 100/70
Adults: 120/80 and old age (>60 yrs): 150/90
2. Sex: After the age of 50, F > M by 5 mm Hg
3. Time of the day: ↓morning, ↑evening
4. Body wt: ABP higher by 10-15 mm Hg in obese
5. Gravity: every 1 cm distance below the level of the heart
increases pressure by 0.77 mm Hg
6. Exercise: increases ABP by 40 – 50 mm Hg
7. Emotion: increases ABP by 10 – 30 mm Hg
8. Deep sleep: decreases ABP by 20 mm Hg
9. Thermal stress; decreases ABP
Regulation of ABP
A. Short-term controlling mechanisms
CNS ischemic response
Baroreceptor reflex
Chemoreceptor reflex
Atrial stretch reflex
Stress relaxation and reverse stress relaxation
Hormonal mechanisms: AD, ND, VP
B. Long-term controlling mechanisms
The renal mechanism
BP Regulation:
↑BP stimulates
Impulse goes
to MO
Figure 15-22: The baroreceptor reflex: the response to increased blood pressure
Vasoconstriction Aldosterone
CVS abnormalities
• Hypertension
• Hypotension
• Arrhythmia and heart block
• Myocardial ischemia and infarction
• Heart failure
• Circulatory shock
• Edema