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Cybersecurity & Ethical

Welcome to this presentation on cybersecurity and ethical hacking.
This will be a deep dive into the world of digital security, covering
essential concepts and real-world applications.
Introduction to Cybersecurity & Ethical
Cybersecurity Ethical Hacking

Protecting computer systems and networks from Using hacking techniques for legal and ethical purposes,
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, such as identifying vulnerabilities and improving security.
modification, or destruction.
Project 1: Information
Gathering Tool
Purpose Usage
A tool designed to collect It can be used to gather data
publicly available information for penetration testing or
about a target system or vulnerability assessment.
Importance of Information
Gathering in Ethical

1 Understanding the 2 Planning Attacks

Target The data gathered can be
Gathering information used to tailor attacks and
provides crucial insights increase the chances of
into the target's success.
vulnerabilities, and
potential attack vectors.
Key Features and Capabilities of
the Tool

Domain Name Lookup

Retrieving information about a domain name, such as IP addresses and DNS records.

Network Scanning
Identifying open ports and services on a network, providing insights into vulnerabilities.

Social Media Analysis

Collecting public information from social media profiles, revealing potential security
Practical Demonstration of
the Information Gathering
1 Target Selection
Choosing a target system or individual for demonstration purposes.

2 Tool Execution
Running the information gathering tool to collect data about the

3 Data Analysis
Examining the collected data to identify potential vulnerabilities
and insights.
Project 2: Password Attack

Password Collection
Gathering passwords, either through phishing or data
breaches, to use for cracking attempts.

Password Cracking
Using specialized software to try different combinations
of characters to guess the password.

Password Recovery
Attempting to recover a password by exploiting
weaknesses in the password storage system.
Ethical Considerations and Responsible Use of
Hacking Tools
Legal Compliance
1 Understanding and adhering to laws and regulations related to hacking activities.

Privacy Protection
Respecting the privacy of individuals and organizations involved in testing.

Informed Consent
Obtaining permission before conducting any hacking activities on systems.

Security Improvement
Using hacking tools to identify vulnerabilities and improve security.
Ethical Hacking Importance
Ethical hacking plays a crucial role in securing digital systems and protecting data.

Responsible Use
2 Using these tools ethically and responsibly is essential to ensure security
and privacy.

Future of Cybersecurity
3 The field of cybersecurity is constantly evolving,
requiring continuous learning and ad

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